Natalia Jerzak

Policy Officer - Communications Networks, Content and Technology (Komisja Europejska)
Bruksela, zagranica


E-Learning E-Learning Consulting E-learning Implementation Globalny Marketing Ocena heurystyczna ICT Consultancy IT Operations Microsoft Excel Microsoft Office Moodle PowerPoint Serious Games Usability Testing User Experience Projektowanie interfejsu użytkownika Projekt zorientowany na użytkownika Francuski Rozwiązywanie problemów Komunikacja Projektowanie doświadczeń użytkownika Zarządzanie usługami IT Interfejs użytkownika Portugalski Gamification - gamifikacja (grywalizacja) hiszpański Usability/UX E-learning Development ICT w edukacji zarządzanie projektami międzynarodowymi e-book usability wielokulturowność



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Policy Officer
Komisja Europejska
-Organize data and indicators coming from international organisations and sources into a structured central relational database;
-Extract subsets suitable for statistical analysis and for export and exchange with international stakeholders/customers;
-Maintenance, upload, correction of data and metadata for content Registry for The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) and Digital Agenda and Key Indicators;
-Collaboration with External Contractors on maintenance of data (review of the release changes, overall user enhancements);
-Semantic data linking review and further improvements;
-Future development of indicators and data-sets allowing to have more flexible architecture;
-Content Management: Publishing information, review the proper data tagging, and architecture of the information within Newsroom and Digital Single Market web space;
-Overall Ergonomics of the website and UI navigation;
-Creating useful user guides / training simulators in regards of maintenance of the data.
Senior Business Analyst
Integration Point
-Translating clients’ business requirements into system logic to implement client-specific solution which is captured in technical design specification document.
-Managing the implementation through both front-end and specific CMS Integration Point System.
-Providing the feedback and capturing the bugs / improvements of the software and retesting in timely manner done through Team Foundation Server (TMS) new features during the code releases.
-Documentation and Testing owner of several Integration Point products responsible for unite testing during the new releases based o Agile methodology.
-Full responsibility during the whole life cycle of the project (monitoring of technological development, through unit testing, training and User Acceptance Testing and Go-Live Hyper Care).
-Analysing data to support import and export operations of client.
-Managing client relationships to provide excellent customer service at all time.
-Managing global implementations as part of an international team of business analysts.
Global Trade Software Analyst
Integration Point
-Manage global implementations as part of an international team of business analysts
-Translate business requirements into system logic to implement client-specific solutions
-Implement, configure and test solutions for global trade management
-Manage client relationships to provide excellent customer service at all time
-Analyse data to support import and export operations of clients
Komisja Europejska
ICT Trainee
-Course design and development (use of IT and social media for learning purposes)
-Assistance with design of training programs
-Preparation/reception/checking of documentation for training courses
-Assistance with organization of accreditation sessions of trainers and pilot courses
-Participation in meetings with training managers, consultants, inter-institutional contacts
-Preparation of material for EUSA websites, e-books, Yammer communities
Research Assistant
Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico, UNAM, DF, México
-Conducting usability and user experience testing of learning applications
-Testing new methodology for evaluating serious games and specialized training simulators (HESG)
Marketing Specialist
Marketing Department, College of Entrepreneurship and Management - WSB-NLU
-Promoting WSB-NLU through Social Media Channels (Facebook, GoldenLine, YouTube etc.)
-Coordinating and managing promotional campaigns
-Team member of university web page development and responsible for positioning it
-Assistance in organizing fairs, press conference, marketing research (from the point of using Hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environments)
Intern through Lifelong Learning Program / Erasmus Placement
Reykjavik University, Islandia
-Preparing presentations, flyers, promotional materials
-Establishing the relationship with the Media
-Taking care of the Reykjavík University social media communication channels

Szkolenia i kursy

-English - IELTS 8.0 (December 2013) and BEC; C1 Higher (March 2009)
-French - TCF; B2 (September 2012)
-Spanish - B1 - D.E.L.E. (January 2013)


Humanities and Social Sciences, Information and Communication, Specialization: EUROMIME, magisterskie
University of Poitiers, Francja
Zarządzanie i Marketing - specjalizacja: Marketing i Reklama, magisterskie
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis University w Nowym Saczu


Internet/e-Commerce/Nowe media
Media społecznościowe
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Komunikacja marketingowa


Guerrilla Marketing, Interactive Entertainment, Interior Design, Travelling, Technology for Education, Serious Games, ICT, Graffiti


Team Member of International Network of Innovators in Education (INIE) ( Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association (EMA)

Country Representative - Poland simultaneously with the position of Program Representative - Euromime; Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association


Jerzak, N. & F. Rebelo. 2014. "Serious Games and Heuristic Evaluation - the cross-comparison of existing Heuristic Evaluation methods for games". Approved for publication in the Conference Proceedings (In "Interaction Design in Ergonomics" Thematic Area: Design, User Experience, and Usability) for the Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2014 (

Jerzak, N. & F. Rebelo. 2014. "Heuristic Evaluation for Serious Games (HESG). Using HESG for designing and evaluating serious games". Approved for publication in the Conference Proceedings for the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2014 (

Stypendyska - Stypendium Ministra Edukacji Narodowej 2009/2010


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