Robert Suchocki

Project Manager, iLoop Mobile Inc.
Kraków, małopolskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Project Manager
Archer Mobile Inc.
Leading complex, bespoke, multi-phase mobile projects for blue chip and start-up clients spanning across all industries including retail, automotive, pharmaceutical, and entertainment.

•Managing and leading IT development teams composed of Java engineers, web developers, analysts, QA engineers, and graphic designers on a day-to-day basis.

•Responsible for the conceptualization, plan, and development of complex mobile SMS/MMS campaigns according to defined requirements.

•Developing mobile optimized websites - providing innovative concepts & designs, delivering mockups & wireframes, site development, and site launch.

•Supporting Account Managers in scoping new projects, developing project plans and timelines, and communicating with clients on new and existing projects.
Project Manager
Medical Marketing Research Group
Leading projects in the biopharmaceutical industry that provided our client's with critical business intelligence through a detailed process of identifying, profiling, assessing and engaging with key stakeholders across the entire world.

• Lead role in management of project teams and client communication throughout project entirety from initial kickoff to client delivery and presentation.
• Responsible for communicating client needs and customizations to both project and IT teams.
• Accountable for ensuring that both internal & external projects meet all specified requirements.
• Developed a new operations model and executed its rollout for entire organization.
• Standardization officer and in charge of training new employees in our internal systems
• Responsible for the creation, hiring, and development of the Branded Solutions Poland department and the transfer of organization knowledge to the new teams.
• Led team of 10 employees through all phases of projects for clients in an variety of languages (English, French, Spanish, Japanese, etc) while adhering to client deadlines and milestones.


Business Administration - International Business, licencjackie
The College of New Jersey


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem


Podharcmistrz w Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego pgK (poza granicami Kraju)
Kapitanem Kraków Tigers (American Football)


Dla osób mieszkających, studiujących, pracujących lub zamierzających pracować/mieszkać/studiować*) w Krakowie lub okolicach *)niepotrzebne skreśl
Top Manager
Top Manager
Zapraszam do dyskusji kadrę zarządzającą i młodych ludzi na początku kariery zawodowej.
Grupa dla zarządzających, chcących zarządzać i lubiących dzielić się wiedzą z zakresu zarządzania.
Zarządzanie Projektami
Zarządzanie Projektami
Celem grupy jest upowszechnienie idei zarządzania poprzez projekty oraz wzajemna wymiana doświadczeń.