Paweł Dębski

scrum master, technical leader, c++ designer and developer for embedded systems
Wrocław, dolnośląskie


ARM AVR C++ Embedded C++ Embedded Linux Line Management Experience Multithreaded application development Project Management Zarządzanie zespołem Agile C (język programowania) Systemy wbudowane



Doświadczenie zawodowe

R&D Manager
As manager:
Building teams from scratch: Physical Layer (50 people) and LOM (15 people). Recruited about 100 people to various teams in Nokia (engineers, project and line managers).
Planned and executed competence transfers between Poland, China, Germany and Finland.
Overall responsibility for User Plane teams (140 people) and projects handled in Wroclaw.
Guided and supported other Nokia teams and managers.

As technical leader:
Leading multi-site task forces for complex customer faults, including high pressure problems from the field, examples:
- System crashes due to high memory consumption.
- Capacity problems requiring control code optimizations on DSP.
Leading fast track customer demos and critical fast-path features in cooperation with customer teams and external vendors from Japan, US, Germany, Finland and Greece. For example Nokia 3.5 GHz TDD band in FDD-TDD Carrier Aggregation demo on InfoCom conference.
Reporting and planning with customer teams and Nokia high level management.

As engineer:
Hands on work on solutions of the code level problems. Recent examples - solved problem with inappropriate MAR registers configuration spoiling performance of communication between DSP cores, descriptors leakage causing LTE symbols to be dropped in physical layer frontend, memory usage optimizations, inter-core message handling modifications.

C and C++ programming, HW profilers, low level issues solving, gTest, continuous integration.
Scrum Master
Long Term Evolution C-Plane project.
Scrum Master certification - May 2009.
Facilitate two scrum teams and our cooperation with team from other countries, product owners and managers.

Implementing LTE Control Plane features.
OOP C++, design patterns, stl, boost, unit tests in cppunit.
Component Leader
Managing team of three to five people working on advanced logging/tracing system.
Task planning, component design, features specification, clarification, implementation and testing.

OOP C++, stl, boost, unit tests and sct in tut, embedded linux, multithreaded application, pthreads, inter-process communication.
Embedded Software Developer
C++ software designer and developer. Multi-site project of carrier ethernet switch based on real time operating system.

OOP C++, stl, boost, unit tests and sct in tut, embedded linux, multithreaded application, pthreads, inter-process communication.
Sonel SA
Embedded Software Engineer
Embedded software designing and implementation for professional measurement devices.
Hardware Abstraction Layer for ARM7 microcontrollers, measurement algorithms design and implementation, HW bring-up and solving low level issues.

C and OOP C++, unit testing on host and target, design patterns, bare metal application, IAR compilers.
NXP and Atmel ARM7/9, HW/protocols/measurements debugging with oscilloscopes and HW debuggers, participation in HW design, prototype HW bring-up.
administrator sieci
kancelaria prawna
Od zakupu sprzętu, przez kable, helpdesk po zarządzanie serwerami.


Informatyka, magisterskie
Politechnika Wrocławska


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista C++
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania


motocykl, turystyka


Politechnika Wrocławska
Politechnika Wrocławska
Grupa zrzeszająca osoby związane z Politechniką Wrocławską.