Robert Zejdel

Contract Director, Aldesa Polska Sp. z o.o.
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Zarządzanie Mobile Operators Network Technology Process Excellence Service Development Service Operations Strategy Implementation organisation development Maintenance Strategy Development Network Operations



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Contract Director
Managing Centralised Passanger System delivery contract worth aprox 200mpln
 responsible for contacts with customer (PKP PLK)
 formal representation of Aldesa in project organisation
 procurement management
 strategy development
 claims management
 budget management
PKP TELKOL Sp. z o.o.
Technical Office Director
 Managing Technical Office, responsible for telecommunication infrastructure modernization and construction contracts, service delivery, cost estimation, project preparation and permits coordination. Respponsible for internal IT service delivery, system and application development, main contracts negotiations, technical competence and partnership development.
Dyrektor Biura Realizacji Usług
PKP Budownictwo Sp. z o.o.
 Managing Service Delivery Office, assuring efficient maintenance contracts and other works realization, managing offering process for maintenance services and other works, assuring competence development and efficiency increase in the office. Focussing on business development in the area of telecommunications and maintenance services.
Thales Polska Sp. z o.o.
Dyrektor Wsparcia Operacyjnego
Manage Purchasing & Logistics Department
Assure efficient selection and contracting process for materials and services necessary to run projects and to support operation in Poland
Providing support for bid offers in respect of Purchasing & Logistics responsibility scope
Manage Service & Commissioning Department
Assure competence development and efficiency increase in service team
Manage Production (relay technology, elements/modules for railway signaling system, production and repair)
Close cooperation and support in management of Quality Team
Polkomtel Sp. z o. o.
Dyrektor Departamentu Operacji Sieci i Usług
Polkomtel S.A.
Responsible for Network and Service Operations Department, main responsiblility is to manage countrywide organisation aprox. 240 people located all over Poland, assuring high network and service availablity for mass market but also required availability of the dedicated services for business customers (including OLA/SLA) in efficient manner.
Polkomtel Sp. z o. o.
Dyrektor Departamentu Eksploatacji Sieci
Polkomtel S.A.
Network Operations Department Director reporting directly to CTO, responsible for Network Operation teams and groups all over the country (about 250 technicians, engineers and technical experts), main responsibility is to provide high availability of the network in the optimal, most efficient way, responsible for Network Operations Department budget (aprox. 200 MPLN) and strategy, support contract negotiations and realisation, tenders for systems, solutions and tools for NO.
Polkomtel Sp. z o. o.
Dyrektor Departamentu Technicznego
Polkomtel S.A.
Technical Department Director reporting to Deputy CTO or later directly to CTO, responsible for HQ organisation of Technical Department including Fixed Network, Transport Network, RF, Site Acquisition & Development and Network Operations Departments, responsible for TD budget coordination (preparation and realisation reporting), direct responsibility for Technical Department budget (aprox. 300 MPLN) main contract negotiations, tenders realisation for new platforms and technologies, setting a right standards for planning, engineering, implementation and operation for TD, involved in the main activities of the company like strategy creation, cost efficiency programs, strategic projects requiring technical competences.
Polkomtel Sp. z o. o.
Z-ca Dyrektora Departamentu Technicznego
Polkomtel S.A.
Deputy Director of Technical Department reporting to Technical Department Director, responsible for day to day operation of the Department, preparing to overtake full responsibility for the Department from Airtouch expat.
Polkomtel Sp. z o. o.
Kierownik Eksploatacji Sieci
Polkomtel S.A.
Network Operations Manager in Headquarters reporting to Network Operations Director, responsible for NO headquarters organisation, preparation of NOs HQ budget (main support contracts), setting right NO standards, development of procedures and instructions, internal reporting of technical quality parameters, support for new service, product and technology implementation projects in scope of NO responsibility, responsible for building organisation based on polish professionals and smooth overtake of the responsibility for the network operations from Airtouch expats.
Orange Polska S.A.
Kierownik Sekcji ISDN
Main responsibility was to support ISDN service launch. It was a pilot project dedicated to business customers, based on the Komertel network. In the scope of the responsibility was to create a set of technical documents, procedures and instructions decribing technical side of the technology, line measurment and verification methodology, acceptance tests on the network (switch side) and customer end. Later main responsibility was to support countrywide proces of ISDN service launch by interoperability tests between different switching systems and international SS7 interoperability tests.


Management in Telecommunication, studia podyplomowe
Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne
Informatyka w Instytucie Automatyki, magisterskie
Politechnika Warszawska


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem
Obsługa klienta


Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska jest najstarszą polską uczelnią techniczną. Od ponad 180 lat kształci kolejne pokolenia inżynierów, wnosząc istotny wkład w rozwój nauk technicznych.