Doświadczenie zawodowe
.NET CF Developer / Architect
Mini Sidoma is mobile version of desktop broker application written originally by Polsoft.
- Designing and changing current architecture of the application
- Extending functionality
- Connecting to existing back-end system
Used technologies:
- .NET (.NET Compact Framework 2.0)
- Designing and changing current architecture of the application
- Extending functionality
- Connecting to existing back-end system
Used technologies:
- .NET (.NET Compact Framework 2.0)
Java Frontend Developer
Solutions for biggest UK lottery in Website Architecture Stream.
- Development of a component based framework for creating dynamic web pages
- Development of new functionality for existing system
- Bug fixing
Project managed according to Prince2 methodology.
Technologies used: WebSphere 5.1, Tiles 2, Struts 1.x, FreeMarker, DB2
- Development of a component based framework for creating dynamic web pages
- Development of new functionality for existing system
- Bug fixing
Project managed according to Prince2 methodology.
Technologies used: WebSphere 5.1, Tiles 2, Struts 1.x, FreeMarker, DB2
Java programmer
Generic solution for gambling system accessible through various channels
(www, sms...)
Reference web channel for online gaming
- Development of new functionality
- Bug fixing
- Porting code from other projects
- Communication with Flash modules
- Design of interfaces for external billing systems
Project managed according to Agile methodology.
Technologies used: JBoss AS, JBoss Portal, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, DB2
(www, sms...)
Reference web channel for online gaming
- Development of new functionality
- Bug fixing
- Porting code from other projects
- Communication with Flash modules
- Design of interfaces for external billing systems
Project managed according to Agile methodology.
Technologies used: JBoss AS, JBoss Portal, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, DB2
The Career Centre at the University of Lodz (Institute of Psychology)
- Providing information and supporting students in developing a career plan and making career decisions, making job descriptions and publishing the vacancies, interviewing students, maintaining employees’ database and students’ record
- Developer of internal system for maintaining employees and employers using Java, Swing, Hibernate and PostgreSQL database
- Developer of internal system for maintaining employees and employers using Java, Swing, Hibernate and PostgreSQL database
Szkolenia i kursy
- SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer SE 5.0)
- MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
- MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications
- MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications
- MCPD: Enterprise Application Developer
- ITIL V3 Foundation Certificate
- Zaawansowana administracja za pomocą skryptów PowerShell
- Oracle10g: Administration I
– Java,JEE,JSF,JPA Hibernate, Spring, Ant, Maven2 tranning
– amg.class "New trends in software engineering", "O/RM tehnologies - hibernate", "Use of ATG Dynamo for internet systems personalization"
– "From a message to communication - how to understand other people"
– "Basics of network and Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system"
– "Co-operation and leading in group"
- SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer SE 5.0)
- MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
- MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications
- MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications
- MCPD: Enterprise Application Developer
- ITIL V3 Foundation Certificate
- Zaawansowana administracja za pomocą skryptów PowerShell
- Oracle10g: Administration I
– Java,JEE,JSF,JPA Hibernate, Spring, Ant, Maven2 tranning
– amg.class "New trends in software engineering", "O/RM tehnologies - hibernate", "Use of ATG Dynamo for internet systems personalization"
– "From a message to communication - how to understand other people"
– "Basics of network and Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system"
– "Co-operation and leading in group"
Participant in “XI Academic Polish Championship in Team Programming” (Team Captain)
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
Doradztwo IT
Grupa dla osób interesujących się doradztwem IT (doradztwem informatycznym). Czy taka gałąź doradztwa jest w ogóle potrzebna? Jaka jest przyszłość branży? Zapraszam do dyskusji :)
Katalog firm IT
Przegląd firm IT, których przedstawiciele są obecni na GL. Opisy kompetencji, możliwość nawiązania kooperacji, znalezienia kontrahenta i/lub współwykonawcy.
Microsoft i wszystko co z nim związane : Licencjonowanie, Certyfikacje/Szkolenia, wiadomości ze świata etc.
.NET 3.0
Microsoft wciąż zaskakuje nowymi rozwiązaniami. Ledwo na rynku zaczyna umacniać się .net 2.0 a już po piętach depcze mu kolejna wersja, bardziej rewolucyjna. Sam jeszcze zgłębiam jej tajniki
Pozycjonowanie - Wyszukiwarki - strony i ich reklama
Wszystko o pozycjonowaniu i reklamie w Internecie.
Praca - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.