Zbigniew Karapuda

Dyr. Zarządzającu, Stachema Polska


Zarządzanie klientami Benchmarking Budżety Biznes Analiza biznesowa Rozwój działalności planowanie biznesu Usługi dla firm Strategia biznesowa Negocjacje kontraktu Strategii dystrybucji Szkolenia pracowników Analiza finansowa Budowanie wydajnych zespołów Tworzenie polityk HR HR Project Management Zarządzanie planowanie rynku Strategia marketingowa Negocjacje New Business Development rekrutowanie procowników zarządzanie operacyjne organizacje Umiejętności organizacyjne i priorytetyzacja Rozwój organizacyjny Struktura organizacyjna Planowanie Doświadczenie zawodowe Oceny psychologiczne Psychometria Szkolenia rekrutacyjne Zarządzanie Sprzedażą Zarządzanie usługami Strategiczne planowanie finansowe Planowanie strategiczne Budowanie zepołu Szkolenie Sprzedaż



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Dyr. Zarządzającu
Zarządzanie zespołem handlowym, restrukturyzacja firm, szkolenie handlowców, strategie rozwoju firmy, zarządzanie firmą w kryzysie.

Szkolenia i kursy

Controlling UG u Prof. Olech


Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie


Zarządzanie sprzedażą


Golf, żeglarstwo, psy.


Stowarzyszenie Producentów Chemii Budowlanej - członek zarządu.


Zbigniew Karapuda zbigniew.karapuda@gmial.com
Tel.: +48 505 419 209
Letter of Motivation

I am an experienced expert in sales, with both theoretical skills as a psychologist and practical experience in the preparation of various sales types. I have worked in sales for many years, as a team manager and sales director, at some of the largest corporations, including Shell, Mitsubishi, Citroen, and KCC Polska (Korea Chemical Company). What is more, for the past 5 years I have been the executive director at Stachema Polska Sp. z o.o.

I believe that my experience would be of great interest to any trading company that needs professional managing of its sales team or the creation of such a team by someone having extensive knowledge of the specificity of the Polish market. My knowledge and experience would be especially applicable in case of a crisis or an urgent need for the development of sales opportunities.

I have been the member of the Board of Directors of the Construction Chemical Manufacturers Association in Poland for two years now. The association unites the largest and most influential Polish companies active in the construction industry. Hence, I have a detailed overview of the market shares in this industry and can participate actively in the development of the construction chemicals market in Poland.

Additionally, I have unique competencies that are especially significant for a certain small group of employers closely related to the construction industry, and this includes:
1. Companies selling additives or construction chemicals, e.g. BASF, Sika, HB, Grace, Chryso, Mapei, MC-Bauchemie, Ha-Be, Schomburg, Cemex, etc.
2. Factories producing concrete parts or using concrete for their products (e.g. Prefabet Białe Błota from Bydgoszcz).
3. Construction companies that need sales managers with in-depth understanding of the specific nature of the construction industry, in particular infrastructural contracts, i.e. highways, wind farms, dams, mega-size containers or bridges.
4. Companies trading with construction products and construction chemicals (e.g. Den Braven, Cekol, Atlas, Selena, Kreisel, Schomburg, Henkel, Knauf, etc.).

I was able to gain these competencies as a result of an intensive 5-year period concerning concrete technology at Stachema Polska Sp. z o.o.

Although I am a certified psychologist and have 21 years’ experience as an executive director and sales manager, while working for Stachema I had to thoroughly and empirically explore concrete production technology. What is even more important, I also had to systematise the work of the Concrete Laboratory and create a Database of Concrete Mixtures. I consider this to be a great personal achievement.
Starting from total chaos, I made considerable progress and ultimately achieved full transparency of research results in the Concrete Laboratory (comparison reports for many significant features of a concrete mixture in an integrated "Table of Comparisons"). That was the start of the trading success of Stachema Polska (find attached references from the CEO of Stachema Polska Sp. z o.o.).

Apart from these unique competencies, experience and knowledge, I also specialise in organising, training and managing sales teams. Further information on this subject may be found in my book "System is the solution" - a guide for sales team managers. This book may be downloaded from my website (www.zespolhandlowy.pl), from the section "Baza Wiedzy."

More information about me may be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/edit?trk=nav_responsive_sub_nav_edit_profile
Please find attached my CV.

Zbigniew Karapuda


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