Marek Nowakowski

Białystok, podlaskie


Strategia biznesowa Analiza konkurencji Negocjacje kontraktu Energia Inżynieria Sprzedaż międzynarodowa Zarządzanie Produkcja Analiza rynku New Business Development zarządzanie operacyjne zaopatrzenie Rozwój produktu Project Management Planowanie projektów Energia Odnawialna Planowanie strategiczne Zarządzanie zespołem



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Business Development Manager
-Active acquisition of new customers in foreign markets including: USA, Japan, Korea, India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Australia, New Zealand;
-Creating strategy of effective sales taking into consideration Asian markets conditions;
-Develop dedicated product and introduce to the US market that had influence on winning the tender by the company to deliver technology for the Police;
-Create and implement, together with business partners, investment plans for the expansion of sales network and increasing market shares in Thailand, Indonesia, India, Korea, Japan;
-Elaboration of formal and legal aspects regarding opening a branch of the company in Indochinese Region including a business plan – reporting to the Supervisory Board;
-Effective cooperation with distributors and manufacturers of components aimed at building long-term relationships through mutual projects, technical and commercial support, business meetings, events;
-Monitoring and analysis of market data concerning the results of the product with regard to competition on the basis of published reports by government agencies, associations, available import and export statistics, sales data, field research, feedback from customers;
-Defining sales plans taking into consideration defined market potential and targets for designated markets;
-Create commercial offers and contracts based on the analysis of customers’ needs and technical requirements;
- Negotiating the terms and conditions of contracts with distributors and OEM customers take into account the comprehensive analysis of their needs, technical requirements of parts, customization, obtaining approval, branding, bonus policy and support long-term activities;
- Active cooperation with other departments of the company, managing projects in the area of new markets as well as dedicated products through scheduling, team building, effective information flow inside the company and communication with customers including all stages;
-Preparation and representation company at international fairs and exhibitions in the USA, South Africa, India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Turkey, Greece,
-Conducting conferences referring to sector and industry in Thailand, promotional meetings related with the advertisement of the offered solutions in Malaysian media
-Visiting related departments of government agencies in order to create conditions for the development of the industry in the emerging markets considering implementation of the technology - South Africa, Burma, Vietnam;
- B2B relationships with partners from different countries;
-Self-improvement through learning about distant cultures, conditions of cooperation with foreign partners from Japan, Thailand, China, USA, Arab as well as participation in numerous workshops and training;
Senior Export Coordinator
-daily contact with foreign partners;
-purchase planning and analysis of the market’s growing tendencies
- technical support for customers;
- participation in preparing and negotiating contracts;
- marketing on the entrusted field;
-analysis of sales results;
-involvement in preparing proposals obtaining new business
-establishing additional contacts with potential clients
Export Coordinator
-daily contact with foreign partners;
-purchase planning and analysis of the market’s growing tendencies
- technical support for customers;
- participation in preparing and negotiating contracts;
- marketing on the entrusted field;
-analysis of sales results;
-involvement in preparing proposals obtaining new business
-establishing additional contacts with potential clients
Export Specialist
F.P.i U. "Bison-Bial" S.A. Białystok
-daily contact with foreign partners;
- technical support for customers;
- participation in preparing and negotiating contracts;
- marketing;
-analysis of sales results;
-involvement in preparing proposals obtaining new business

Szkolenia i kursy

Negotiations in business
University of Bialystok, M. Sklodowskiej-Curie 14, 15-097 Bialystok , Poland


Zarządzanie i Marketing, magisterskie
Politechnika Białostocka
Elektonika i Telekomunikacja, magisterskie
Politechnika Białostocka


Badania i rozwój
Zarządzanie badaniami i rozwojem


-Najnowsze technologie IT


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