Doświadczenie zawodowe
finance manager
- management of accounting processes and control across all aspects
- prepare and issue consolidated financial reports complying with IAS (MSR/MSSF) Capital Group
- representation Limited partnership during control from Labor Law and Social Security Inspection
- prepare and issue declaration VAT, CIT, PIT.
- monitoring and review AR/AP Limited partnership
- supervision and control inventory state Limited partnership
- supervision and management of financial department activities
- issue sales invoices and supervision their advance-work protocol
- interact with external institution, courts, governments, auditors etc.
- ensure proper computer software systems, date bases and information technology (ERP)
- management of financial liquidity Limited partnership (online banking transfers, review AR/AP state,
agree current source of capital etc.
- supervision petty cash Limited partnership and state prepayments to employee
- monitoring directors loan balance
- provide information to Polish National Bank (NBP)
- advice scope of Corporation Law and Business Associations (resolution approve financial reports, financial
result etc.)
- advice on the Tax Law and transfer pricing documentation (case in NSA Court) import and export
goods and services , WDT, WNT.
- explanation and agree in English language every changes, misunderstanding and incompatibility in budget
with board of management
- supervision level of quality calculation production cost
- establish budget and also prognosis in short like and in long terms (3 years period)
- management of changes in capital flow and sources of credit and capital (derivative contracts)
- prepare and issue consolidated financial reports complying with IAS (MSR/MSSF) Capital Group
- representation Limited partnership during control from Labor Law and Social Security Inspection
- prepare and issue declaration VAT, CIT, PIT.
- monitoring and review AR/AP Limited partnership
- supervision and control inventory state Limited partnership
- supervision and management of financial department activities
- issue sales invoices and supervision their advance-work protocol
- interact with external institution, courts, governments, auditors etc.
- ensure proper computer software systems, date bases and information technology (ERP)
- management of financial liquidity Limited partnership (online banking transfers, review AR/AP state,
agree current source of capital etc.
- supervision petty cash Limited partnership and state prepayments to employee
- monitoring directors loan balance
- provide information to Polish National Bank (NBP)
- advice scope of Corporation Law and Business Associations (resolution approve financial reports, financial
result etc.)
- advice on the Tax Law and transfer pricing documentation (case in NSA Court) import and export
goods and services , WDT, WNT.
- explanation and agree in English language every changes, misunderstanding and incompatibility in budget
with board of management
- supervision level of quality calculation production cost
- establish budget and also prognosis in short like and in long terms (3 years period)
- management of changes in capital flow and sources of credit and capital (derivative contracts)
finance manager
NCR Poland Sp.o.o.
- management of accounting processes and control across all aspects
- prepare and issue periodically financial reports according to Polish accounting legislation and other board
of management requirements (balance sheet, profit and loss, cash/capital flow reports, budget etc.)
- ensure proper accounting policy Limited partnership
- prepare and issue every aspects of payroll (salary lists, social security, PIT) and HR documentation Limited
- supervision Limited partnership Social Fund, benefit and compensation payment, bonuses, holidays,
extra hours, salary etc.
- prepare and issue declaration VAT, CIT, PIT.
- management, supervision, input, handling, archive and storing: financial accounting and HR documents
- monitoring and review AR/AP Limited partnership
- supervision and periodically control inventory state Limited partnership
- supervision and management of financial department activities
- issue sales invoices and supervision inventory
- interact with external institution, courts, governments, auditors etc.
- ensure proper computer software systems, date bases and information technology (ERP)
- management of financial liquidity Limited partnership (banking transfers, review AR/AP state,
agree current source of capital etc.
- provide information to Polish National Bank (NBP)
- advice on the Corporation Law and Business Associations (resolution approve financial reports, financial
result etc.)
- explanation and agree in English language every changes, misunderstanding and incompatibility in budget
with board of management
- establish budget and also prognosis in short like and in long terms (3 years period)
Successes: Establish accounting computer software system production limited partnership.
Ensure and permanent improve system internal supervision and financial analysis and also provide effective
computer software system control sales and warehouse (ERP).
- prepare and issue periodically financial reports according to Polish accounting legislation and other board
of management requirements (balance sheet, profit and loss, cash/capital flow reports, budget etc.)
- ensure proper accounting policy Limited partnership
- prepare and issue every aspects of payroll (salary lists, social security, PIT) and HR documentation Limited
- supervision Limited partnership Social Fund, benefit and compensation payment, bonuses, holidays,
extra hours, salary etc.
- prepare and issue declaration VAT, CIT, PIT.
- management, supervision, input, handling, archive and storing: financial accounting and HR documents
- monitoring and review AR/AP Limited partnership
- supervision and periodically control inventory state Limited partnership
- supervision and management of financial department activities
- issue sales invoices and supervision inventory
- interact with external institution, courts, governments, auditors etc.
- ensure proper computer software systems, date bases and information technology (ERP)
- management of financial liquidity Limited partnership (banking transfers, review AR/AP state,
agree current source of capital etc.
- provide information to Polish National Bank (NBP)
- advice on the Corporation Law and Business Associations (resolution approve financial reports, financial
result etc.)
- explanation and agree in English language every changes, misunderstanding and incompatibility in budget
with board of management
- establish budget and also prognosis in short like and in long terms (3 years period)
Successes: Establish accounting computer software system production limited partnership.
Ensure and permanent improve system internal supervision and financial analysis and also provide effective
computer software system control sales and warehouse (ERP).
Szkolenia i kursy
2010.05 bazodanowe języki SQL/XML, semantyczny internet OWL/RDF,
optimizacja i administracja baz danych, logika rozmyta i sztuczna
inteligencja w programowaniu i kontroli systemów.
Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki
2008.10 kurs księgowości projektów współfinansowanych ze środków UE
2003.09 Kurs dla menedżera (audytora) systemu zarządzania jakością według
1993.05 kurs głównego księgowego przedsiębiorstw zagranicznych.
Centrum Polskiej Korporacji Biznesu- Polbi
optimizacja i administracja baz danych, logika rozmyta i sztuczna
inteligencja w programowaniu i kontroli systemów.
Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki
2008.10 kurs księgowości projektów współfinansowanych ze środków UE
2003.09 Kurs dla menedżera (audytora) systemu zarządzania jakością według
1993.05 kurs głównego księgowego przedsiębiorstw zagranicznych.
Centrum Polskiej Korporacji Biznesu- Polbi
IT - Administracja
Wdrożenia ERP
Certyfikat księgowy ministra finansów nr.32269
Egzamin państwowy na audytora wewnętrznego.(Zetom 2003)
Raks, Polka, Symfonia, Wf-mag, Fakir, Comarch-Optima etc. SAP, Hyperion,
język SQL/Xml, bazy danych.
Prawo jazdy kat.B
Egzamin państwowy na audytora wewnętrznego.(Zetom 2003)
Raks, Polka, Symfonia, Wf-mag, Fakir, Comarch-Optima etc. SAP, Hyperion,
język SQL/Xml, bazy danych.
Prawo jazdy kat.B
SGGW to jedna z najstarszych polskich uczelni. Zawsze wysoko w rankingach. Otrzymała tytuł „Najbardziej innowacyjnej i kreatywnej uczelni w Polsce”.
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, założony w 1816 roku, jest największą polską
uczelnią i jednocześnie jedną z najlepszych w kraju.
Business Consulting
Grupa firm branży KONSULTING / DORADZTWO. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku konsultingowego i doradczego. Doradztwo finansowe, inwestycyjne, biznesowe, personalne. Consulting, Konsul
Księgowość nudna? A może jednak nie!
Celem grupy jest wzajemna wymiana doświadczeń, poglądów, dzielenie się swoimi spostrzeżeniami.
Grupa, w której można nawiązać kontakty handlowe, biznesowe.
Zarekomendować siebie lub kogoś.
Dla tych którzy chcą poszerzać swoje kontakty biznesowe