Wiktor Schmidt

CEO @ Netguru


  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Continuously integrate your DNS setup http://t.co/LQEjFkdjcC
    • 19.01.2015, 01:43
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    The Digital Arms Race: NSA Preps America for Future Battle http://t.co/H2a0mLyqL7
    • 18.01.2015, 20:44
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Obama Sides with Cameron in Encryption Fight http://t.co/8KTAFPT3Y3
    • 18.01.2015, 18:39
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Bunch of #opensource apps we've developed during our internal hackathon. Share & contribute! http://t.co/DBa9kbukkv http://t.co/0PwdVBClJt
    • 18.01.2015, 00:56
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Top Free Online #Ruby Tutorials http://t.co/0FsrWpyHqZ http://t.co/TkIcQEhVJN
    • 18.01.2015, 00:04
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Elon Musk Will Build A Hyperloop Track For Ultra-High Speed Transport Tests http://t.co/nHpXefuBau
    • 17.01.2015, 15:26
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    BBC uses RIPA terrorism laws to catch TV licence fee dodgers in Northern Ireland http://t.co/e2Xqu0komu
    • 17.01.2015, 08:33
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Nice slides! #OOSass architecture for #RoR apps http://t.co/pfkpKghr0c
    • 17.01.2015, 04:54
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    How Developing #SPA Influenced Me & My Code http://t.co/xUg59DzcPs
    • 17.01.2015, 02:53
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Confessions of a former TSA officer http://t.co/Yrcx1PTgSN
    • 16.01.2015, 20:44
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Hallo, hola, olá to the new, more powerful Google Translate app http://t.co/n9ROacQDOa
    • 16.01.2015, 15:26
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    How Verizon and Turn Defeat Browser Privacy Protections http://t.co/Aoabyacwp1
    • 16.01.2015, 08:33
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @BartekSiepracki: .@olapsz #HR hero of arguably most likable #tech employer in Poland @netguru 2 talk doubling workforce in a year @ #warszawskiednirekrutacji
    • 15.01.2015, 15:16
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Boost Your #Ruby Skills With Our Handy List Of Resources http://t.co/G85gAjSE8M
    • 15.01.2015, 02:24
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Don't Talk to Corp Dev http://t.co/IG78Ytmmnz
    • 14.01.2015, 20:44
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    The Stunning Scale of AWS and What it Means for the Future of the Cloud http://t.co/039iTY2BZI
    • 14.01.2015, 08:33
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @netguru: Why We Switched From HipChat to @SlackHQ https://t.co/xYwf9I5T6r #communication #remote
    • 13.01.2015, 20:05
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @SultanAlQassemi: US Central Command account @CENTCOM hacked by ISIS supporters | ht BBC http://t.co/skMKrOf7ak
    • 12.01.2015, 19:37
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @netguru: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Communication Across Time Zones https://t.co/IdY6ZegtOw #PM #remote #team
    • 12.01.2015, 19:26
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Live for ever: Scientists say they’ll soon extend life ‘well beyond 120’ http://t.co/y5CuZQUaKc
    • 12.01.2015, 18:39

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