Design of testing equipment for packaging components and palletised loads
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Sourcing and Development Manager
New project management and implementation.
Purchase of all dry goods and other components/ingredients necessary for current production of spirits products.
Budget -planning and execution.
Search for new suppliers, components and technologies providing new prospects for packaging and production.
Leading the purchasing team.
Coordination of activity for marketing production, purchasing and logistic to provide efficient implementation for projects.
Analyzes of Business factors can effect on purchasing and development.
Providing of necessary documentation.
Purchase of all dry goods and other components/ingredients necessary for current production of spirits products.
Budget -planning and execution.
Search for new suppliers, components and technologies providing new prospects for packaging and production.
Leading the purchasing team.
Coordination of activity for marketing production, purchasing and logistic to provide efficient implementation for projects.
Analyzes of Business factors can effect on purchasing and development.
Providing of necessary documentation.
Starszy Inżynier
Transfer of selected group of packaging from Polish and European suppliers to Russian ones.
Supporting suppliers with all necessary data for creation of existing components / France boxes, tubes, caps, pumps, sleeves, glass bottles.
Designing new, smaller then existing family of outercases; is able to be packing by all range of Avon’s product, cooperating with new automatic case packers, created comprehended logistic system and cost reduction.
Maintaining and completing all relevant technical documentation.
Providing technical support to Avon Russia packaging team.
Supporting Polish packaging development team with approvals of whole range of packaging items manufactured around Europe.
Supporting suppliers with all necessary data for creation of existing components / France boxes, tubes, caps, pumps, sleeves, glass bottles.
Designing new, smaller then existing family of outercases; is able to be packing by all range of Avon’s product, cooperating with new automatic case packers, created comprehended logistic system and cost reduction.
Maintaining and completing all relevant technical documentation.
Providing technical support to Avon Russia packaging team.
Supporting Polish packaging development team with approvals of whole range of packaging items manufactured around Europe.
Packaging Development Senior Specialist & Laboratory Leader
Provide professional activities of Packaging Laboratory ;superintendence about all equipment/machines, measuring procedures and methods, design a new ones
Technical support in collaboration with other R & D groups to ensure packaging integrity to all product categories
Supporting suppliers and manufacturing sites with all necessary data for creation of new components / rigid plastics, flexible plastics, paper components/ bottles, caps foils, labels, outercases and all required packaging materials
Ensuring that all necessary tests such as product handling, environmental durability, tightness of closings, production trails and transport tests provide proper quality of an individual product
Maintaining and completing all relevant technical documentation
Providing methods of assembling and usage lists of packaging items for production
Providing compliance with European packaging regulation and permanently developed standards
Supporting Quality Department and Manufacturing with measuring and control methods for packaging materials inspection
Technical support in collaboration with other R & D groups to ensure packaging integrity to all product categories
Supporting suppliers and manufacturing sites with all necessary data for creation of new components / rigid plastics, flexible plastics, paper components/ bottles, caps foils, labels, outercases and all required packaging materials
Ensuring that all necessary tests such as product handling, environmental durability, tightness of closings, production trails and transport tests provide proper quality of an individual product
Maintaining and completing all relevant technical documentation
Providing methods of assembling and usage lists of packaging items for production
Providing compliance with European packaging regulation and permanently developed standards
Supporting Quality Department and Manufacturing with measuring and control methods for packaging materials inspection
Purchasing Specialist
Benckiser Poland S.A.
Purchasing all packaging materials for production needs
Direct co-operation with local and foreign suppliers on prices, specifications, dates of delivery
Penetrating the suppliers market in search for: new manufacturers, better prices and higher quality
Budget execution
Direct co-operation with local and foreign suppliers on prices, specifications, dates of delivery
Penetrating the suppliers market in search for: new manufacturers, better prices and higher quality
Budget execution
Szkolenia i kursy
Certificate of the course completion (Prospero ) – “Managing . . . “
Certificate of the course completion (Kalkstein)- “Project management”
Certificate of the course completion (Kalkstein) – “Time management”
Certificate of the course completion (Hill International) – “Quality management”
Certificate of the course completion (Institute Francais de Gestion) – “To be effective professional”
Certificate of the course completion (Hill International)– “Creativity, leadership, communication and presentation”
Certificate of the course completion (Kalkstein)- “Project management”
Certificate of the course completion (Kalkstein) – “Time management”
Certificate of the course completion (Hill International) – “Quality management”
Certificate of the course completion (Institute Francais de Gestion) – “To be effective professional”
Certificate of the course completion (Hill International)– “Creativity, leadership, communication and presentation”
Badania i rozwój
Optymalizacja procesu produkcji
Mountain tracking, yachting, music, adaptation of nature movement in to technical solution.
Author of publications in the Polish techno-economic magazine “OPAKOWANIE”:
SRP &RRP packaging in practice. 11/2010
Outsourcing as a chance for faster packaging development. 11/2013
SRP &RRP packaging in practice. 11/2010
Outsourcing as a chance for faster packaging development. 11/2013
Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska jest najstarszą polską uczelnią techniczną. Od ponad 180 lat kształci kolejne pokolenia inżynierów, wnosząc istotny wkład w rozwój nauk technicznych.
Business Broker network
Pozyskiwanie partnerów do współpracy z sektorów nauki i biznesu w zakresie innowacyjnych rozwiązań technologicznych i wymiany wiedzy,
Realizacja projektów (rozwój nowych produktów, uruchomienie nowe
Zapraszam wszystkich zajmujących się dziedziną opakowań w różnej postaci i z różnych materiałów.
USŁUGI DLA FIRM porady ekspertów
Grupa utworzona dla osób posiadających bogatą wiedzę w wybranym segmencie branży USŁUGI DLA FIRM. Dla osób mających chęć i umiejętność dzielenia się swoją wiedzą z innymi.
Zaopatrzenie i Logistyka w przemyśle
Dla ludzi którzy czuwają żeby wszystko się "kręciło" w dobrą stronę
Zapewnienie Jakości
Celem grupy jest integracja środowiska związanego z Zapewnieiem Jakości i wymiana informacji z nim związanych