Seweryna Afanasjew Mrics

Experienced Head of Asset Management


Wycena nieruchomości Asset Managment Budżety Nieruchomości komercyjne Zarządzanie umowami Negocjacje kontraktu Nieruchomości Korporacyjne Disposition Due Diligence zarządzanie obiektami Investment Properties Inwestycje Wynajem administracji Negocjowanie umów najmu Leasing Zarządzanie Negocjacje Zarządzanie portfelem zaopatrzenie Zarządzanie nieruchomościami nieruchomości Real Estate Development Real Estate Due Diligence Ekonomia nieruchomości Finansowanie nieruchomości Transakcji na rynku nieruchomości Strategia Obsługa najemców wycenianie Zarządzanie zespołem Asset Management Landlords

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Santander Bank Polska
Head of Asset Management Team for Property Founds Portfolio
Citibank International plc
Real Estate Director at City Realty Services
Purchasing of building, architects and consulting services, utilities, technical infrastructure equipment; market surveys, RFP; procedure creation; vendor management, contract preparation, negotiation, implementation and assessment.
Preparation of budget ($25 million); capital expenditure budget and reports; cost reductions projects (consolidations and renegotiations) – up to 40% savings; occupancy cost control
Management of Portfolio of 220 properties around Poland, startegy preparation, liaison with business; portfolio optimisation analysis; space allocation (4 thousand moves per year); supervision of building projects; Capital Expenditure Project; outsourcing of facility management services, global real estate management system implementation; reporting to local and regional management;
Supervision of a direct and outsourced staff (100 people) in Poland; recruitment and training, reorganisation of team
Procedure creation, corporate polices implemetation
Property Manager
Cushman & Wakefield Healey & Baker
Negotiation of lease contracts and contracts for appropriate service providers for the building maintenance, bid preparation and valuation, contract formulation and administration, negotiation of prices and conditions of contract, co-ordination of system of planned maintenance for the Property.
Tenants day-to-day liaison, organising meeting, dealing with any queries or complaints from any tenant, licensee or occupier of any part of the Property and to advise the Client accordingly
Service charge set up and monitoring, reconciliation, preparation of annual service charge budgets and budgets for capital expenditure for approval.
Account set up, verification of all demands made upon the Client, income and expenditure statements, preparation of statements of account and balancing, preparing of financial statement on the Property
Properties managed included Tesco Shopping malls in Warsaw, Kraków and Łódź as well as office buildings (Sienna Centre)
Contract Manager
Fluor Daniel Consultants/Gdansk Refinery
Preparation of Inquiry packages and work scope and issue to potential Contractors as required. Review and comparison of received bids. Ensuring both technical and commercial validity. Preparation of bids summary.
Negotiation of prices and conditions of contract.
Contract formulation and administration. Claim administration
Contractor negotiation and preparation of final Contracts. Day to day handling of correspondence and communication. Monitoring of performed work to ensure compliance with Contract.
Handling and verification of claims. Recommendation of claim resolution and preparation of Contract Modifications where necessary.
Contracts handled include Civil, building erection, HVAC, underground piping, Isomerisation plant erection, Sulphur recovery plant erection, Sulphur handling and loading design and erection, piperack erection, and Flue gas duct design and erection.
Additionally involved in Contracts for fireproofing of structural steel and equipment.


, magisterskie
State Licence Real Estate Agent No 12547
Property Appriasal and Management, magisterskie
Sheffield Hallam University
Property Valuation, magisterskie
Warsaw University of Technology
Property Management, magisterskie
State Licence Property Manager No 10609
Low and Business Management Post Graduate Studies, magisterskie
Technical University of Gdansk
Scandinavian Studies, magisterskie
University of Gdansk


Utrzymanie/Zarządzanie nieruchomościami


Horse riding