Marek Laskowski

Technical Project Manager


Testy akceptacyjne Charging GSM Integracja Testowanie integralności Inteligentne Sieci Testowanie wydajności Postpaid Koordynacja projektu Analiza wymagań Rozówj oprogramowania Telekomunikacja Planowanie testów Strategia badania Testowanie Usługa dodana Test Director



Doświadczenie zawodowe

ZTE Poland sp. z o.o.
Integration Manager
• Integration/ deployment project management (PFS- PATESNG – service delivery platform)
• Integration planning and tests, RFA, acceptance, deployment, VSR. Unique interface for relation with the Client (SFR) and subcontractors. SLA / OLA definition and implementation.
• Team of 10 pers (50% offshore).
Project Manager
• Coordination projects of SFR platform for mobile internet access (WHEAT, RAM)
• Capacity upgrades (RAM UC 2011 Lot 1, RAM UC 2011 Lot2, WHEAT UC 2011 Lot2)
• Functional evolutions (RAM IPv6, WHEAT Offload, RAM Offload, WHEAT Optimization)
• Managing technical scope, planning, tests, acceptance, deployment, relation with the suppliers and subcontractors (total budget ~ 10 M€)
Intelligent Network Consultant
Development and support for integration/acceptance of Rating Enabler – all in one billing solution for T-Mobile Germany / T-Mobile UK. In charge of aggregate producing billing invoices and reports based on Rating Engine EDRs.

Development and upgrades (versioning) of VMS (Voucher Management System) for European and African customers (ex. PTC, KPN, Nextel, MTN).
Intelligent Network Consultant / Test Team Leader / SPOC
Germany (O2 Germany, Munich) – 3 years
Development, integration, debugging, acceptance of prepaid and postpaid services on test and Live platforms
Issues filtering and dispatching (SPOC – interface between Front Office and Back Office)
Migrations and monitoring on live platform
Postpaid and prepaid services trainings for the customer

Ireland (O2 Ireland, Dublin) – 2 months
Prepaid service acceptance on test platforms (RE 2.0)

Belgium (Alcatel-Lucent, Namur) – 5 months
Development and integration of RMOC service
Intelligent Network Consultant
April 2001 – November 2004 (3 years 8 months) Paris Area, France

Egypt (Mobinil) - 2001 (5 months)
hardware (R2.2) + PPS service installation, integration (SSP, SDP, SMSC), acceptance and migration

Mauritania (Mauritel) - 2002 (2 months)
technical support

Gabon (Libertis) - 2003 (7 months)
hardware (R2.2) + PPS service installation, integration, acceptance and migration (SN to Full IN)
technical support

Tanzania (Celltel) - 2003 (2 months)
hardware extension (CPU, RAM, SS7) + PPS service installation (CAMEL ph2), integration (SSP, SMSC), migration (INAP to CAMEL), acceptance

Sri Lanka (Dialog) - 2004 (9 months)
platform hardware installation (R2.3)
PPS service installation (R2.3),integration (SSP, HLR (Alcatel + Ericsson)), acceptance
PPS training for the customer
extension of PPS services (CAMEL phase 3 for GPRS real time charging, Camel mobility management) – functional specification + tests

And more smaller technical interventions in Qatar, Cameroon (Orange), Algeria (Orascom), India (TATA), Slovakia (Orange), Gambia (Orange), Algeria (Orascom) ...
Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
Telecommunications Consultant
9 Telecom (4 months)
Conception /Development /Tests of CRM (Genio aggregation)

France Telecom (6 months)
Development / Tests of low-level fraud detection tool for fix and mobile traffic. (C / PL SQL / Unix script)
Polkomtel Sp. z o. o.
MSC/HLR Operations Engineer
- Maintenance and configuration of Ericsson MSC/HLR for one of the major mobile operators in Poland.
Amadeus Polska Sp. z o.o.
Software Designer / Developer
Conception / Design / Development of the C/C++ code generator on the base of UML development template used in Amadeus (UML, VB, C)

Szkolenia i kursy

- Prince 2


Telecommunications, IT, Economics, magisterskie
Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne
Telecommunications, IT, Economics, magisterskie
Politechnika Warszawska / Warsaw University of Technology
Telecommunications, IT, Economics, magisterskie
École Franco-Polonaise des Nouvelles Technologies d'Information et Télécommunication (EFP)
Physics, Maths, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Warszawski / University of Warsaw


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem


Management training, non fuel engines, solar energy, third world countries developement


Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska
Politechnika Warszawska jest najstarszą polską uczelnią techniczną. Od ponad 180 lat kształci kolejne pokolenia inżynierów, wnosząc istotny wkład w rozwój nauk technicznych.
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, założony w 1816 roku, jest największą polską uczelnią i jednocześnie jedną z najlepszych w kraju.