Tim Harrell

Lektor Angielskiego


  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Will the Celtics beat the Lakers... again?
    15.06.2008, 00:51

    Jarek A.:
    Boston Celtics - L.A. Lakers.

    It's 2:0 in the NBA finals. The games are played in a best-of-se7en formula.

    I wish there'd be numerous contributions to this thread, but I fear I'm the only NBA freak in da house.

    Sorry, I can't help you out as I know nothing about NBA but enjoy watching your baseball games anyway.

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Magic of Flirting!
    15.06.2008, 00:34

    Guy Cautaerts:
    A definition I found:
    Flirting is shining your inner light via your words and deeds in such a way that people are irresistibly drawn to you

    and since the sun shines out of my @*#! that will make attracting the right kind of people even easier!

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Polish is an easy language:
    15.06.2008, 00:11

    Steve Jones:
    There are 3 genders and 14 case endings for Polish nouns (that's 42 possible endings to put on a noun)

    Adjectives change endings to agree with the noun and the endings are different from the noun. That's another 3 genders multiplied by 42.

    42 multiplied by 42 is 1764.

    1764 is the calculation you have to make to stick a noun with an adjective in Polish.

    In English there are 3 possibilities. Same adjective plus either plural noun or Saxon genitive.


    Compare 1764 with 3

    That's ignoring the fact that there is large-scale redundancy - syncretism - in Polish grammar which collapses the search space dramatically.

    Just a few patterns I've come across while thumbing through a polish grammar book at bedtimes.
    (note: sg - singular; pl - plural; N - nominative; A - accusative; G - Genitive; D - Dative; L - Locative; V - Vocative)

    I've rendered them as transformations to emphasise how more obscure declensions reduce to simpler ones (eg with Nominative as the most basic form amenable to learners)

    Masculine Nouns and Adjectives
    Virile: G => A (sg and pl)
    Animate Non-Virile: G => A (sg); A => N (pl)
    Inaminate: A => N (sg and pl)

    Feminine Nouns
    D => L (sg)
    A => N (pl)

    Feminine Adjectives
    D => L => G (sg)
    D => L (pl)
    A => N (pl)

    Neuter Nouns and Adjectives
    V => A => N (sg and pl)
    D => L (pl)

    Note the following universals for nouns, true for both singular *and* plural

    Virile (Masculine Personal): G => A; V => N
    Masculine Inaminate: A => N
    Neuter: V => A => N

    Also, you can't simply multiply 42 for the nouns by 42 for the adjectives because that assumes that adjective declensions are entirely independent of the nouns they qualify. But a rule of polish grammar states that adjectives are bound to agree with the nouns in case, gender and number. Therefore, adjectives only amount to a doubling of the search space over nouns, not a 42-fold increase. In algorithmic (eg computer programming) terms it's one extra lookup in a table (keyed on case, gender and number), not a multiplication of the table by another of the same size (cartesian product).

    So you see... Polish Grammar... what could be simpler? ;)
    Call me a wanker

    Ok, Vocative...Masculine...Personal...Singular... hold on a second, I'll just get my grammar book!Tim Harrell edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.06.08 o godzinie 00:25

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Polish is an easy language:
    14.06.2008, 23:06

    Jamie Stokes:
    I do think that Poles tend to emphasis it's difficulty to foreigners because they are conditioned by the Polish education system to regard their own language as something difficult to be mastered rather than something natural.


    Not only, but also..

    and read more... Mleczko is brilliant!

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Integration
    9.06.2008, 00:44

    If this group had a FAQ, Jon's post should be at the top of it.

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Portray of culture and slang in movies
    6.06.2008, 00:24

    warren whitmore:
    Provide a link to the speech please, Tim.

    ere yer go, Warren

    I Got A Story I Really Need To Tell

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Portray of culture and slang in movies
    6.06.2008, 00:03

    Yo, pay attention
    And listen real closely how I break this slang shit down

    Check it, my weed smoke is my lye
    A ki of coke is a pie
    When Im lifted, Im high
    With new clothes on, Im fly
    Cars is whips and sneakers is kicks

    Lord preserve us! The deputy chief constable of North Wales is giving another racial awareness speech!

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie By their biscuits shall ye know them
    5.06.2008, 23:51

    Gaahh!! Lemon Puffs! Makes me choke just thinking about 'em.
    My theory is that they stopped making them after the Chemical Works at Flixborough blew up in '74.

    The absence of non-Anglos commenting on this Biscuit issue may suggest that biscuits are not seen as a matter of life and death amongst other cultures. A sobering thought.

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Magic of Flirting!
    5.06.2008, 23:31

    Steven H.:
    I used to, but I was forced out. Don't like to talk about it. F--kin' Basil Brush!

    Not Dustin the Turkey???

    Boom! Boom!

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Magic of Flirting!
    4.06.2008, 01:47

    warren whitmore:
    As far as women and their preferences are concerned, it is a far better idea to observe what they do than to listen to what they say.

    There speaks the voice of experience ;-)

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Magic of Flirting!
    4.06.2008, 01:29

    Keith Byrne:
    Violetta P.:
    Keith Byrne:
    That's where the queue starts!

    Incredible! Incredible self-admiration!Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.06.08 o godzinie 20:44

    Two down, two to go!

    Keith, you should have your own TV show

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Magic of Flirting!
    4.06.2008, 00:55

    It may be thought by some that women are paradoxical and contradictory when it comes to such preferences, but this ignores the fact that in biological terms, the female of our species may have her cake and eat it.

    Alpha Male for Lover
    Nice Guy for Husband

    It's been done before, I believe.

    And just to make sure it works... the uniquely human trait of concealed ovulation amongst females.

    If all the men who were cuckolded realised it, then Who Knows? The human race might stop reproducing altogether amidst all the mistrust... so it's probably for the best that men remain in the dark.

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie By their biscuits shall ye know them
    3.06.2008, 19:29

    Biscuits Key to Clinching Business Deals

    As a Brit, I can't say this came as any surprise to me... would *you* buy from any business that offered you Rich Teas or Arrowroot? But I wonder how vital the biscuit issue is in other countries. This is the type of thing the United Nations should have experts consulting on.

    Apparently the ideal number of biccies to take at a business meeting is two. I'm a chocolate hobnob kinda guy, and the only way you'd stop me at two is to cut off both of my hands.

    For those who want to know, you can find out more here:

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Worst Film Ever
    3.06.2008, 18:57

    A late entry: Definitely, Maybe (Na Pewno, Być Moze)

    I was dragged along to see this by someone who lives, breathes and sleeps Candyfloss Rom-Coms, and even she said it was terrible (this was the same person who rated "Because I Said So" a cinematic masterpiece).

    This film was so bad it caused me actual physical pain, and ever since I've developed a limp and a hunched back.

    Don't say you weren't warned.

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Continuous Improvement Management Strategies w temacie Spam Email Titles

    Aby mieć możliwość przeczytania tego posta musisz być członkiem grupy Continuous Improvement Management Strategies

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Continuous Improvement Management Strategies w temacie Spam Email Titles

    Aby mieć możliwość przeczytania tego posta musisz być członkiem grupy Continuous Improvement Management Strategies

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Continuous Improvement Management Strategies w temacie Spam Email Titles

    Aby mieć możliwość przeczytania tego posta musisz być członkiem grupy Continuous Improvement Management Strategies

  • Tim Harrell
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Pani Ola has just left..
    12.05.2008, 01:03

    My own exposure to the great Pani Ola Controversy came as a result of reading a post on another forum from a guy who constantly bashes the Brits, where he name dropped her as a character witness for his argument about the Brits being pathologically dumb, etc, etc

    I couldn't resist this provocation so I wrote a reply, which I'll include here:
    I've read some of her earlier articles, and she seems to be nurturing some kind of persecution complex about being Polish in the sceptred isle, as well as betraying an element of wounded self-hatred that comes across as juvenile and neurotic (like the tone of her articles), as if she wanted to flagellate herself in public for some reason.

    In her article 'Eastern Promises' ( commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/aleksandra_lojekma... she cites a perception that Polish girls are seen as having yellow teeth, which is bizarre. If there is a perception about Polish girls amongst the UK natives, it certainly isn't as yellow-toothed mingers but rather the opposite. Her research for this assertion appears to have consisted of picking up one of those free newspapers on the tube.

    She then goes on to say the following:
    "Or there is the other reaction: yes, they are nice and hard-working, but we will not invite them to tea because their job is dirty. But we can patronise them from time to time and be grateful that the economy has been boosted. And deconstruct them in the media as if they were just cute creatures able to work like robots, take benefits, and get drunk. *** There is no deeper approach in the public realm.." ***(my emphasis)

    So that's it then. Apparently the only approach taken is what she's told us above and no other commentary about the Polish in Britain, in any part of the media, goes beyond this. Note the juvenile and neurotic tone. Mommy must have sent her up to bed early for being naughty.

    'Instrumentalisation' - the word she uses as an example of her superior vocab, is not a word in common currency, at least outside the realms of sociology departments. It is not present in either the Chambers dictionary or the Cambridge (Advanced) dictionary, or in the OED Concise. Try typing it in a Word document and see what your spell checker does (try the -zation version also, in case you have US English). Someone might perhaps mistakenly use it in a music review when what they actually mean is instrumentation.
    Perhaps with her instrumentalizacja she has actually made the same mistake as some of my students, who often say localisation when they mean location (lokalizacja). Maybe she picked it up from French, where it appears to be more popular.

    She also has the quote (from the earlier article): Some urbanites ask: "Well, golly, you're a university professor. Are you sure you want to clean my house?"

    This sounds like something she just plucked out of thin air. The sentence is deliberately ambiguous - perhaps *she* is the person that was asked this question, as many readers will assume, but a glimpse at her profile gives us nothing to indicate she is a professor of anything. Perhaps one of her friends is the professor who went to the clean the house? In which case, might I suggest that her friend writes the next article?
    And that's my last word on Pani Ola.
    As the Arabs say - though the dog barks the caravan will pass.

    For completists, the original thread can be viewed below (WARNING! Reading this forum will expose you to many toxic personalities, including my own)


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