Rafał Karwacki

Marketing Director, Project Manager, Communication Manager, Board Advisor, blogger, e-commerce Manger
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Reklama B2B rozwój marki Zarządzanie Marką Budżety Copywriting Corporate Branding Digital Marketing E-commerce Zarządzanie planowanie rynku Analiza rynku Marketing Komunikacja Marketingowa zarządzanie marketingiem Badania marketingowe Strategia marketingowa Planowanie mediów Aplikacje mobilne Komunikacja mobilna Mobilny Internet Marketing Mobilny Negocjacje nowe media Reklama online Marketing internetowy PRINCE2 marketing produktu Project Management Public Relations Sales Social Media Social Media Marketing Strategic Communications Planowanie strategiczne Strategia Budowanie zepołu Przywództwo w zespole Zarządzanie zespołem E-mail marketing PRINCE2 Fundation



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Board Advisor
Think Love Juices Sp. z o.o. (Start-up company)
- A nationwide network project with healthy food and juices (franchise, waypoints) created by Anna Jagodzinska - global top model & celebrity
- Strategic business consulting
- Optimization of management processes
- Marketing Strategy
- Communication channels
- Optimization of the structure of employment, personnel management
- Marketing strategy (ATL/BTL)
- Implementation of the objectives of the Board
- Negotiations
- Franchise strategy & implementation
- Cooperation with agencies (marketing, HR, finance)
- Raports
Director of Marketing
Daymen Polska Sp. z o.o.
• developing and implementing a marketing strategy and corporate communication
• planning and carrying out online marketing campaigns for product lines
• preparing mobile applications for the development of the sales network
• organizing events that build the company’s brand and market position (training, fairs, exhibitions)
• building relations and contacts with the opinion-forming environment and experts
• a member of a global team in the internal communication platform and data warehouse project
• working with advertising agencies and media houses
• conducting CSR activities (e.g. working with the Technical School of Photography in Warsaw)

Selected achievements:
• carrying out a campaign for the “life-long guarantee” service (period: 6 months):
◦ channels: trade press, www (trade portals, blogosphere, ePR, forum moderating, FB)
◦ goal: promoting the service, building the image of a responsible brand, increasing sales
◦ result: achieving image-related goals: over 22% market growth, 37% sales increase
• carrying out the campaign “40 Years of Lowepro” (period: 12 months)
◦ channels: trade press, www (trade portals, blogosphere, ePR, forum moderating, FB, a FB contest)
◦ goal: promoting the brand as an important producer of accessories accompanying well-known photographic brands (Nikon, Canon, Olympus) since it was founded
◦ result: strengthening the leader position, sales targets exceeded by 14% y/y, new customers: targets exceeded by 9%
• maintaining the market leader position for many years, 20-27% shares, the Lowepro brand recognition: 78%
• a threefold sales increase over 2 years by building the Lowepro Ambassadors group
• business goals exceeded by 15% in the first year after implementation of a platform for communication with clients
• a threefold turnover increase by concluding strategic contracts (MediaMarkt, Saturn, EuroRTVAGD)
Daniel K.
Daniel K. · współpracownik
Nietuzinkowa postać w świecie reklamy i PR. Olbrzymi szacunek do Klienta i współpracowników, a przy tym świetne zdolności komunikacyjne!
Director of Marketing
Grupa NEUCA (prev. Prosper SA)
• coordinating PR activities for the Prosper Group companies, including activities related to investor relations
• developing and carrying out a loyalty program development strategy for 1050 outlets
• e-commerce: developing and implementing new technologies for cooperation with the company’s clients
• active participation in acquiring external financing sources for marketing activities
• communicating with 15 distribution centers with regard to marketing activities
• conducting CSR activities, e.g. supporting PAH (Polish Humanitarian Action) charity campaigns

Selected achievements:

• e-commerce: implementing the platform eADC.pl (virtual pharmacy) for B2B and B2C
◦ 31% increase in order processing
◦ shortening the order processing time by 80%
• increasing the Apteka Dobrych Cen (Pharmacy of Good Prices) franchise system by 27% over 1 year
• 16% increase in the number of partners of the Apteka Dobrych Cen program over 4 months
• organizing the Forum Medicamentum: 1000 pharmacists, 1 day, turnover: PLN 4.5m
• creating an ADC warehouse for pharmacies, financed by partner marketing budgets
• introducing a uniform promotion system in the pharmacy chain, financed by supplier budgets
Marketing Director, Press Spokesman
Olympus Europe
• developing the company’s marketing strategy, including PR activities
• coordinating marketing cooperation with representatives of individual brands
• launching the following brands in Poland: Canon, Leica, Nikon
• developing and implementing a consistent marketing policy (a franchise, a loyalty program)
• developing training programs for partners
• working on a regular basis with teams from Germany (Olympus) and Austria (Canon)

Selected achievements:

• Euro-Color, a leader in the photographic sector for many years, turnover: up to PLN 180m
• Olympus brand: 35% market share, a compact digital camera sales leader
• a pioneering market integration project (180 FotoKlub outlets): joint marketing and visualization
• creating a distribution network generating 30% of the company’s turnover: 230 outlets (the FotoStop network, the FotoKlub franchise)
• pioneering CSR activities, e.g. introducing internal practices “The Code of Business Conduct”

Szkolenia i kursy

2014 r. PRINCE2 Fundation Certyfikat
2013 r. Cloud Solutions, Warszawa
2012 r. CSR Kongres GPW, Warszawa
2012 r. Kongres Public Relations, Wrocław
2011 r. PR FORUM, Warszawa
2008 r. Psychologiczne aspekty kierowania ludźmi w organizacji UED
2006 r. Management 2006, Canadian International Management Institute, Warsaw, Poland
2006 r. Dzień Polskiej Farmacji – konferencja środowisk farmaceutycznych.
2006 r. Nokia Business Conference – Drogi do sukcesu. R.Gwiazdowski – Centrum im. A.Smitha


e-commerce, studia podyplomowe
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
Zarządzanie i Marketing, magisterskie
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie


Marketing internetowy i mobilny
Zarządzanie marką
Zarządzanie marketingiem
Public Relations
Zewnętrzny PR


biologia, numizmatyka, rajdy terenowe, majsterkowanie


2017 - The Primus Foundation: a member of the Council of the Primus Foundation
2006 - Member of the Board - pfm.pl Sp. z o.o.
od 2005 - Amnesty International Poland / Member


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