RT @verge: Google is making fake human skin to test its cancer-detecting nanoparticles http://t.co/70qOnOcdoK http://t.co/2nQf8LLvv2
- 31.01.2015, 06:52
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/Q1Xyf2RZTv Inside a Camera at 10,000fps - The Slow Mo Guys
- 31.01.2015, 06:36
RT @mashable: The @GameOfThrones show will probably reach the ending before the books: http://t.co/0BDXdTqp6B http://t.co/Ke09YowuSv
- 31.01.2015, 06:26
Marked as to-read: The Software Craftsman by Sandro Mancuso http://t.co/ciZVohnae4
- 30.01.2015, 19:20
I discovered an interesting #GitHub repo: http://t.co/DxOAsEAHE8 (because RaVbaker starred lorin/ansible-quickref)
- 30.01.2015, 10:48
My fitbit #Fitstats_en_US for 1/29/2015: 8,033 steps and 6.6 km traveled. http://t.co/tJBnufCi5x
- 30.01.2015, 07:06
Ray Kurzweil’s Mind-Boggling Predictions for the Next 25 Years (via @Pocket) http://t.co/47yaqCjDJr
- 29.01.2015, 18:42
Stop pruskiej edukacji! (via @Pocket) http://t.co/uBORf1gmLm
- 29.01.2015, 18:33
I discovered an interesting #GitHub repo: http://t.co/pF5wf6U8xK (because RaVbaker starred petere/homebrew-postgresql)
- 29.01.2015, 15:07
Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle on @IFTTT: https://t.co/6zQVRrgyiL
- 29.01.2015, 09:55
My fitbit #Fitstats_en_US for 1/28/2015: 4,807 steps and 3.7 km traveled. http://t.co/tJBnufCi5x
- 29.01.2015, 08:02
No nie wierzę… ktoś TO… skomponował! http://t.co/ZXJHttwYG5
- 28.01.2015, 13:54
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/cD3vtuqGad Electric Sunrise Number 1
- 28.01.2015, 13:54
My fitbit #Fitstats_en_US for 1/27/2015: 8,637 steps and 6.7 km traveled. http://t.co/tJBnufCi5x
- 28.01.2015, 10:02
Marked as to-read: Practical Machine Learning by Ted Dunning http://t.co/KaExVmR35w
- 28.01.2015, 06:36
Use my Uber promo code, uberravbaker, and get zł20 off your first Uber ride. Redeem it at https://t.co/sRFbpXAeuX
- 27.01.2015, 17:10
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/mwhuLKOTK7 SuperNews!: "Gates vs. Jobs" (PL Napisy)
- 27.01.2015, 16:30
Ray Kurzweil’s Mind-Boggling Predictions for the Next 25 Years http://t.co/F7Qj9Km4IK - future is near...
- 27.01.2015, 09:51
My fitbit #Fitstats_en_US for 1/26/2015: 7,708 steps and 6 km traveled. http://t.co/tJBnufCi5x
- 27.01.2015, 09:03
Nowojorska afera śniegowa…Chciałbym żeby to była kampania promocyjna kolejnej książki #GRRM -Winds of winter. Ale nie dowiemy się bo #FBdown
- 27.01.2015, 07:56