Tomasz Dabulis

Programista - Senior Developer (mostly Java)
Gdańsk, pomorskie


ADODB Alfresco Code Review CSS DB2 EJB Git Groovy Hibernate Java Java Enterprise Edition JavaScript jQuery jQuery UI JSF JSON Log4j MyBatis Oracle PHP Progress 4GL RichFaces Smarty Subversion Vaadin XHTML Wzorce projektowe Analiza wymagań Prawo jazdy kat B PL / SQL Ant Script Inżynieria odwrotna



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Project: Advanced Product Creation Software

- Design, creation and maintenance of custom rules engine framework (framework able to validate any Java object with criteria defined by user on UI, with full validation report)
- Design, creation and maintenance of custom advanced searching framework (framework able to generate sophisticated native SQL queries, handling 450+ attributes in different contexts, supported with auto-generated and customizable UI search form)
- Design, creation and maintenance of custom bulk update framework.
- Taking active part in designing global solutions
- Taking active part in presenting solutions for client.
- Creating technical and proof-of-concept documentations.
- Coordinating work of small team

Java 8, Vaadin, JBoss, Ant, Maven, IBM DB2 Database
- Java/JavaEE Developer
- PHP Developer
- Frontend Developer (HTML, CSS, Vaadin)
- Graphic designer
- Animation producer, postproduction.
- technical support (,
Sii sp. z o.o.
Senior Software Engineer
Project: LPP SA (2015-04 - now)
- POS (point of sales) Software rebuilding.
- Implements drivers/api for non-fiscal printers.
- Implements drivers/api for cash drawers.
- Reverse engineering.

Java, Oracle, ANT, Tomcat, Jasper, iReports, Servlets, Ivy, JavaPOS


Project: Energa, Progress - SII (2013-11 - 2015-03)
- The first line of support during the client testing phase (checking complaints rightness, tasks delegating)
- Development team management (work planning, task estimation, implementation supervision)
- Organizing and taking part in meetings with the analyst from the client side.
- Creating analytical documentation (~300 pages in Polish) and determining the scope of work.
- Supporting in creating the offers.
- Creating the knowledge base about Progress 4GL technology.
- Reverse engineering.
- Ant scripting.
- Knowledge Acquisition and Documentation about Progress products

Progress 4GL, OpenEdge Developer Studio, AppBuilder, Ant + PCT, ProgressDB


Project: Korona (2013-08 - 2013-10)
Company: Asseco Poland.
- Rewriting software from Delphi technology to Java.
- Creating software able to communicate with Alfresco (by CMIS and RESTful), LDAP and MSSQL databases.
- Creating software able to work as daemon and handling every unwelcome situation (like Alfresco crash or not existing table in database).
- Creating a reporting software able to generate reports as *.xls or *.csv file (depends on configuration).
- Creating software able to modify tiff files and reading their metadata.
- Secure web applications working on JBoss AS using LDAP.
- Creating Ant scripts.

Java, Alfresco, LDAP, JBoss 5.1, MS SQL, Log4j, Ant
ATENA Usługi Informatyczne i Finansowe S.A.
Java Developer
Project: PartenonWeb project.
- Developing sales network system,
- Developing central data system,
- Developing policy record system.
- Building reusable components.
- Removing differences of web application interfaces between different browsers.
- Creating Java / Groovy testing software.

JSF, Seam framework, MyBatis, Richfaces, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery, jQueryUI), Java, Groovy.
Z.U.I. OTAGO sp. z o.o.
JavaEE Developer
Project: Human resources system.
- Developing human resources system.
- Removing differences of web application interfaces between different browsers.
- Designing and create main layout.
- Building reusable components.
- Preparing presentations of software.
- Contact with customers in case of preparing dedicated modifications.
- JSF, Seam framework, Hibernate, Richfaces, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery, jQueryUI)


PHP Developer:
Project: e-office system, customer relationship management (CRM) system.
- Developing e-office and CRM system.
- Building local application framework.
- Building reusable components.
- Removing differences of web application interfaces between different browsers.
- Contact with customers in case of preparing dedicated modifications.
- Preparing presentations of software.
- Oracle 8i, 9i, SQL, PL/SQL, PHP, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery, jQueryUI), ADOdb, Smarts


PL/SQL Developer:
- Developing maintenance fund system,
- Developing budgetary expenditure system.
- The second line of helpdesk.
- Contact with customers in case of preparing dedicated modifications.
- Preparing presentations of software.
- Oracle 8i, 9i, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports

Szkolenia i kursy

2015-01: Komunikacja interpersonalna.

2013-12: Programowanie w języku Progress 4GL - Progress Software

2010-11: Aplikacje Web oparte o Seam Framework. (eng. Web applications in Seam Framework) - Bottega IT Solutions


Informatyka, Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki, specjalizacja: Inteligencja obliczeniowa, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Gdański
Informatyka, Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Gdański


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista Front-End
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista JAVA


- graphics 3d, animations, designing interfaces, video cutting
- cycling, roller skating
- Lego Mindstorms


Tools experience:
Version contol: SVN, GIT,
Software build: Ant, Maven, Make (Linux),
Graphics: Inkscape, GIMP, Adobe Photoshop CS2, Blender
IDE: Eclipse, Oracle Forms, IReports
DB Client: SQL Developer, SQL Tools
Office: Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice
OS: Windows, Linux


3 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
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