Pawel Michniak

Translator/Interpreter (


Consecutive Interpretation Dubbing Angielski Języki obce Umiędzynarodowienie Interpretacja Usługi językowe Legal Translation Językoznawstwo lokalizacja językowa Tłumaczenie maszynowe Instrukcje Microsoft Office Wielojęzyczność Polski Badania Simultaneous Interpretation Subtitling Nauczanie Tłumaczenia techniczne terminologie Turystyka Trados tłumaczenia tłumaczenie stron www Wordfast Pisanie Korekta translation management Conferences Consecutive Interpreting Terminology Management Translation Services Document Translation Website Translation Simultaneous translations



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Translation of texts focused on law, medicine, taxation and customs, HR, e-commerce, economics, environmental issues, video games, precious metals, etc. Translations and thousands of hours spent on interpreting for numerous companies both Polish and international. Subtitling of marketing and sales promotion films for one of the world largest mobile phone manufacturers. Translation, interpreting and subtitling through various translation agencies for such customers as: Balfour Beatty Power Networks, Adidas, Atlas Copco, Bauch & Lomb, BP, Bristol-Meyr Squib, Caterpillar, Chevron Phillips, Chiquita, Cisco, Citi, Danone, Dell, Google, Hilton Hotels, HTC, Infinity, ING, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronik Sofamor Danek, Merck, Nicorette, Novartis, Philip Morris, Philips, Sandvik, Saxo Bank, Shell, Texas Instruments, Tyco to name only some. Extensive contacts with Chinese companies, especially in Shanghai, Canton (Guangzhou) and Hong Kong.
ING Bank Śląski SA
FX Dealer
Responsible for capital transfer of interbank deals, monitoring of the Bank NOSTRO accounts kept with the correspondent banks in all main foreign currencies including banks in New York, London, Frankfurt/Main and Tokyo. Authorised to carry out interbank capital transfers for operations exceeding USD 700,000.00. Since 1996 dealer in interbank Foreign Exchange market authorised to keep an open position up to USD 2,000,000.00 or equivalent in other currencies. Responsible for development of bilingual (Polish and English) analysis of current situation in the interbank Foreign Exchange market basing on both fundamental and technical factors. Analysed the market situation and advised to the Bank key customers to limit the risk of exchange rates loss. Developed bilingual (Polish and English) reports on the F/X market for the Bank Assets and Liabilities Committee.


Audio and Video Translation, magisterskie
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. Ks. Józefa Tischnera
Law, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Business English and German, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


travelling is my the only love