Martyna Korczak - Janik

HR Manager, HR BP, Senior IT Recruitment Specialist, HR Specialist, HR Trainer
Kraków, małopolskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Pontoon Solutions
Internal Recruiter
I worked as Recruiter; in cooperation with a colleague we were first Internal
Recruitment team in EMEA; playing active role in designing, implementing and
establishing recruitment process for EMEA and Poland; continuously working on the
process improvements.
Managing full life-cycle recruitment process for all professional and managerial
positions in EMEA region and newly opened center in Poland; Owning the
recruitment projects at all levels of seniority; Recruiting mostly for HR, IT, telcom
Providing a high level of proactive and consultative services to the Managers at all
levels of Seniority within the Organization across EMEA.
Working with marketing section to establish process of attracting Candidates,
making the company visible on the market. Participating in job fairs and other
brading events.
Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
Senior IT Recruitment Specialist
Handling end to end recruitment process for Infrastructure Services (ITO) for the positions of:
IT Consultants, IT Service Management Consultants, Software Engineers and Developers Infrastructure Architects, Engineers and Specialists, Network Engineers, System Administrators, Database Administrators; 1st, 2nd and 3rd line technical service support agents, Business Development Consultants, IT Project Managers, Service Managers, ITIL Consultants, Service Desk positions (European languages profiles, French Speakers profiles) etc.
Liaising with managers to ensure a full understanding of their requirements and preferences
Dealing with the stakeholders, managers during the whole recruitment cycle, organising communication
Taking a proactive approach to meet staffing requirements by attracting, sourcing and delivering
applicants using innovative techniques
Conducting interviews, technical screenings and Competency-Based Interviews
Making offers to successful applicants, negotiating when necessary
Conducting language verification (English, French)
Participating in Assessment Center / Development Center sessions for managerial, engineer and specialist positions; act as assessor, actor, recruiter
Conducting Internal Trainings for Capgemini employees, team leaders and managers: recruitment, Competeny Based Interviews, recruitment tools and procedures, giving feedback; soft skills: stress management trainings, etc.
Preparing reports and analysis regular and ad hoc for business development needs, writing and updating procedures, process maps and documents related to recruitment process.
Creating and working on continous improvement of recruitment tools, training materials
Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
Recruitment Specialist
Handling end to end recruitment process for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) for the entry level, specialists and managerial positions. Responsible for permanent accounts and ad hoc roles in Finance and Accounting, Procurement, Customer Service, HR Management, HRO, Administration etc.
Handling end to end recruitment process for Infrastructure Services (ITO). Responsible for technical roles, IT roles.
Liaising with managers to ensure a full understanding of their requirements and preferences.
Dealing with the internal Clients and line managers during the whole recruitment cycle, organising communication
Sourcing applicants who meet the specified criteria for the position.
Conducting interviews and competency-based interviews and using appropriate assessments.
Making offers to successful applicants, negotiating when necessary and regrets unsuccessful applicants.
Taking a proactive approach to meet staffing requirements by attracting, sourcing and delivering applicants using innovative techniques.
Conducting exit interviews, language tests, language verification (English, French)
Organizing and conducting AC sessions; participating in DC sessions (assessor, actor), delivering feedback reports and conducting feedback sessions after DC
Conducting Internal Trainings for Capgemini employees (Competency based Interview, Stress Management etc.)
Konsultant ds. Personalnych
AG Test Human Resources
01.2010–31.12.2010 Konsultant ds. Personalnych: kompleksowe prowadzenie procesów rekrutacyjnych na stanowiska specjalistyczne oraz menedżerskie: poszukiwanie kandydatów, direct search, preselekcja aplikacji, przeprowadzanie wywiadów z kandydatami, prowadzenie testów dla kandydatów, raportowanie i weryfikacja kandydatów; utrzymywanie kontaktów z klientem; organizacja i uczestnictwo w sesjach AC/DC w roli asesora oraz aktora; pomoc przy pozostałych projektach z dziedziny doradztwa personalnego prowadzonych w ramach firmy,
11.2009–01.2010 Młodszy konsultant ds. Rekrutacji: preselekcja aplikacji, wyszukiwanie kandydatów w wewnętrznych oraz zewnętrznych bazach aplikacji, direct search, przeprowadzanie preselekcyjnych rozmów telefonicznych, organizacja oraz administracja sesji AC.

Szkolenia i kursy

lipec 2008 - lipiec 2009: Staż Gestalt (ukończony I rok szkoły trenerów i psychoterapeutów przy Instytucie Terapii Gestalt w Krakowie).

2014: Linkedin Professional, ITIL basics, Train the Trainer


psychologia stosowana, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
europeistyka, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding


od 10.2007 członek PSIAP (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów i ABsolwentów Psychologii).


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