Marek Mikołajczyk

Marek Mikołajczyk

Infrastructure Analyst
Ruda Śląska, śląskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Sopra Steria
Junior Infrastructure Engineer with French and English language
Junior linux administrator

Basic administration/configuration:

Worked on systems:
Red Hat 4|5|6
SUSE 11/12

- filesystems - discovering new|extended disks, creating partitions, resizing|shrinking lvm partitions, resizing ext3/ext4/gfs filesystems
- users - adding|deleting accounts, modifying rwx|acl permissions, password aging
- sysstat - checking ressource utilisation, rotation of logs
- network - configuring interfaces (linux|vCenter), adding routes
- package management - installing|upgrading|removing packages (rpm|yum)
- system upgrades
- basic shell scripting (for, if, case)

- DNS - modifying A/PTR/CNAME/zone ; testing changes
- FTP - test for functioning
- NFS - checking service status, adding exports, mounting
- proxy - adding squid acl
- NTP - verification of configuration

3rd party software used
- hosting servers: vCenter, Cisco UCS|KVM + HP ILO & Dell iDrac
- monitoring: nagios, xymon, sitescope,
- netbackup

Free time education and self-development:
- building prod and dev infrastructure, preparing documentation
- configuring and managing samba ,apache, postfix services
- automated installations with cobbler

participated oncall night shifts, interventions (also prepared RFC)
participated in client infrastructure transition (2 weeks, southern France)
participated in shell scripting course (40h)
Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
Infrastructure Analyst with French - SFR Kraków
Main activities:
- preparing basic analysis of incidents
- solving basic issues (hardware and software)
- working with Linux, HP-UX, AIX, SunOS systems
- veryfing errors by using terminal commands and GUI, reading logs
- checking state of systems and services via monitoring tools, launching scripts

Initiative activities & achievements
- in free time, studying unix books in polish, english and french language
- solved difficult ticket by synergy of all possible knowledge sources: procedure,
history ofticket, searching internet and finally consulting N2 technician
- solving tickets ‘LED light orange’ for challenging and improving knowledge
Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
IT Supervisor with English/French - IMOC Katowice
Main activities:
- monitoring consoles HP OVO, Tivoli, HP3000, AS400 terminal checks
- alert reporting due to procedures, respecting SLA and escalation procedures
- software used: EARS/ITSM (create/update/reassign/close tickets), Lotus Notes,
Tivoli Desktop, Control-M (actions order, hold, rerun, confirm, check status, log,
statistics, ancestors & predescors)
- applying procedures upon key-users’ request
- calling technical teams, french and india on-call managers
Initiative activities & achievements
- veryfing procedures and, after consulation with technical teams, keeping the up
to date
- improving effectivenes of department’s work by installing autophone software ,
creating and maintaining database of contacts
- designing a precise communication form used by my department and technicians
– improving automatisation of work tickets by creating macros in ticket reporting
software easier and faster ticket creation
- trained almost 10 newcomers
Interest in UNIX opreational system
- UNIX distribution used for learn: Centos 6
- completed 2-days facultative training of UNIX basics with N3 technician
- completed 9 e-learning trainings
- read books and practice by realising basic scenarios
owner of import company
Main activities:
- searching for national and foreign suppliers, creating long-term relations
- negotiations in english language
- respecting EU procedures of shipment
- evidence of sales
- finding retail and wholesale clients by using internet and direct contact
- preparing offers and promotions
- market analysis for prices and competition
- designing webpage and business cards
- optimalisation of logistics
- preparing monthly reports for statistics and strategy
- finding employees and managing their tasks
Promotor produktów
Pudliszki, Mars, Sony
- zachęcanie klientów do zakupu produktów
- przedstawianie zalet produktów na tle konkurencji
- tworzenie pozytywnego wizerunku firmy
Orange Polska S.A.
Phone number information employee, TP S.A.
Main activities:
- finding information for client request
- searching data in database
- professional and gentle contact with clients
Aviva Polska
Doradca ubezpieczeniowy
Commercial Union
- pozyskiwanie klientów prywatnych i umawianie spotkań
- analiza sytuacji finansowej klienta i rozpoznanie jego potrzeb
- przygotowanie obliczeń matematycznych i dopasowanie oferty
- przekonanie klienta do zakupu produktu ubezpieczeniowego
UPC Polska
Customer service consultant
Main activities:
- receiving request from clients
- verification of infrastructure for request requirements
- verification of formal conditions for request requirements
- applying procedure of passing request to proper department
- computer skills

Szkolenia i kursy

- prawo jazdy: A, B
- Kurs Szkolenia Rezerw, CSWL Poznań kierunek: Zmechanizowany, stopień kpr. pchor.
- młodszy ratownik WOPR
- wynik IQ 142 według testu Mensa Polska


Faculty of Management, specialisation: logistic, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Wydział Zarządzania
Zarządzaniem projektem międzynarodowym, magisterskie
Śląska Międzynarodowa Szkoła Handlowa
Faculty of Finance and Insurance, specialisation: finance and insurance,, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Wydział Finansów i Ubezpieczeń,


IT - Administracja
Administrowanie systemami


1 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
administratorzy linux/unix
Darmowe szkolenia
Darmowe szkolenia
Po prostu wymiana informacji na temat darmowych szkoleń..
IT Katowice
IT Katowice
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IT – Praca dla osób z charakterem
Grupa zrzesza informatyków oraz konsultantów branży IT. Dyskusje oraz możliwości współpracy to cel tej grupy.
Programiści WWW
Programiści WWW
Tworzysz strony internetowe? DOŁĄCZ DO NAS !!! Tematyka grupy to: PHP, ASP.NET, HTML5, grafika, bazy danych, pozycjonowanie, oraz wszelkie tematy związane z tworzeniem serwisów www.
Firmy i specjaliści rynku IT
Projektowanie WWW