Mariusz Grabowski

Technical Writer / Bilingual Desktop Publishing Specialist
Oksford, zagranica


Adobe Acrobat Adobe Creative Suite After Effects Broadvision CMS Desktop Publishing FrameMaker Illustrator InDesign Interleaf Adobe Lightroom Pagemaker QuarkXPress SGML XML Quark Publishing System Quicksilver (software) Adobe Photoshop DTP DTP (Desktop Publishing) DTP Mac: Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress Premiere CC



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Technical Writer / Multilingual Desktop Publishing (DTP) Specialist
Oxford Conversis Ltd
The job involves design and desktop publishing of language-based projects cost–effectively, efficiently and to the highest quality standards in the localisation industry. Projects can involve up to 70 languages and can last several months.
This role additionally requires excellent organisational and communication skills, along with the ability to meet ever-changing specifications and deadlines. It requires constant communication with clients and external suppliers.
• Analysed English source documentation to establish the localization requirements.
• Prepared English source materials for localization and translation.
• Page layout of foreign monolingual and multilingual documents according to client/project specifications.
• Created and configuring document templates/master pages.
• Managed projects from beginning to end including budget, negotiating with external DTP Specialists and proofreaders, ensure deadlines are met or exceeded and signing off on completed project.
• Implemented current, and create new, quality assurance measures.
• Actively collaborated with other DTP Specialists on the improvement of DTP systems and workflows.
• Created fact-sheets, illustrations, diagrams and other graphically supportive information to be used within research documents.
• Responsible for technical side of localisation and transcreation processes of multilingual projects in Adobe After Effects.
Family Gap Year 2010-2011
- Developed negotiation skills through daily contact with sellers in markets and vendors throughout ME & Asia.
- Learned how to adapt to unanticipated situations and improvise new plans due to periodic travel mishaps and unexpected events.
- Developed budgeting and planning skills by financing, planning, organizing my year in Asia.
- Cultivated language and communication skills through contact with people from around the world. Learned to use non verbal and verbal communication to overcome communication and language barriers.
Xerox Europe Ltd.
Technical Writer / Bilingual Desktop Publishing Specialist
• Using structured (XML and DITA) and unstructured FrameMaker, designed user manuals, installation guides, API guides, and online help systems for a variety of Xerox products.
• Designed FrameMaker documents used as single source to create PDFs and online help.
• Developed comprehensive product documentation for operations support system (OSS) products, including release notes, administration guides, user guides, setup guides, and developer guides
• Converted multiple Word user guides into FrameMaker book documents
• Created application icons, diagrams, and graphics
• Created user guides and quick reference cards for sales order applications using FrameMaker
• Consolidated customer documentation deliverables for new clients
• Designed technical diagrams, flowcharts, and system flows
• Maintained software user guides for existing clients
• Created a variety of deliverables for distribution and dealer applications, such as online help, training guides, user manuals, and standard operating procedures
• Maintained end user software help using RoboHelp HTML
AAT Trading Company Sp. z o.o.
DTP Operation Manager
• Responsible for the company’s strategy of design, graphics and typesetting.
• Overall control of the printing process and design of product catalogues, marketing materials and packages.
• Supervision and training of staff.
• Liaison with customers.
• Product promotions.
SDL Poland
Senior DTP Specialist
• The supervision of the preparation of materials for translation purposes and the graphic layout of HI-FI
equipment manuals in Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Russian.
• Update and editing of end user manuals using FrameMaker, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, Word and Adobe Acrobat.
• Supervising and implementation of graphic for projects.
• Creating FrameMaker templates for a variety of document types.
• Manipulation of engineering diagrams and HTML editors for documentation creation and editing.
• Maintaining and developing contacts with strategic partners of Lomac Sp. z o.o..
• Producing and reviewing reports on project progress.
• Mentoring new staff. Providing ongoing help and support.
• Staff training and development.
DTP Operation Manager
Międzynarodowe Targi Pomorza i Kujaw, Bydgoszcz
• Analysing requirements, as well as co-ordination and participation in carrying out projects.
• Collating materials and technical requirements and providing feedback to clients.
• Supervising preparation of material for printing and the printing process itself.
• Producing time and cost estimates of projects.
• Managing and delivering basic and optional software components.
• Initiating new software and organizing training on how to exploit it.
• Inspection and configuration of operating systems.
• Monthly reports on projects for the management.
Graphic Designer
Wydawnictwo „Pagradar”, Bydgoszcz
• Handling and design of full graphic framework of book publications.
• Promotional leaflet and brochure design.
• Creation of Internet Portal for the company.
• Liaison and partnership with other publishing houses in the surrounding areas, providing them with full range of graphic design services.

Szkolenia i kursy

Lean & Six Sigma Green Belt (2005)




Travel (India, South-East Asia), Photography


Mensa Polska,
Servas Polska


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