Yuri Orlov

Practice Lead IT&Digital, Finances, Retail and Real Estate


  • Yuri Orlov
    Wpis na grupie career4it w temacie Targi Pracy career4it - Najlepsze specjalisci IT Ukrainy!
    5.08.2015, 10:21

    Szanowni Państwo,

    Zapraszamy Państwa na targi pracy career4it - 8th International Employment Expo For IT Talents, które odbędą się 26 września 2015 w Kijowie.

    Udział w wystawie jest okazją na 1 dzień do prowadzenia nieograniczonej liczby wywiadów ze specjalistami w dziedzinie IT, analizy otoczenia konkurencyjnego, komunikując się z innymi uczestnikami wystawy, i oczywiście - do reklamowania marki pracodawcy!
    Otwieranie linku http://career4it.com daje możliwość zapoznania się ze szczegółowymi informacjami na temat naszej wystawy.

    FORMULARZ REJESTRACYJNY– Targi career4it - 8th International Employment Expo For IT Talents http://www.career4it.com/register

    Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z programem wydarzenia i zachęcamy do rejestracji.

    Z poważaniem,

    Irina Omelchenko
    Sales Manager career4it & GAMEZILLA

    Mobile: +38 067 536 32 97
    Office: +38 044 495 30 11
    Skype: altron4it

  • Yuri Orlov
    Wpis na grupie Praca w IT w temacie Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career...
    5.05.2015, 12:05

    Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career in tech?

    Participate in the 7th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on June 6, 2015 in Lviv/Ukraine (just few kilometers from Poland!)
    Register your stand today and reserve the best location!
    Direct contact: Ms.Irina Omelchenko-Sales Manager, i.omelchenko@career4it.com, +380444953011
    Past participants from Poland: IT Kontrakt, SII, PSY.
    1400 targeted visitors with IT background, looking for new opportunities, 300 vacancies, 10 master-classes.

    Don't forget also to reserve your stand on the 8th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on September 26, 2015 in Kyiv/Ukraine. Registration will open soon!

  • Yuri Orlov
    Wpis na grupie IT Manager w temacie Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career...
    5.05.2015, 12:00

    Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career in tech?

    Participate in the 7th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on June 6, 2015 in Lviv/Ukraine (just few kilometers from Poland!)
    Register your stand today and reserve the best location!
    Direct contact: Ms.Irina Omelchenko-Sales Manager, i.omelchenko@career4it.com, +380444953011
    Past participants from Poland: IT Kontrakt, SII, PSY.
    1400 targeted visitors with IT background, looking for new opportunities, 300 vacancies, 10 master-classes.

    Don't forget also to reserve your stand on the 8th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on September 26, 2015 in Kyiv/Ukraine. Registration will open soon!

  • Yuri Orlov
    Wpis na grupie Business IT w temacie Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career...
    5.05.2015, 11:44

    Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career in tech?

    Participate in the 7th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on June 6, 2015 in Lviv/Ukraine (just few kilometers from Poland!)
    Register your stand today and reserve the best location!
    Direct contact: Ms.Irina Omelchenko-Sales Manager, i.omelchenko@career4it.com, +380444953011
    Past participants from Poland: IT Kontrakt, SII, PSY.
    1400 targeted visitors with IT background, looking for new opportunities, 300 vacancies, 10 master-classes.

    Don't forget also to reserve your stand on the 8th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on September 26, 2015 in Kyiv/Ukraine. Registration will open soon!

  • Yuri Orlov
    Wpis na grupie PRACA PROGRAMISTA w temacie Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career...
    5.05.2015, 11:40

    Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career in tech?

    Participate in the 7th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on June 6, 2015 in Lviv/Ukraine (just few kilometers from Poland!)
    Register your stand today and reserve the best location!
    Direct contact: Ms.Irina Omelchenko-Sales Manager, i.omelchenko@career4it.com, +380444953011
    Past participants from Poland: IT Kontrakt, SII, PSY.
    1400 targeted visitors with IT background, looking for new opportunities, 300 vacancies, 10 master-classes.

    Don't forget also to reserve your stand on the 8th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on September 26, 2015 in Kyiv/Ukraine. Registration will open soon!

  • Yuri Orlov
    Wpis na grupie Job IT w temacie Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career...
    5.05.2015, 11:38

    Are you looking for IT staff? Want to change your career in tech?

    Participate in the 7th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on June 6, 2015 in Lviv/Ukraine (just few kilometers from Poland!)
    Register your stand today and reserve the best location!
    Direct contact: Ms.Irina Omelchenko-Sales Manager, i.omelchenko@career4it.com, +380444953011
    Past participants from Poland: IT Kontrakt, SII, PSY.
    1400 targeted visitors with IT background, looking for new opportunities, 300 vacancies, 10 master-classes.

    Don't forget also to reserve your stand on the 8th International Employment Expo for IT Talents career4it (http://career4it.com) on September 26, 2015 in Kyiv/Ukraine. Registration will open soon!

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