At Monadic Warsaw, @ProgrammerDude speaking about servant - a DSL for describing APIs in #Haskell. https://t.co/j9VDMhmzNE
- 18.11.2016, 19:18
Today it's Yakkety Yak, smooth upgrade again. https://t.co/fK5KkTWDrF
- 16.11.2016, 22:10
Pro tip: if you feel like you're sliding off the Ballmer peak, :wq, commit and call it a day.
- 14.11.2016, 23:34
A very enthusiastic talk on network device configuration and provisioning. https://t.co/fbRhsEBnUI
- 14.11.2016, 19:01
RT @DjangoUnderHood: Videos from #DUTH 2016 are now up, together with captions! https://t.co/2hMW2wc4xO Thank you @heretorecord for blazingly fast work ⚡️
- 13.11.2016, 13:04
RT @adriancolyer: The way your hand moves interferes with the wifi signal of your phone and .... oops there goes your PIN!… https://t.co/mZbpBk3ic7
- 10.11.2016, 22:06
RT @pauldwoolcock: o/ the `?` operator in @rustlang has stabilized!!!11!!!1!! https://t.co/HMi4shzDQ7
- 10.11.2016, 22:01
Hey @carljm, I've found an older Instagram release. #duth https://t.co/ynHUijj619
- 6.11.2016, 16:17
The final day of sprints at @DjangoUnderHood. Let's do some more cool stuff! #duth
- 6.11.2016, 11:07
RT @DjangoUnderHood:
- 5.11.2016, 11:40
RT @ThePracticalDev: ¯_(ツ)_/¯ https://t.co/Tz3vckK55O
- 5.11.2016, 11:29
Sprinting at #duth. It feels so good to strike the @DjangoConGong after submitting a PR :) https://t.co/IC7fDWIUbh
- 5.11.2016, 11:23
RT @asksol: Celery 4.0 (latentcall) just went live and is available from PyPI: What’s new: https://t.co/0G8j7ZP605 #python… https://t.co/ivrQ3iy0N4
- 4.11.2016, 22:34
RT @freakboy3742: M: When are you planning to move to Python 3? C: You knows better than to ask an engineer for estimates. #duth
- 4.11.2016, 17:20
RT @freakboy3742: TIL: cProfile can be used to track any statistic that can be returned as an integer, not just CPU time. #duth
- 4.11.2016, 16:55
Instagram uses cProfile in production. #duth
- 4.11.2016, 16:51
RT @idangazit: "This suggests some interesting metrics, for example 'cats per jazz guitarist. " @carljm #duth
- 4.11.2016, 16:47
"the complexity doesn't go away, but it's moved to a service that somebody else maintains" @carljm #duth
- 4.11.2016, 16:32
"We don't just have cat photos; we have cat photos at scale." Instagram as described by @carljm #duth
- 4.11.2016, 16:17
RT @jacobian: "Most people only wrote database backends because they don't have a choice" @manfre #duth
- 4.11.2016, 15:08