Michał Buczko
CEO - PIIAR, Product Delivery Owner - PCI, Senior Tester - NVM
Zarządzanie projektem metodą Agile
Zarządzanie konfiguracją
Wzorce projektowe
Zapewnienia Jakości
Analiza wymagań
Testy systemowe
Automatyzacja testów
Test Case'y
Planowanie testów
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Senior Software Test Engineer
As a Senior Test Engineer my "Business as Usual" is varied and exciting. I am part of a Dev feature team in NVM family where I am the advocate for great and efficient testing. I give my insight in design of the features, the definition of the scope of testing and work with Developers to create automated tests for our Continuous Integration and Delivery platform.
In addition I can explore the features and product, support regression and releases to live and expand my knowledge to be able to improve all everyday stuff.
I am responsible for taking my self-learning seriously, sharing "new-fancy stuff" with others and helping team members grow as individuals.
In the future maybe I will became champion for good testing and to provide support to all functions who directly interact with our customers. To achieve that I am allowed and expected to challenge assumptions and suggest different ways of working/testing..
In addition I can explore the features and product, support regression and releases to live and expand my knowledge to be able to improve all everyday stuff.
I am responsible for taking my self-learning seriously, sharing "new-fancy stuff" with others and helping team members grow as individuals.
In the future maybe I will became champion for good testing and to provide support to all functions who directly interact with our customers. To achieve that I am allowed and expected to challenge assumptions and suggest different ways of working/testing..
Senior Software Quality Assurance Analyst
As Senior Quality Assurance Analyst’s my role is to develop and establish quality assurance standards and measures for the information technology services within the organization. My job is to gather and analyze data in support of business cases, proposed projects, and systems requirements. This include writing test plans and scripts for tracking defects and fixes in product development, software application development, information systems, and operations systems.
Szkolenia i kursy
ISTQB Foundation
Certified SCRUM Master
Certified SCRUM Master
Psy Zaprzęgowe
Testowanie Oprogramowania
Psy Zaprzęgowe
Testowanie Oprogramowania
Agile Testing
Agile Testing jest stosunkowo nową metodyką, która ciągle ewoluuje. Grupa ma na celu wymianę doświadczeń w podejściu do testowania w środowisku metodyk zwinnych, agile.
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
freelancerzy IT
Grupa wolnych strzelców z dziedziny IT - programiści, webmasterzy, graficy, administratorzy...
IT Wrocław
Grupa skupiająca specjalistów IT/Telecom z Wrocławia.
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KARIERA IT - cykliczne bezpłatne wydarzenie w największych miastach Polski. Targi pracy dla branży IT połączone ze specjalistycznymi prelekcjami, warsztatami, pokazami technologii i konkursami.