Doświadczenie zawodowe
Sales Manager
Electronic Sports League Poland
World Cyber Games Poland
Sporty Elektroniczne Sp. z o.o. (Electronic Sports Ltd.).
We create unique connection between customers and brands. Since 5 years we build and manage on-line gaming communities, with emphasis on organization and development of on-line and off-line events. We offer this as an outstanding, very modern and widely implied marketing tool which allows companies reach very perspective and promising audience.
Our activity concentrates around tens of thousands of professional e-sportsman’s, hundreds of thousands of casual players and millions of occasional players – fans of digital entertainment.
World Cyber Games Poland
Sporty Elektroniczne Sp. z o.o. (Electronic Sports Ltd.).
We create unique connection between customers and brands. Since 5 years we build and manage on-line gaming communities, with emphasis on organization and development of on-line and off-line events. We offer this as an outstanding, very modern and widely implied marketing tool which allows companies reach very perspective and promising audience.
Our activity concentrates around tens of thousands of professional e-sportsman’s, hundreds of thousands of casual players and millions of occasional players – fans of digital entertainment.
Zarządzanie marketingiem
CRM - to nawet notes Pani Kasi ze spozywczaka ;]
Poza tym: narzedzia, strategie i przede wszystkim - eksperci.
EXCEL w praktyce
Pytania, wskazówki, odpowiedzi, komentarze, usprawnienie pracy w EXCELu. Cel: wzajemna pomoc, wymiana doświadczeń, propozycje usprawnień pracy
Systemy ERP
Grupa ma na celu połączyć ludzi, którzy poszukują dla swojej firmy systemu informatycznego wspomgającego zarządzanie. Zapraszam do zadawania pytań odnośnie sytemów klasy ERP, CRM, BI