Marek Urlich

software developer
Kraków, małopolskie

Doświadczenie zawodowe

JLupin Business Solution
CTO, System Architect & PM
Co-owner, Software developer
Beehouse software development
Responsible for development of various projects including: and BPMA (Test automation framework based on Selenium)
Senior Java Developer
Responsibility for maintenance and new features of recruiting software available in cloud, build in microservice architecture.
Dev Lead role during implementing of feature.
Partially Architect role.
Technologies: AngularJS, Jade, CDI, JSON REST, MongoDB, Solr, Oracle, JBoss, Mustache, Jackson, GEB Test, Mockito, Java, Groovy, Gradle
Sabre Polska Sp. z o. o.
Senior Java Developer as contractor of SII sp. z.o.o
Responsibility for maintenance and new features of highly customizable enterprise dashboard to provide all Sabre teams with access to their metrics through web interface.
Taking part of work on aggregation engine which gathers metrics from the Sabre applications, calculates the aggregated metrics using runtime-defined aggregation definitions (~OLAP), stores the data and exposes the data to the dashboard.
Technologies: Vaadin, dygraphs, Spring, Guava cache, JPA over Hibernate, H2, Oracle, Tomcat, JSON REST over Spring MVC, Jackson, Flat files, Custom off-heap caching mechanisms, JMS, slf4 over logback, TestNG, mockito
Sii sp. z o.o.
Java Developer
Alior Bank S.A.
Senior Java Developer as contractor of SII sp. z.o.o
Credit Decision Engine (CDE), Direct Credit System (DCS)
* Creating from scratch platform DCS with changes in CDE system
* Tech Leading for micro team during DCS implementation
* Architectural cooperation and refactoring in DCS and CDE systems
* Responsibility for the implementation of process of loan installments integrated with trading partners. The work in DSC and CDE systems
* Fixes and new features in CDE administration UI
* Refactoring in CDE to replace JBoss and EJB with JLupin Next Server
* Technologies: JEE, EJB, Spring IoC, JLupin 1.5, GWT/Ext, Google GWTP & Gin/Guice, AspectJ,.PostgreSql, JUnit, JBoss, Tomcat, JLupin 1, JLupin Next Server, Maven
Sabre Polska Sp. z o. o.
Software Developer
Development of Java/J2EE Loyalty project responsible for managing loyalty programs for airlines, agencies and corporations


informatyka, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista JAVA


IT World
IT World
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