Miłosz Piróg

Head of Design
Warszawa, mazowieckie


After Effects Corporate Branding User Experience Web Design Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Projektowanie interfejsu użytkownika Grafika Ilustracja Retusz Interfejs użytkownika Identyfikacja i branding Identyfikacja wizualna zarządzanie kreatywne



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Head of Design
Senior Visual Designer
Dragon Rouge
New Media Designer
Dragon Rouge is a leading design agency in Poland, a branch of global powerhouse. My
responsibilities were: preparation of new media projects and package design for our
customers. I was also involved in internal and external communication activities of Dragon
Rouge (FB cover photos, social media graphic design, photo shoots, etc.).

Selected clients:
Topex Group (Topex, Neo Tools, Graphite) - leader in power tools market in Poland. My
task was to create functional grids along with UX specialist and further implementation of
web site projects (with subpages). I was also involved as a key project manager for
artistic directions coordination for photo shoots.

Sygnity - one of three biggest IT companies in Poland. I was responsible for project
works on web page and press- and web campaigns. Apart from that, I was co-responsible
for artistic directions in branding- and HR-oriented video clip.

Pernod Ricard - major alcoholic beverage producer on Polish market; one of the biggest
in the world. I created idea for 'making of' movie for new bottle of Wyborowa vodka and
assisted by animations works for the movie.
Ars Thanea
Designer (Praktyki)
Ars Thanea is considered one of the best design agencies in the world. My main task was to help designers in their duties and learn how to make inspiring projects.

In the first month I worked for Roca brand. During that period of time I prepared
illustrations for Roca calendar. Later on - I was leading works on Roca website and web
game for Bebiko (leader in baby foods), also coordinated implementation of Idio
Magazine web site along with subsites and did illustrations works for Martini.
Momentum Worldwide Sp. z o.o.
Art Director
Momentum is part of the global agency McCann Erickson. I was responsible mainly for
packaging designing and all BTL materials.

My main tasks was to take part in various agency tenders. Managing BTL projects for
clients such as: Danfoss, MasterCard PayPass or McDonalds. After two months of
working, I filed for a four-month leave just to be able to work for Ars Thanea, after which I
returned to my previous post.
VMLYR Poland
Junior Art Director (Praktyki)
My first professional steps in advertising industry and design. My goal was to pick up skills how to
build great projects and try to understand clients and their design issues.
Initial works for Danone (correction of packages, implementation of clients' remarks).
Designing the annual report for Citibank Commercial and assistance with agency


Art Direction, studia podyplomowe
Szkoła Mistrzów Reklamy
Zarządzanie i Marketing, licencjackie
WSB - NLU w Nowym Sączu




Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash
Programowanie, animowanie serwisów WWW. Programowanie aplikacji wykonanych w technologii Adobe Flash oraz Adobe Flex.
After Effects
After Effects
Grupa zrzesza osoby zawodowo korzystające z Adobe After Effects.
Digital Painting
Digital Painting
Miejsce dla wszystkich miłośników malowania i rysowania z użyciem tabletu graficznego.
Identyfikacja & Branding
Identyfikacja & Branding
Identyfikacja wizualna oraz branding.
Wszystko, co dotyczy Adobe Illustrator - od linków, nauki, narzędzi po inspiracje.
Wszystko co dotyczy Adobe InDesign - od linków, nauki, narzędzi i inspiracji. Dla użytkowników tego programu.
Grupa miłośników/użytkowników Apple iPhone, iPod i oczywiście iPad
Grupa zrzeszająca osoby korzystające z programu Photoshop.
Szkoła Mistrzów Reklamy
Szkoła Mistrzów Reklamy
Grupa skupiająca studentów, absolwentów, wykładowców Szkoły Mistrzów Reklamy przy WSPIZ im. Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie