Jezyk Angielski - biegly
język niemiecki biegły w mowie i piśmie
Doswiadczenie w miedzynarodowym srodowisku dla miedzynarodowych firm
Prowadzenie zespolow miedzynarodowych
Doswiadczenie zawodowe:NiemcySzwajcariaAustriaPolska
Mistrzyni Europy w przemawianiu publicznym
Prowadzenie zajec dla studentow international i executive MBA
Solidne doswiadczenie w sprzedazy B2B
Programy szkoleniowe, mentorskie, coachingowe dla miedzynarodowych firm
Sukcesy w projektach dla branzy automotive w Europie Srodkowej (rozne kraje)
Doświadczenie zawodowe
business consultant and trainer
“Monika is a very active,enthusiastic and knowledgeable person. I am still impressed by her professionalism. She can easily explain any subject, which makes her a perfect lecturer and trainer. I had the pleasure to work with her as I organized coaching sesions for salesman. I appreciated her communication with other people. I recommend Monika as an excellent coach.”
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
“Monika delivered a fantastic educational speech at the conference of District 59 Continental Europe in Fall 2008. I had the pleasure working with her as I organized the educational program for the conference and attended her speech.
Monika has a professional demeanor which makes it a pleaseure working with her. She is enthusiastic and has lots of examples from her business to support her arguments.
I appreciated her communication - answering fast and specific.
I recommend Monika as an excellent speaker and a consultant.”
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
“Monika delivered a fantastic educational speech at the conference of District 59 Continental Europe in Fall 2008. I had the pleasure working with her as I organized the educational program for the conference and attended her speech.
Monika has a professional demeanor which makes it a pleaseure working with her. She is enthusiastic and has lots of examples from her business to support her arguments.
I appreciated her communication - answering fast and specific.
I recommend Monika as an excellent speaker and a consultant.”
Division C Governor, Germany and Poland
Toastmasters International/District 59 /Continental Europe
served as Division C Governor in District 59- Continental Europe (Northern Germany and Poland) supervising, supporting & overseeing growth in the English, German and Polish-language clubs. Division C has almost 1000 members, 3 official languages. My team consisted of 6 Area Governors, who reported directly to me. Organized and supervised Division C Conference for about 100 people, leadership trainings.
Serving as a member of the executive committee and the district council (developing annual budget for over
$100.000 and conducting other oversight & support facilities for more than 160 Toastmasters clubs in Continental Europe)
Setting division goals, -providing area officers with supervision, counsel, support and motivation, -striving to achieve the mission of the district within division.
“During the time I worked with Monika I was consistently impressed by her use of praise and acknowledgment in motivating those under her supervision, myself included. This was especially crucial to our situation as everyone was a volunteer and such praise was critical to the continued motivation amongst her group of six Area Governors. I also appreciated her somewhat 'hands-off' management style, where she would give us the outline of a task or goal and allow us to pursue the objective as we saw best, frequently checking on progress, but trusting in us to find solutions and never second-guessing our decisions. The result was consistent successful completion of our goals in addition to a positive feeling of accomplishment and acknowledgment of our efforts.
I do not exaggerate when I say that Monika is the best manager I have ever worked under. It was truly a pleasure.
Serving as a member of the executive committee and the district council (developing annual budget for over
$100.000 and conducting other oversight & support facilities for more than 160 Toastmasters clubs in Continental Europe)
Setting division goals, -providing area officers with supervision, counsel, support and motivation, -striving to achieve the mission of the district within division.
“During the time I worked with Monika I was consistently impressed by her use of praise and acknowledgment in motivating those under her supervision, myself included. This was especially crucial to our situation as everyone was a volunteer and such praise was critical to the continued motivation amongst her group of six Area Governors. I also appreciated her somewhat 'hands-off' management style, where she would give us the outline of a task or goal and allow us to pursue the objective as we saw best, frequently checking on progress, but trusting in us to find solutions and never second-guessing our decisions. The result was consistent successful completion of our goals in addition to a positive feeling of accomplishment and acknowledgment of our efforts.
I do not exaggerate when I say that Monika is the best manager I have ever worked under. It was truly a pleasure.
Vice President Membership
Toastmasters Polska S.A. (praca społeczna),,
oraz Lieutenant Area Governor Marketing for Poland
-Directs, coordinates Area growth strategies and activities
-Directs membership development and retention programs
-Coordinates rescue of weak Clubs
-With Division Governor, builds corporate and community Clubs
-Promotes Club strenght
-Directs and coordinates the marketing strategies and activities in Area
Od 2005 jestem członkinią Toastmasters International.
-Directs, coordinates Area growth strategies and activities
-Directs membership development and retention programs
-Coordinates rescue of weak Clubs
-With Division Governor, builds corporate and community Clubs
-Promotes Club strenght
-Directs and coordinates the marketing strategies and activities in Area
Od 2005 jestem członkinią Toastmasters International.
Monika jest prawdziwą profesjonalistką, która jako VP Membership wykonuje swoje zadania z dużym zaangażowaniem.
Zawsze uprzejma i chętna do pomocy. Jej przemówienia są zawsze interesujące i starannie przygotowane. Współpraca z Moniką to sama przyjemność.
Zawsze uprzejma i chętna do pomocy. Jej przemówienia są zawsze interesujące i starannie przygotowane. Współpraca z Moniką to sama przyjemność.
Moim zdaniem Monika doskonale spełnia się w roli profesjonalnego mówcy. Potrafi w jasny i interesujący sposób przedstawić zawartość swoich przemówień. Jest osobą bardzo kontaktową. Duże zaangażowanie Moniki w pracę klubu Toastmasters potwierdza jej profesjonalizm.
Monika jest osobą o szerokich horyzontach i bardzo bezpośrednią.
Potrafi w przystępny sposób wyjaśnić słuchaczom każdy temat, co czyni ją doskonałym wykładowcą i trenerem.
Wielokrotnie z wielkim zainteresowaniem słuchałem prezentacji przygotowanych przez Monikę i nadal jestem pod wrażeniem profesjonalizmu ich przygotowania.
Z czystym sercem mogę polecić Monikę Królak jako eksperta w swojej specjalności i godnego zaufania partnera w biznesie.
Potrafi w przystępny sposób wyjaśnić słuchaczom każdy temat, co czyni ją doskonałym wykładowcą i trenerem.
Wielokrotnie z wielkim zainteresowaniem słuchałem prezentacji przygotowanych przez Monikę i nadal jestem pod wrażeniem profesjonalizmu ich przygotowania.
Z czystym sercem mogę polecić Monikę Królak jako eksperta w swojej specjalności i godnego zaufania partnera w biznesie.
Monika jest jednym z najbardziej profesjonalnych mówców, którą znam. Przyjacielska oraz uśmiechnięta osoba.
People To People International, Warsaw Chapter,
my duties:chapter development, strategic planing, international programs, co-operation with the European Head Office.
“As a co-founder of the Warsaw Chapter of People To People International I have had the pleasure of knowing and collaborating with Monika Królak for the last two years. Monika was a great asset to the People To People International.
Her activities as President of the Warsaw Chapter lead to the rapid development of the Chapter.
During her Presidency, the PTPI Warsaw Chapter successfully organised home stays and visits for PTPI members and visits abroad for members of the Chapter.
Monika's leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to the PTPI programs, which have been started in Warsaw from the ground up.
Monika's personal charm, creativeness, and dedication to the voluntary work of our organization were the strong motivation for the other members of PTPI.
She will be missed, and I highly recommend her to any future employer or volunteer organization.
“As a co-founder of the Warsaw Chapter of People To People International I have had the pleasure of knowing and collaborating with Monika Królak for the last two years. Monika was a great asset to the People To People International.
Her activities as President of the Warsaw Chapter lead to the rapid development of the Chapter.
During her Presidency, the PTPI Warsaw Chapter successfully organised home stays and visits for PTPI members and visits abroad for members of the Chapter.
Monika's leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to the PTPI programs, which have been started in Warsaw from the ground up.
Monika's personal charm, creativeness, and dedication to the voluntary work of our organization were the strong motivation for the other members of PTPI.
She will be missed, and I highly recommend her to any future employer or volunteer organization.
można by tym obdzielić kilka osób
Toastmasters International, People to People International, Deutsch-Polnischer Stammtisch für die Unternehmer (Germany)
Inne -info o moich warsztatach i prelekcjach w ramach Tygodnia Kobiet Sukcesu, edycja 2007
award:Division Governor of the Year(by TMI), presented once a year to one, choosen, outstanding leader in Europe
President's Distingusihed Division distinction
1st place Speech Evaluation Contest (2012) European level
1st place International Speech Contest (2012, Division level-Eastern Germany and Poland)
1st place Speech Evaluation Contest (2012, Division level -Eastern Germany and Poland)
2nd place at Speech Evaluation Contest in English for Division C in Continental Europe, 2009
2nd place in Bewertungsrede (Deutsche Sprache), for Division C in Continental Europe, 2009
-The Best Speaker Award (in English, konkurs marzec 2007)
-The Best Speaker Award (Polish Area Contest na wystąpienie bez przygotowania, październik 2007)
-Best Table Topics Speaker (Polish Area , 2007)
-Best Table Topics Speaker (wystąpienie bez przygotowania), Berlin, 2008
tytuły i certyfikaty:
Advanced Communicator Gold (2012)
Advanced Communicator Silver (2009)
Advanced Communicator Bronze,
Advanced Leader Silver
Competent Leader (by Toastmasters International),
Advanced Leader Bronze (2008)
LCCI 3rd (by London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, UK)
award:Division Governor of the Year(by TMI), presented once a year to one, choosen, outstanding leader in Europe
President's Distingusihed Division distinction
1st place Speech Evaluation Contest (2012) European level
1st place International Speech Contest (2012, Division level-Eastern Germany and Poland)
1st place Speech Evaluation Contest (2012, Division level -Eastern Germany and Poland)
2nd place at Speech Evaluation Contest in English for Division C in Continental Europe, 2009
2nd place in Bewertungsrede (Deutsche Sprache), for Division C in Continental Europe, 2009
-The Best Speaker Award (in English, konkurs marzec 2007)
-The Best Speaker Award (Polish Area Contest na wystąpienie bez przygotowania, październik 2007)
-Best Table Topics Speaker (Polish Area , 2007)
-Best Table Topics Speaker (wystąpienie bez przygotowania), Berlin, 2008
tytuły i certyfikaty:
Advanced Communicator Gold (2012)
Advanced Communicator Silver (2009)
Advanced Communicator Bronze,
Advanced Leader Silver
Competent Leader (by Toastmasters International),
Advanced Leader Bronze (2008)
LCCI 3rd (by London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, UK)
Akademia Handlowca
Szkolenia: otwarte, zamknięte
Konferencje: darmowe, płatne
Doradztwo: indywidualne, grupowe
Rozwój osobisty handlowca
Business to Business Polska. Kontakty Biznesowe B2B. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku B2B. Marketing i Sprzedaż B2B. Lead B2B.
Backpacking, czyli…
„Świat i wszystko, co na nim jest” - w taki sposób przed laty określono tematykę znanego chyba na całym globie magazynu National Geografic.
Grupa dla osób interesujących się historią, kulturą, językiem i wszystkim innym co związane z Bałkanami.
Bank, bankowość i wszystko co sie wokół tego kręci...
Zapraszam do dyskusji na temat naszych polskich banków. Czy na dzień dzisiejszy są one dobrze zorganizowane?
Osoby pracujące w branży jak również wszystkie zainteresowane coraz dynamiczniej rozwijającymi się usługami bankowymi. Stwórzmy grupę, która będzie pomocna nie tylko dla nas, ale również dla pozostały
"Aby skutecznie prowadzić biznes, człowiek musi mieć wyobraźnię.
Musi mieć wizję tego, do czego chce dojść"
Charles M. Schwab
Career coaching
Coach, Coaching = dla osób, które prowadzą lub będą prowadziły coaching, coaching kariery, jak również dla wszystkich tych, którzy uważają, że coaching jest pomocnym narzędziem w odkrywaniu i planowan
Coaching to wyjątkowa i skuteczna forma pracy na różnych obszarów i osób które oczekują ,,czegoś" od zycia co pozwoli ,,złąpać wiatr w żagle" by móc dotrzeć tam gdzie czują się spełnieni i
Najrozmaitsze aforyzmy, cytaty, złote myśli, "myśli nieuczesane" - jeśli znasz coś ciekawego przystąp do grupy i daj poznać innym.
Czynnik Alladyna
"Jeśli jest coś co można pozyskać i nic nie stracić prosząc, to na co czekasz proś!"
Sprawdź może znajdziesz tu coś dla siebie.