Castle Windsor
Microsoft SQL Server
SQL Azure
Tortoise SVN
Visual Studio
Web Services API
Usługi internetowe
Microsoft Azure
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Senior .NET Developer/Team Leader
- Lead team of software developers as Architect and Tech Lead
- Gathered requirements and prepared specification for development teams.
- Successfully introduced SQL transport for message bus (used by over 20
modules). Designed and implemented administrative panel for managing
message queues (NServiceBus).
- Successfully migrated to new source control system (GIT) in
order to improve collaboration efficiency and control over new changes ( 200+
commits per day).
- Prepared and implemented branching strategy which improved the quality and
reduced the time to deliver new functionality.
- Successfully applied Domain-Driven Design approach to develop system
.NET, ASP. MVC, NHibernate, Castle Windsor, MSSQL, Knockout, NServiceBus, TeamCity, Git, NUnit, TFS, Xamarin, Azure
- Gathered requirements and prepared specification for development teams.
- Successfully introduced SQL transport for message bus (used by over 20
modules). Designed and implemented administrative panel for managing
message queues (NServiceBus).
- Successfully migrated to new source control system (GIT) in
order to improve collaboration efficiency and control over new changes ( 200+
commits per day).
- Prepared and implemented branching strategy which improved the quality and
reduced the time to deliver new functionality.
- Successfully applied Domain-Driven Design approach to develop system
.NET, ASP. MVC, NHibernate, Castle Windsor, MSSQL, Knockout, NServiceBus, TeamCity, Git, NUnit, TFS, Xamarin, Azure
.NET Developer/Team Leader
Designed business systems for clients from multiple industries (finance, insurance, human resources). Engineered customized features for new applications. Managed team of software developers as a team leader.
- Efficiently implemented the scrum methodology in projects which improved communication with client and allowed to control the progress of work.
- Successfully implemented web-based worktime management system for insurance company with 1k+ users (ASP.NET MVC, NUnit).
- Designed common infrastructure solutions (logging, authorization, data access) used in web applications (.NET).
- Support in implementation and design of the CRM solution for bank industry.
- Designed and implemented plugins and workflows
- Efficiently implemented the scrum methodology in projects which improved communication with client and allowed to control the progress of work.
- Successfully implemented web-based worktime management system for insurance company with 1k+ users (ASP.NET MVC, NUnit).
- Designed common infrastructure solutions (logging, authorization, data access) used in web applications (.NET).
- Support in implementation and design of the CRM solution for bank industry.
- Designed and implemented plugins and workflows
Senior Developer
Senior Java developer in medical department. Maintained cutting-edge healthcare-industry software and coordinated architecture design and implementation of new applications, collaborating with client.
- Analyzed software development process and suggested alternative technologies.
- Selected and introduced Drools which allowed to define business rules using natural language.
- Successfully implemented and customized two large systems for hospitals supporting patient registration, appointments and billing.
- Successfully implemented industry standard protocols (HL7, DICOM) in medical systems developed by the company.
- Analyzed software development process and suggested alternative technologies.
- Selected and introduced Drools which allowed to define business rules using natural language.
- Successfully implemented and customized two large systems for hospitals supporting patient registration, appointments and billing.
- Successfully implemented industry standard protocols (HL7, DICOM) in medical systems developed by the company.
Szkolenia i kursy
Certyfikowany kurs Microsoft 2274+2275(MS SQL 2000) organizowany przez Akademię Technologii Informatycznych działającą przy WSHE.
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista C#
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista .NET
Sport: piła ręczna, squash, piłka nożna, tenis.
IT: Bazy Danych, Programowanie .NET, MVC, WCF
IT: Bazy Danych, Programowanie .NET, MVC, WCF
Egzaminy certyfikowane Microsoft:
Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Grupa skupiająca osoby tworzące strony w technologii ASP.NET oraz AJAX. Dodatkowo poruszane bedą tematy związane z najnowszymi technologiami ze stajni Microsoftu.
Bazy Danych
Zagadnienia bazodanowe: SQL99 i jego implementacje w popularnych systemach RDBMS: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, IBM DB2 i inne.
Poświęcona problematyce Business Process Management - w tym systemom informatycznym wspierającym tą dziedzinę
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
Grupa dla wszystkich kochających zajęcia fitness na rowerach treningowych i jazdę do dobrej muzyki. Schwinn; Spinning; Tomahawk, etc.
Microsoft i wszystko co z nim związane : Licencjonowanie, Certyfikacje/Szkolenia, wiadomości ze świata etc.
Programiści .NET
Zrzesza programistów technologii Microsoft .NET, oraz osoby pracującę nad projektami w technologii .NET
Single z Warszawy i okolic.
Single /ale nie tylko, sparowani też mile widziani/. Żeby dołączyć musisz mieć uzupełnione dane w swoim profilu oraz swoje zdjęcie.