Piotr Has

c# developer, Altkom Software & Consulting
Warszawa, mazowieckie

Doświadczenie zawodowe

senior system analyst
Mondial UK
work as a outsourced developer, responsible for designing and implementing web application for managing providers in insurance industry and integration with legacy systems
used technologies: asp.net mvc, nHibernate, soa,
Damal Sp. J.
c# developer
analysis, architecture, desgn and implementation of finance applications using TDD/DDD, Windsor Container, nHibernate and Ms Sql Server 2005
c++ junior developer
UHC Medical Informatics\|CompuGroup Holding
developing integration software in healthcare industry using DICOM protocol, Perl developer – maintaining, adding new funcionality to existing web system


informatyka, magisterskie
Politechnika Lubelska


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista C#


Programiści .NET
Programiści .NET
Zrzesza programistów technologii Microsoft .NET, oraz osoby pracującę nad projektami w technologii .NET