Tomasz Mężyński

Tomasz Mężyński

Junior Product Manager, Tech Data Sp. z o.o.



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Tech Data Polska
Junior Product Manager
1.Created a product offer in relation to entrusted product lines.

2.Cooperated with producer:

Collected information regarding products ;

Negotiated the level of advertisement budget and took part in organising special events and promotions;

Negotiated with the producer the conditions of special sales, promotions;

Supervised a proper transfer of financial documents from the producer;

Supported the sales department in contacts between the producer and customer in relation to special contracts;

Managed the mutual supervision of the agreed provisions between the company and the producer;

Maximised trade discounts and bonuses proposed by the producer in its bonus programs;

Worked on sales reports and forecasts of the producer’s needs;

Took care of maintaining good relations with the producer;

Negotiated the terms of stock rotation;

Took care of renting equipment (preparing documentation)

3.Updated information in databases, SAP system, price lists, Intouch, technical specifications, guarantee conditions;

4.Worked on product price lists on the basis of the data received from the producer;

5.Coordinated the proper depreciation of products;

6.Monitored the IT Market by scrutinizing the competition and controlling the market share of entrusted product lines;

7.Coordinated promotions in order to increase the sales;

8.Cooperated with all departments in the company.
Maxdata Sp. z o.o.
Sales&Logistic Specialist
1. Technical support for directors of strategic clients department:

- Supervised key projects in the polish market (in most of the cases public tenders);
- Verified technical specification;
- Cooperated with Headquarters in Germany (negotiations, analyses, translations and every day matters);
- Prepared documentation required for public tenders;
- Cooperated with business partners;

2. Responsible for customers orders:

- Entered orders in SAP system;
- Coordinated the processing of orders;
- Cooperated with Headquarters in Germany in relation to customers’ orders;
- Analysed the technical specification and prepared orders in order to meet customer needs;
- Cooperated with business partners;

3. Managed the web configuration: entering new products and their prices, replacing goods.
PRO-FILL Sp. z o.o.
Assembler of short and medium PCB Series;
Sacel Polska
Employee in Logistic Department;

Szkolenia i kursy

Achieveglobal: “Strategy of cooperation with customer”(2009)

„Effective communication and cooperation in team”;

„Creative solving of problems in organization”;

AKADEMIA MAXDATA – training about latest technology in IT Sector;

Internal trainings, courses in SAP;

Internal courses on PC,NB,SV configuration;


Electronic and Computer Engineering, magisterskie
Politechnika Warszawska


Łańcuch dostaw


Bicycle trips, Mountain tourism,rolls, swimming, books – thrillers;


driving license: B category;
Windows, MS Office, (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Outlook)
Advanced knowledge of MS Excel;
SAP environment;


2 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska jest najstarszą polską uczelnią techniczną. Od ponad 180 lat kształci kolejne pokolenia inżynierów, wnosząc istotny wkład w rozwój nauk technicznych.
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