Here's my latest work. Enjoy :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbfYTZIaIlg -
Anyone been to the Global Gathering? Here's my movie plus some good music stuff from my friends ;)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWbZhimE15k -
Materiałów w czystej postaci nie ma za wiele. Za to jest sporo okazji do przeprowadzenia własnych badań, chociażby na zbliżających się eventach. Klubów też w Polsce coraz więcej i ich jakość również rośnie.
Here is my another production :) Enjoy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YNb_HgX55w -
As I promised, the movie from Klub Ekwador IX Birthday.
Duration: 09'35"
Recording Date: 14/02/2009
Edit: Roman Majewski
Director of Photography: Przemek Tokarski / Roman Majewski
Production: DarkVision Productions -
Alicja Efejska:
Przemek Tokarski:
Armada is a publisher. Producer of this video is Darkvision from Poland. They also made full movie from this event (Transmission - Prague 2008) and also many film releases from Polish events
Przemek, did Darkvision make a movie of Markus Schulz's perfect gig in Wroclaw? It was a real masterpiece in electronic music. Could you send us a link as well? :)
Probably they have just short shots, cause they weren't making full movie, just "afterfilm" (3-4 minutes of best moments). I'll send a link when Godskitchen 2009 will be available. Until then I can show latest productions:
Club Ekwador XI Birthday:
This was also made by me (I worked as camera operator). Soon we'll release full movie.
Global Gathering '08 Full:
Not my work, but I was there having great time :) You can see me at 3:43 with my darling :D
P.S. Agnieszka S., Your post about Borys is a joke right? This is a topic about House/Trance music ;)Przemek Tokarski edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.05.09 o godzinie 04:00 -
Alicja Efejska:
Przemek Tokarski:
Great track from Marcus Schulz and BTW very nice video made by my friend.
How come? It's Armada production, isn't it?
Armada is a publisher. Producer of this video is Darkvision from Poland. They also made full movie from this event (Transmission - Prague 2008) and also many film releases from Polish events (like Tunnel Electrocity)
Here is a great moment taken from last Transmission - Rank 1 intro. Just look at the marvelous lasers and synchronized effects...
http://vimeo.com/channels/dvp#3452382 -
Great track from Marcus Schulz and BTW very nice video made by my friend. -
Pryda nie powala ale ten kawałek ma w sobie coś.
Z pojedynczych kawałków moim typem z jest Pryda - Rakfunk
Najlepszy set jaki słyszałem na żywo w tym roku zagrał Tocadisco podczas Sensation.
zaś znaleziony w sieci: Dada Life - September Mix
Ale i tak najlepsze sety na nowy rok będą grane dopiero 31.12 we Wrocławiu na I Love New Year ;) -
Our news from Sensation:http://www.viddler.com/explore/tvwalbrzych/videos/561/...
Go at 14:46 min of the movie - there's the beginning. Don't bother rest, it's our daily service.
Soon we will publish full report.
BTW Sander Van Doorn is comming back to Poland - 30.12.2008/01.01.2009 - I Love New Year at Hala Stulecia in Wrocław. I was lat time on first edition and I can fully recomend this event. -
Here's a recording from Amsterdam's Sensation Megamix. It blows my mind! Hope our will be as good as this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu1H4y2E6fg&feature=rel... -
Co za wykład. Zgadzam się jednak z twoimi słowami. Jeśli ktoś kocha muzykę nie będzie niszczył sobie jej odbioru pakując w siebie gównianą chemię. Ja nie potrafię się już dobrze bawić gdy wleję za dużo alkoholu. Kompletnie nie rozumiem ludzi którzy ćpają albo piją do upadłego :/ Nie są w stanie ani wczuć się w muzykę, nie mówiąc już o wyrwaniu porządnej kobiety ;)
Alicja, I saw Marco three times so he's not a suprise for me. I'm more curious about Laidback Luke or Mason. And my favourite is Marcel Woods. I miss a big part of his set at Sunrise so I neet to repair it ;) Marco was very good then, he recieved a reward for the best performance at Sunrise 2007. But two weeks later he was at Electrocity and... he played the same set :/
Bogumił, unfortunately I don't know him, but there are so many of us that it's very difficult to know everyone. -
Dobry kawał roboty. Jak na 8 godzin dłubania to świetny efekt. Kojarzę UM z myspace i pamiętam że produkcje zawsze były na poziomie.
I will be for sure! Don't know for who I will work this night but I can't miss it. Ocean of white will flood us all.
Here's a recording from first original event this year
http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=IQSVHo3Oyi0&feature=related -
Skoro piszesz że radzisz sobie całkiem dobrze, to zastanów się czy tak naprawdę są ci takie lekcje potrzebne. Nie napisałeś na jakim sprzęcie grałeś, więc jedyne czego mógłbyś się nauczyć od kogoś to jego obsługa. Jeżeli masz to opanowane, to pozostaje pochodzić po dobrych klubach i posłuchać jak grają profesjonaliści. I przede wszystkim miksować samemu jak najwięcej. Eksperymentuj i szukaj własnych rozwiązań. Większość DJ'ów powie ci że sami dochodzili do wszystkiego.
Marek Szpitun:
Radio One Essential Mix
Sander Van Doorn & Mauro Picotto :: 2008-09-13
Listen live on http://er7radio.com/
Psssss, don't tell anyone.
One big WOW with even BIGGER THANKS! I'm downloading right now but I know it will be superb! -
Kupię kartę muzyczną Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music. Koniecznie ten model. NIE interesują mnie Audio ani Gamer.
Kontakt poprzez skrzynkę GoldenLine lub na e-mail: the.playr@gmail.com -
Let's get back to the music ;)
Here's one of the greatest Polish events - Tunnel Electrocity. One of three stages was placed inside the church!
IMO the best set belong to Joachim Garraud. For those who don't know, he's the producer of David Guetta and as I say, the father of his succes. I was also suprised by Yoji Biomechanika. This DJ is even more crazy than Ronald Van Gelderen!!! His image is unbeatable and music is more than crazy... very very specific.
Anybody will visit Wrocław at 25. October? We have one of world's leading dance event coming. Very nice lineup. House and Trance fans can't miss it.
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