Tim Harrell

Lektor Angielskiego


  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Poles in Wrexham:
    7.03.2008, 18:12


    if that's not a word then it should be!

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie From Today's New Warsaw Express
    7.03.2008, 17:23

    A Polish construction worker lost his job after he was caught masturbating with a vacuum cleaner at London’s Great Ormand Street Children’s Hospital, the Polish expatriate website goniec.com reported on Tuesday. The man added insult to injury by telling the security guards who cornered him with his Hoover that he was just cleaning his underwear and that “this was normal practice in Poland”.

    Sounds like more ripe material for the Daily Mail!

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