Marek Broda

Independend Software Developer
Gorzów Wielkopolski, lubuskie


ASP.NET HTML JavaScript Visual Studio SQL Server .NET C# Xamarin.Android WebService Blazor



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Independent Sofware Developer
I design and create software.
Specialization: C#, MS Visual Studio, SQL databases, Windows Forms,WebServices, also ASP.NET. HTML, JavaScript, PHP.
Topics: Warehouse management, Logistic, Sale, Production, Financials andAccounting.
The most important clients: TPV Displays (Gorzów Wlkp.), AMERIGAS Poland(Warszawa), Constans (Kłodawa), GORMETAL (Gorzów Wlkp.)
Software Developer
ZWCh Stilon S.A.
I worked as Software Developer and also as Operation System specialist. Iwrote in COBOL. I mainly dealt with the financial and accounting system.
H. Cegielski Poznań S.A.
Software Developer
At start I worked as computer operator, next as software developer - I wrote inCOBOL, mainframe ICL SYSTEM 4, system of preparing production.


Warehouse Management System for GORMETAL
It is Windows Forms application for warehouse mangement with tracking certification info for materials.
Zakres obowiązków
Project and implemetation.
Warehouse Management System for TPV CS (Customer Service)
Windows Forms application and set of services to support warehouse operations for part of TPV dealing with Customer Service. The application exchanges information with SAP system and other systems. There is a part working on mobile scanners. The application is still being developed.
Zakres obowiązków
Project and implementation.
Warehouse Management System for TPV Displays
Windows Forms application and set of services to support warehouse operations for raw materials and finish goods. The application exchanges information with SAP system and other systems. There is also part for mobile scanners based on WebService. The application is still being developed.
Zakres obowiązków
Project and implementation.
The system supporting the Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center
It is Windows Forms application with database in My SQL or SQL Server. It covers patients registration, patients examinations, performing therapy, statistics.
Zakres obowiązków
Project and implementation
Deliveries of gas tanks and support for technical operations for these tanks for Amerigas Polska
Windows Forms application for managing of gas tanks deliveries and control on mandatory technical operations needed fot these tanks and other devices.
Zakres obowiązków
Project and implementation.
Systems of order registering and production control for Constans sp. z o.o.
It is the set of Windows Forms applications to support order registering and control of production stages in Constans - a factory producing windows and doors. Still developed.
Zakres obowiązków
Project and implementation.
Mobile Terminals for TPV CS
Aplikacja w Xamarin Android pracująca na terminalach mobilnych. Specyficzne dla Customer Service operacje magazynowe.
Zarządzanie magazynami dla firmy Magma
Aplikacja w Windows Forms oraz aplikacja Web-owa w Blazor pracująca na terminalach mobilnych.


mathematics -numerical methods & programming, magisterskie
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista C#


1 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu to jedna z najlepszych uczelni w Polsce. W uznanych rankingach polskich szkół wyższych UAM sytuuje się w ścisłej czołówce najlepszych uczelni
Business IT
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
Sekrety E-Biznesu i E-Marketingu. Web 2.0, startup, social media, blogi, microblogi, programy partnerskie, google adwords, google adsense. Czyli własny ebiznes w internecie.
freelancerzy IT
freelancerzy IT
Grupa wolnych strzelców z dziedziny IT - programiści, webmasterzy, graficy, administratorzy...
Programiści .NET
Programiści .NET
Zrzesza programistów technologii Microsoft .NET, oraz osoby pracującę nad projektami w technologii .NET