Wiktor Schmidt

CEO @ Netguru


  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @normative: American Sniper: "a sort of Hezbollah martyr video for the Fox News set" http://t.co/bG5ZodVojB
    • 24.01.2015, 16:07
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    “I have secrets”: Ross Ulbricht’s private journal shows Silk Road’s birth http://t.co/3hS9Ms7SrJ
    • 24.01.2015, 15:26
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @BloombergTV: Mission Critical: @Benioff sounds off on cybersecurity: http://t.co/p0CPyrvWTm #wef15 http://t.co/htgMLNtTnS
    • 24.01.2015, 10:34
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @jenoneal: @wiktorschmidt Yep. We made the switch from #PHP to #Rails at http://t.co/ejdyQN5H7R and haven't looked back since.
    • 24.01.2015, 10:26
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    The second "Crypto War" and the future of the internet : Agenda : The World Economic Forum http://t.co/7YzV89chtj
    • 24.01.2015, 08:33
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    How I went from #PHP to #Rails http://t.co/Jp68H18805
    • 23.01.2015, 23:18
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @levie: .@tim_cook Thanks Tim! Apple is quite a great company as well :-).
    • 23.01.2015, 18:42
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Why being a rockstar programmer is not a good thing http://t.co/RGLMy7Pwih http://t.co/3ffrEw9m9V
    • 23.01.2015, 03:48
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    The John Oliver Effect : The HBO Host's Real World Impact http://t.co/o9fIMy9o44
    • 22.01.2015, 20:44
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    The Ronco Principle http://t.co/1ekY6VzidN
    • 22.01.2015, 08:33
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    7 ways to use mindmapping as a developer http://t.co/VF6hoTCJwU http://t.co/vvuLm8SjNS
    • 22.01.2015, 04:14
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Grab an open source extension for @spreecommerce http://t.co/pPHbR4B79w
    • 22.01.2015, 02:39
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    A Designer's War on Misleading Parking Signs http://t.co/paA9yTkT0J
    • 21.01.2015, 20:44
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Andreessen Horowitz Invests in Stack Exchange http://t.co/I24I0RgBOo
    • 21.01.2015, 15:26
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @SuB8u: The world's a playground for true digital companies. Netflix wants to expand to 200 countries globally in two years. https://t.co/qVW2iDLfuu
    • 21.01.2015, 08:55
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    6 places to consider for foreign residency if you ever need a plan B http://t.co/Lw7dT9Y9OO
    • 21.01.2015, 08:33
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Strict peer code review @netguru way http://t.co/zL2jOaSuHV
    • 21.01.2015, 01:58
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    Google Nears $1 Billion Investment in SpaceX - WSJ http://t.co/wSEaN2Bhkb
    • 20.01.2015, 15:26
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    "we keep everything on a master branch and deploy as often as we can" http://t.co/8BrwlsBPqk
    • 19.01.2015, 22:30
  • Wiktor Schmidt
    Wpis na tablicy
    How Amazon Tricks You Into Thinking It Always Has the Lowest Prices http://t.co/GzX2kVg2l7
    • 19.01.2015, 20:44

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