Rafał Marcin Mazurkiewicz

Senior developer/Designer - COBOL
Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Nordea Bank Polska S. A.
CMOD administrator
Accenture Sp. z o.o.
Senior COBOL Developer
COBOL developer
Circle K
Development & maintenance of Payment & Loyalty system
Mainframe, COBOL, DB2
Sii sp. z o.o.
Senior COBOL developer
1. Development and maintenance of DUET system (BankMaster support system) for DnB NORD bank:
Technologies: HP-UX server, data stored in indexed files, COBOL programs, shell & awk scripts, MS Office

2. Development and maintenance of Polkomtels billing system - Spectrum 2000
Technologies: Alpha Server, Sybase, OpenVMS, COBOL, MS Office, SQuirell, Embracadero, Debugger, Lotus Notes
Senior COBOL developer
Development of SSR system (Centralized Clearing System) for PKO BP
Linux + ORACLE + COBOL + shell
Sii sp. z o.o.
Senior COBOL developer
1. Development and maintenance of DUET system for DnB NORD.
HP-UX, COBOL, awk, shell, data in indexed files, svn

2. Development and maintenance of Polkomtels billing system - Spectrum 2000
Technologies: Alpha Server, Sybase, OpenVMS, COBOL, MS Office, SQuirell, Embracadero, Debugger, Lotus Notes
CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants (Polska) Sp. z o. o.
Lead Consultant
Development of billing system (Spectrum 2000) for Polkomtel SA:
- Design of new solutions, the analysis of existing code, program online routines / transactions and batch routines /programs, preparation of technical documentation, unit tests and integration tests
- involved in projects: MINA (Migration of Intelligent Network), GPRS Limiter, Onephone (Kwotoreduktor), Discount dependency on count of services, VAT 23%, BSS transformation Phase 1, IN SWAP and more
- Technologies: HP Alpha server, Sybase DB, OpenVMS, COBOL, SQL, C++, MS Office, SQuireL SQL, Debug Tool, Lotus Notes, Unix, shell & SQL scripts
mBank S.A.
Senior developer - Cobol, mainframe
Development of Integrated Information System (ALTAMIRA/ALNOVA):
- Merge of source code from Mbank and Multibank code lines, design of new solutions, the analysis of existing code, program online routines / transactions and batch routines /programs, preparation of technical documentation, unit tests and integration tests.
- Technologies: IBM Mainframe Server, IBM DB2, z / OS, TSO, COBOL, CICS, Expeditor, Change Man, MS Office, RCQuery, Debug Tool, Jira, Mantis, Vision Inspect, Control-M
7N Sp. z o. o.
Senior developer - Cobol, mainframe
Development of Integrated Information System for the Danish banks:
- Design of new solutions, the analysis of existing code, program online routines / transactions and batch routines / programs, preparation of technical documentation, unit tests and integration tests
- Technologies: IBM Mainframe Server, IBM DB2, IBM, DL/1/IMS, z / OS, TSO, COBOL, CICS, Expeditor, Librarian, MS Office, RCQuery, Erwin Data Modeller, Remedy (Action Request System)
Softbank SA
Analyst / Developer/ Programmer - COBOL, DB2, mainframe
Implementation of integrated information system in PKO BP (ALTAMIRA/ALNOVA):
- the Services team (transfers, direct debits, exceptions, checks, mass payments, standing orders): analysis of existing code, design of new solutions, programming, unit tests and integration tests, create and update documentation, additional function: batch processing administrator
- Technologies: IBM Mainframe Server, IBM DB2, z / OS, TSO, COBOL, CICS, Control-M, Change Man, Revolver, MS Office, MS Share Point server
Datacom Software Sp. z o.o.
Analyst / Developer/ Programmer/ Implementer - Visual Basic, SQL Server
- Analysis, design, program and implementation of a system for recording and reporting transactions to the General Inspector of Financial Information for Deutsche Bank and tools: MS Visual Basic, Crystal Reports, MS SQL Server
- Analysis, design, program and implementation of automation and processing of orders submitted by customers' securities division for Deutsche Bank and tools: MS Visual Basic, Crystal Reports, MS SQL Server
- New features (such as time management for employers) and the upgrade of Synchro CRM system, tools: PHP, MS SQL Server
- A system for handling fees for dealers of units for the Union Investments TFI, tools: MS Visual Basic.NET, Crystal Reports, MS SQL Server
- A few file converters of various formats banking tool: MS Visual Basic
Terminus Sp. z o.o.
Developer/ Programmer/ Implementer
- Project and development of database applications, the development of CRM applications, the e-mail module to the system Qmax CRM
- Writing a module that integrates SAP Business One with the existing MS SQL system
- Programming the system Softlab Magazine
- Implementation of CRM systems
- Tools: MS Visual Basic, Crystal Reports, MS SQL Server, MS Access
Integrakom Sp. z o.o.
Technical department specialist
- Design and development an online store
- Assembling, starting, configuring and administration of PCs, Servers (IBM Netfinity), peripherals, and networking
- Designing and development a database application (MS Access) for purpose of recording customers / contracts
- Administration of the Internet access server (linux)
- Creating of commercial offers to customers

Szkolenia i kursy

2006 - z/OS REXX Programming Workshop (ES52 IBM training)
2006 – CICS Application Programming I (CI17 IBM training)
2011 – Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 Query Optimization
2012 – TIBCO Business Works (JMS, DB, WS)
2012 – Java self-training
2012 – project costs estimations labs
2012 – Redmine training
2013 – Security of web applications: JEE & .NET


Wydział Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych, specjalność - Inżynieria Komputerowa, inżynierskie
Politechnika Warszawska


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania


Motorcycles, billiards, snooker, skiing and snowboarding, mountain trekking, rock climbing, basketball, soccer, tourism


4 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska jest najstarszą polską uczelnią techniczną. Od ponad 180 lat kształci kolejne pokolenia inżynierów, wnosząc istotny wkład w rozwój nauk technicznych.
Dla wszystkich zainteresowanych tą grą
Grupa dla wszystkich zainteresowanych platformą mainframe.
Motocykliści są wszędzie.
Praca w IT region DACH
Praca w IT region DACH
Zone IT - jeżeli jesteś specjalistą z dziedziny IT i chcesz rozwijać swoje umiejętności w projektach międzynarodowych, to u nas znajdziesz najciekawsze oferty pracy!
życie jest jak snooker nic dwa razy się nie zdarza
Wspinaczka skałkowa. Dla prawdziwych entuzjastów, wspinających się nie tylko na sztusznych ściankach.