Analiza biznesowa
Analiza wymagań
Doświadczenie zawodowe
IT Project Manager
Business Analyst / Team Leader
Project Description:
The project mission was to provide the client, who was an internal IT department of consulting company as well as managers using company mobile phones, with a fully functional administration system that relies on an integrated database to provide a comprehensive set of support services such as hardware management, office phone infrastructure management, effective mobile phones billing management. The system is easy to maintain and easy to enhance with additional capabilities as they become available in the future.
Role description:
- Define Stakeholders Goals and Expectation
- Create project documentation (project plan, RTM, designs, installation guide, etc.)
- Design algorithm that repars file with mobile phones billing data into separate invoices per manager
- Test application from functional and technical point of view
- Peer review of project documentation, application functionality
The project mission was to provide the client, who was an internal IT department of consulting company as well as managers using company mobile phones, with a fully functional administration system that relies on an integrated database to provide a comprehensive set of support services such as hardware management, office phone infrastructure management, effective mobile phones billing management. The system is easy to maintain and easy to enhance with additional capabilities as they become available in the future.
Role description:
- Define Stakeholders Goals and Expectation
- Create project documentation (project plan, RTM, designs, installation guide, etc.)
- Design algorithm that repars file with mobile phones billing data into separate invoices per manager
- Test application from functional and technical point of view
- Peer review of project documentation, application functionality
Business Analyst
Project Description:
The aim of the project was to prepare detail designs of the Pan-European Consumer Finance solution for the major financial group in Central and Eastern Europe. Detail designs were prepared based on the high level designs prepared during the previous phase of the project.
The areas covered by the project:
- Sales
- Scoring
- IDS (Information Delivery System): management reporting and KPIs
- Campaign Management
Role description:
- Coordinate work related to interface functional design in Sales and scoring, IDS, Campaign Management areas
- Write functional Detail Design regarding IDS to support Management Reporting and KPI
- Write Interfaces Functional Specification
- Responsible for Integration Layer within IDS solution
The aim of the project was to prepare detail designs of the Pan-European Consumer Finance solution for the major financial group in Central and Eastern Europe. Detail designs were prepared based on the high level designs prepared during the previous phase of the project.
The areas covered by the project:
- Sales
- Scoring
- IDS (Information Delivery System): management reporting and KPIs
- Campaign Management
Role description:
- Coordinate work related to interface functional design in Sales and scoring, IDS, Campaign Management areas
- Write functional Detail Design regarding IDS to support Management Reporting and KPI
- Write Interfaces Functional Specification
- Responsible for Integration Layer within IDS solution
Technical Analyst
Project Description:
The major financial group in Central and Eastern Europe has selected Accenture for assistance to start a new Consumer Finance Company in Romania. Accenture role was to integrate IT systems solution supporting the core Consumer Finance business functions software in the packaged development project. EKIP system by Linedata Services was chosen as a main back office solution.
Role description:
- Write technical Detail Designs
- Support Technology and Work Environment
- Install, configure (also patch) and manage execution environment on various servers all of the following tools:
* EKIP system (by LDS)
* Probe SM by Experian
* NBSM by Experian
* Microsoft Dynamics NAV
* Business Objects
- Oracle 10g database administration
The major financial group in Central and Eastern Europe has selected Accenture for assistance to start a new Consumer Finance Company in Romania. Accenture role was to integrate IT systems solution supporting the core Consumer Finance business functions software in the packaged development project. EKIP system by Linedata Services was chosen as a main back office solution.
Role description:
- Write technical Detail Designs
- Support Technology and Work Environment
- Install, configure (also patch) and manage execution environment on various servers all of the following tools:
* EKIP system (by LDS)
* Probe SM by Experian
* NBSM by Experian
* Microsoft Dynamics NAV
* Business Objects
- Oracle 10g database administration
Szkolenia i kursy
2008 - Core Analyst School in Chicago, USA – two weeks training in Accenture Delivery Methodology
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem
SGGW to jedna z najstarszych polskich uczelni. Zawsze wysoko w rankingach. Otrzymała tytuł „Najbardziej innowacyjnej i kreatywnej uczelni w Polsce”.
A jak zarobić pierwszy milion.
Jeśli jesteś osobą, która chce zarabiać w milionach, lub już tak zarabia to jest to grupa dla ciebie :)
Bezpłatne, Gratisy, Rabaty, Zniżki, Promocje, Bonusy, Wyprzedaże, Vouchery, Wejściówki. Zakupy grupowe ze zniżką. Zyskaj klientów w 48 godzin.
Active English
Goldenline's forum in English for professionals with a passion to learn and share their knowledge. :o)
We are not limited to British or American English but all the varieties of the language are welc
Adobe Flash
Programowanie, animowanie serwisów WWW. Programowanie aplikacji wykonanych w technologii Adobe Flash oraz Adobe Flex.
Advertising 2.0
Mamy już mnóstwo serwisów Web 2.0, są użytkownicy, są statystyki, trzeba wreszcie zacząć na tym zarabiać.
NASZYM CELEM JEST POZNANIE JAK NAJWIĘKSZEJ ILOŚCI NOWYCH ZNAJOMYCH ! Zapraszamy osoby tylko ze ZDJĘCIEM i kompletnym profilem. Nie przyjmujemy żadnych reklamacji.
Agencje interaktywne
Grupa dla wszystkich osób zawodowo związanych z agencjami interaktywnymi, oraz tych ciekawych świata e-marketingu.
Akademickie Inkubatory Przedsiębiorczości
Grupa skupiająca osoby związane z Fundacją Akademickie Inkubatory Przedsiębiorczości - beneficjentów, pracowników i osoby zainteresowanych współpracą z AIP
Angielski w biznesie
1. Poszerzaj umiejętności biznesowe po angielsku.
2. Rozwijaj nowe słownictwo i nowe znajomości.
3. Bądź na bieżąco w swojej branży.
4. Sprawdź swój angielski na
5. P
Goldenline's international English-speaking group.
English with native speakers of English.
Anioły Pracy
Jesteśmy społecznością ludzi pomagających sobie nawzajem w znalezieniu pracy zgodnej z naszymi umiejętnościami, predyspozycjami (talentami) i indywidualnymi priorytetami.