Tadeusz Lewandowski

Key Account Manager Diversey Polska sp. z o.o.
Pruszków, mazowieckie


Prawo jazdy kat B Obsługa komputera i urządzeń biurowych Wysoka kultura osobista,komunikatywność i bezkonfliktowość, Samodzielność, odpowiedzialność, dokładność Dobra organizacja pracy własnej oraz umiejętność pracy zespołowej Umiejetność rozwiązywania problemów i podejmowania decyzji Szybkie uczenie się i umiejetność dostosowania się do nowego otoczenia oraz racjonalne podejście do sytuacji kryzysowej. Z łatwością nawiązuję kontakt z klientami Umiejętność prowadzenia szkoleń i prezentacji

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Diversey Polska Sp. z o.o.
Key Account Manager Diversey Polska sp. z o.o.
The main task entrusted to me after returning to Diversey is the dynamic development of distribution in the Masovian region and key clients, mainly from the cleaning sector, but also catering, hospitality and hotel menagment. Thanks to the search for new opportunities, such as the rental service of scrubbing and collecting machines, very good quality of service for current business partners and acquiring new customers, I completed the year 2021 with 135% of the plan implementation.
I organize and conduct thematic, theoretical and practical training in the use of Diversey technology, as well as presentation of machines and technologies. I also support clients consisting in the optimization of cleaning technology for facilities, the selection of appropriate machines, hand accessories, etc.
Doradca ds higieny
Vermop Polska Sp. z o.o.
The basic duties are professional consulting, training, implementation of new contracts, especially in the areas of hospital hygiene and cleaning companies, development of modern manual cleaning technologies, care for existing customers as well as acquiring new ones, training, and contract implementation. I took part in a project to prepare an optimal cleaning technology for a chain of stores for one of the leading cleaning companies. The entrusted sales plan was implemented in over 100%.
The region of activity is the area of the following voivodships: warmińsko-mazurskie, podlaskie, lubelskie, łódzkie, mazowieckie.
Diversey Polska Sp. z o.o.
Key Account Manager Building Service Contractors
The next stage of development in a company that provides innovative, professional solutions for cleaning.
The basic duties are professional consultancy, training, implementation of new contracts with key partners for the company from the cleaning industry in buildings. Sales plans in each period implemented in over 100%. I took an active part in testing the implementation of innovative dosing systems, new scrubbing and collecting machines as well as autonomous cleaning machines.
Diversey Polska Sp. z o.o.
Regionalny Przedstawiciel Handlowy
Sales development in the Masovian region, care for existing customers, training, contract implementation. In the first year of work in the new department, I won the title of the sales representative of the year.
Diversey Polska Sp. z o.o.
Regionalny Przedstawiciel Serwisu Technicznego
Technical service of Taski machines and dosing installations for gastronomy, hotel industry and laundry. On-the-job training, contract implementation in cooperation with application and sales departments. At that time, I was responsible for the Central and Northeast Region.
Diversey Polska Sp. z o.o.
Administrator Serwisu Technicznego
Administering the activities of the technical service in Poland. Coordination of activities, work accounting and reporting to service and sales managers, inventory, invoicing, etc.
Diversey Polska Sp. z o.o.
Przyjmowanie, wydawanie, przygotowywanie wysyłek do kontrahentów. Zamawianie i dbanie o dostępność części zamiennych w magazynie technicznym, inwentaryzacje.
Operator Obrabiarek Cyfrowych
Zakłady Przemysłu Ciągnikowego Ursus
Support for digital machine tools in the production of drive system components.
Marynarka Wojenna RP
Kompania Reprezentacyjna Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni
Representation of the Armed Forces of the Polish Navy at state ceremonies.
Operator Obrabiarek Cyfrowych
Zakłady Przemysłu Ciągnikowego Ursus
Support for digital machine tools in the production of drive system components.


Profil ogólnomechaniczny, średnie
Zespół Szkół Zawodowych Nr 26 w Warszawie
Profil ślusarz - mechanik, średnie


Usługi profesjonalne


Volunteering, I have been active for years during the finals of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
Historic automotive, especially WV Beetle
Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art
Punk rock music