Rafał Jackiewicz
Marketing Manager
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Marketing Manager
- Responsible for business growth through online channels, such as: e-mail marketing, SEO, SEM, and Social Media.
- Developing relationships with business partners in order to build competitive advantages.
- Building and executing the marketing strategy, i.e. analysis of the market, customer segmentation, advertisement and promotion, and budget management.
- Building and managing a team of specialists; overall accountability for its results.
- Developing relationships with business partners in order to build competitive advantages.
- Building and executing the marketing strategy, i.e. analysis of the market, customer segmentation, advertisement and promotion, and budget management.
- Building and managing a team of specialists; overall accountability for its results.
Marketing & Sales Director
- Planning the operational activities of Marketing and Sales Department.
- Managing company’s OPEX by negotiating with suppliers of goods.
- Responsible for the budget management and creation of sales forecasts.
- Managing the Marketing and Sales Department team, i.e. goals setting, monitoring and control.
- Managing company’s OPEX by negotiating with suppliers of goods.
- Responsible for the budget management and creation of sales forecasts.
- Managing the Marketing and Sales Department team, i.e. goals setting, monitoring and control.
Marketing Specialist
- Responsible for creating and executing marketing plans for company’s strategic brands.
- Coordinating internet campaigns by using selected models, e.g. CPC, CPL, CPA, CPI, or CPM.
- Managing websites by improving traffic and user engagement index, including cooperation with external agencies and media houses.
- Coordinating internet campaigns by using selected models, e.g. CPC, CPL, CPA, CPI, or CPM.
- Managing websites by improving traffic and user engagement index, including cooperation with external agencies and media houses.
Marketing handlowy
czy ktoś z was jest może studentem ACCA?
lub chciałby nim być?
a może ktoś ma już te kwalifikacje?
W ogólnym założeniu grupa ma skupiać profesjonalistów z dziedziny szeroko rozumianych finansów, ze wskazaniem na księgowych i podatkowców oraz ma służyć wymianie informacji i doświadczeń, a także umoż
Audyt wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny, audyt wykorzystania środków UE, egzaminy i certyfikaty w audycie.
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
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