Event Management
Graphics Software
Project Management
Recruitment Tools
Ability to self organize and effective time management
organization of trainings, meetings
rozmowy rekrutacyjne
Professional Customer Service
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Office and Internal Project Manager
Remote management and support for the distributed departments: Sales, IT and The Executive Board in:
- Accounting and Finance: researching and analyzing accounting data, processing all vendor invoices and following on the liability balance, settlement of project budgets, preparing financial reports, managing payrolls, processing all system and bank payments, invoicing
- Human Resources: organizing and coordinating recruitment processes for IT Specialists, arranging onboarding process for new employees
- Administration: planning and settlement business travels, managing contracts and price negotiations with vendors and service providers, processing data
- Process and Product Management: developing and maintaining product, customer service, tutorials writing
- Marketing: content writing, cold e-mailing
- Accounting and Finance: researching and analyzing accounting data, processing all vendor invoices and following on the liability balance, settlement of project budgets, preparing financial reports, managing payrolls, processing all system and bank payments, invoicing
- Human Resources: organizing and coordinating recruitment processes for IT Specialists, arranging onboarding process for new employees
- Administration: planning and settlement business travels, managing contracts and price negotiations with vendors and service providers, processing data
- Process and Product Management: developing and maintaining product, customer service, tutorials writing
- Marketing: content writing, cold e-mailing
Project Manager for Business Events
- 35th Hasco-Lek Marathon: arranging accommodation for 7000 participants, sponsorship, building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders
- 25th Ergo Hestia Anniversary: arranging accommodation for 4000 attendee: negotiating and maintaining relationships with hotels, design and management of project documentation (agreements, database, payment calendar), settlement of project budget, remote coordination of participants’ transport
- Public tender: 5 Conferences for Board of Education: management of tender documentation, contractors acquisition, settlement of project budget, preparing of invoices and reports
- Series of 12 Trainings for Pharmaceutical Company: customer needs analysis, negotiating, registration office management, settlement of project budget, preparing of financial reports
- Series of 6 Trainings for Dermo-Cosmetics Company: event coordination, maintaining relationships with stakeholders
- 25th Ergo Hestia Anniversary: arranging accommodation for 4000 attendee: negotiating and maintaining relationships with hotels, design and management of project documentation (agreements, database, payment calendar), settlement of project budget, remote coordination of participants’ transport
- Public tender: 5 Conferences for Board of Education: management of tender documentation, contractors acquisition, settlement of project budget, preparing of invoices and reports
- Series of 12 Trainings for Pharmaceutical Company: customer needs analysis, negotiating, registration office management, settlement of project budget, preparing of financial reports
- Series of 6 Trainings for Dermo-Cosmetics Company: event coordination, maintaining relationships with stakeholders
Human Resources Assistant (HR Assistant)
- Participation in organization of recruitment process of Accountants and Data Administrators
- Cooperation with recruitment agencies
- Creating and writing presentation and internal documents
- Translating of documents (English - Polish - English)
- Organization and settlement of business travels
- Office and data administration
- Cooperation with recruitment agencies
- Creating and writing presentation and internal documents
- Translating of documents (English - Polish - English)
- Organization and settlement of business travels
- Office and data administration
Marketing Specialist
Marketing Freelancer
- Planning and organizing marketing activities for automotive, cosmetic and services industry
- Creating and maintaining websites (Wix, WordPress)
- Writing articles, advertising and marketing texts
- Social media campaigns (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
- Design of advertising materials and logos
- Creating and maintaining websites (Wix, WordPress)
- Writing articles, advertising and marketing texts
- Social media campaigns (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
- Design of advertising materials and logos
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding
Kampanie marketingowe/Eventy
Organizacja i obsługa imprez
Public Relations
Wewnętrzny PR
- drawing and graphics
- event management
- downhill skiing
- motocross
- fitness
- event management
- downhill skiing
- motocross
- fitness
Dolnośląskie Forum HR
Dolnośląskie Forum HR skupia osoby związane zawodowo z zarządzaniem zasobami ludzkimi. Celem DFHR jest integrowanie oraz organizowanie wydarzeń poświęconych wymianie doświadczeń w dolnośląskim środowi
Grupa zrzeszająca ludzi zainteresowanych organizacją eventów,konferencji, imprez-integracyjno-motywacyjnych, promocyjnych . Grupa osób
otwartych na świat , ludzi i nowe wyzwania.
Eventy i animacja czasu wolnego
STAGEMAN jest dumny ze swoich Animatorów - dołącz do nas na i odważ się, by wejść do świata animacji czasu wolnego!
Imprezy integracyjne. Giełda zleceń
Zapraszam wszystkich tych, którzy chcą zlecić organizację imprezy firmowej, konferencji, szkolenia.
Ogłoszenia Eventowe
Grupa wspierająca biznes, kulturę i sztukę; łącząca animatorów, promotorów, artystów, twórców, inicjatorów, organizatorów, środowiska artystyczne, biznesowe, media… obiekty/ miejsca kulturalne, wypocz
Praca - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.
Praca szuka ciebie
Praca szuka ciebie - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.