Radosław Czernych

doktorant GUMed


  • Radosław Czernych
    Wpis na grupie Buddyzm w temacie Pokój powitalny

    Aby mieć możliwość przeczytania tego posta musisz być członkiem grupy Buddyzm

  • Radosław Czernych
    Wpis na grupie Angielski w biznesie w temacie Konferencja miedzynarodowa dla czlonkow...
    4.10.2009, 21:52

    Before I suggest my question I would like to thank you Chris for all your efforts that you've made for this group to make it as interesting and useful as it can be!

    and here goes my question:

    In opinion of Mr. Wilson, how much (preferably in percent) of companies budged should be spent for an effective advertisement policy, for small and medium-sized company.


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