Monika Filipek

Content Marketing Specialist/Social Media and E-commerce Content Analyst/Data Administrator/Publishing Quality Checker/Translator/Editor
Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe
Content Marketing Specialist
• creating and managing content for social media profiles: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+
• promoting blog posts, landing pages, video materials and events in social media channels
• writing articles for a company blog and as guest posts
• reviewing articles and publishing them on the website
• preparing marketing materials: press releases, case studies, speech plans, conference folders, e-books
• coordinating guest post exchange projects, establishing and maintaining cooperation with authors, creative agencies, graphic designers and other partners
• product promotion activities: creating CTA buttons, adding topics to forums and social media groups
• media monitoring via Brand24, reacting to relevant mentions found in online resources
• updating content of the website
• doing research, collecting data and preparing reports for lead generation and social media campaigns
• cooperating with sales team regarding preparation of marketing materials
Project cooperation: “Social Media and E-commerce Content Analysis” 30th May - 18th June 2014
eStoreMedia Sp. z o.o.
• analysing social media and e-commerce content of product descriptions in online shops, brands’ reviews in fanpage articles and You Tube films
• retrieving information from online resources and assigning it to the criteria specified in the systems
• media monitoring and defining sentiment on international market in reference to different companies
CBRE Corporate Outsourcing Sp. z o.o.
Data Administrator
• preparing abstract forms on the basis of analysed documents (leases, licenses, reports, deeds, memos)
• editing and verifying abstracts in terms of their content and formatting
• defining queries to solve factual ambiguities arising from analysed texts
• updating information in the system with descriptions, numbers, photos
• creating manuals concerning processes and standards
• preparing presentations and reports
• coordinating flow of information and controlling due deliveries within the project
• servicing client and internal departments with queries
• supporting Technology Department with enhancement of system functioning
Publishing Quality Checker
• editing content and final layout of marketing materials for publication such as webpages, scripts of promotional and advertising films, brochures, leaflets, descriptions of products
• making a written analysis of texts for localization projects
• research of information and preparing instructions and guide books for subcontractors
• defining responses to linguistic, cultural or technical queries
• generating and checking reports, managing data in the systems
• coordinating projects, monitoring status and flow of information
• communicating and cooperating with Managers, Editors and DTP Department in terms of project queries
English Trainer, Translator/Proofreader
Modus TS
• source text analysis and research of information
• freelance translating/proofreading of Polish and English business and marketing texts; dealing with offers, presentations, brochures, Internet websites, articles, conference materials
• creating educational materials for language courses inspired by articles and electronic resources
• negotiating conditions of orders, servicing clients and correspondence
TP Europe
Researcher, cooperation within economic activity
• describing companies’ profiles on the basis of the conducted market research
• filling in clients’ questionnaire forms
• gathering and analysing information, predicting possibilities of business development for products and services
• market research of automotive, electronic and construction industries by means of the Internet and telephone
• consulting with clients their businesses and planned innovations, presenting offers
Cooperation with BROG Media Biznesu Sp. z o.o., Dag-Center, BTInfo
Economic activity: TiNJO
• preparing offers and promotional materials – presentations, leaflets, business cards, Internet and press advertisements
• updating content of company’s website with A4Desk application for content management
• translating and proofreading texts from business, marketing, economy and law such as corporate documents, contracts, reports, offers, conference materials, presentations, articles, Internet websites
• creating educational materials for English courses
• performing administrative work connected with managing company’s activity

Szkolenia i kursy

• certified training: Social Media – Strategy, Communication, Results – Piotr Stohnij, (ICAN Institute/Harvard Business Review Polska), 09.2014
• certified training: Copywriting – Principles of Effective Communication – dr Witold Jankowski (ICAN Institute/Harvard Business Review Polska), 07.2014
• workshop: Seven Rules of Effective Media Monitoring – Anna Miotk, Aleksandra Rusin (Newspoint), 07.2014
• presentation: What is Content Marketing? – Iwona Połóg (SearchLab/Agora SA), 07.2014
• conference: #TweetupPL – How to Communicate on Twitter? – speakers: Olaf Krynicki (Samsung Poland), Przemysław Przybylski (Chopin Airport), Mateusz Puszczyński (Allegro), Paweł Tkaczyk (MIDEA), 06.2014
• workshop: Communication in Social Media – Karolina Chrostek (Punkt Krytyczny CIB), 06.2014
• presentation: Marketing Story: SEM, SEO – Michał Misztal (AIP), 05.2014
• online presentations: Intranet and Internal Communication in the Company; What is Organizational Communication? – Ideo Sp. z o.o.; Matt Koschmann, 04-05.2014
• online trainings: WordPress CMS; Photoshop – Altkom Akademia S.A.; Expose Sp. z o.o., 04-05.2014
• Business Communication Course – Warsaw University, 10.2006-06.2007


Faculty of Applied Linguistics, Translation of Specialist Texts , magisterskie
Warsaw University
Institute of Foreign Languages, English Philology, licencjackie
The State School of Higher Vocational Education


Administracja biurowa
Internet/e-Commerce/Nowe media
Media społecznościowe
Badania marketingowe
Komunikacja marketingowa
Marketing internetowy i mobilny


oriental dance; tai chi



Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Salesforce CRM, SharePoint, VDB, BugMania, eProcurement, InfoWork, Horizon, Trados, A4Desk, OCR, Adobe Acrobat, eStoreCheck, SoCortex, Basecamp, Asana, Buffer, Sniply, Brand24, WordPress, SimilarWeb, Google Analytics, BuiltWith, Datanyze, Outreach


1 wszystkich wypowiedzi
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Komunikacja wewnętrzna
Komunikacja wewnętrzna
To nie "tuba zarządu". To nie "głos ludu". To pomosty i ścieżki między wszystkimi pionami i poziomami. Przynajmniej w organizacji idealnej.
Grupa zrzeszająca osoby związane z Magento - systemem e-commerce, oprogramowaniem przeznaczonym do uruchamiania sklepów internetowych -
Marketing Internetowy
Marketing Internetowy
Profesjonalisci z branzy digital marketing, polaczmy swe sily i umiejetnosci zeby ksztaltowac polski rynek.
Marketing sieciowy - MLM
Marketing sieciowy - MLM
Grupa łącząca osoby, które interesują się MLM.