Marcin Wolski

Marcin Wolski

Planista Produkcji



Doświadczenie zawodowe

DELL Computers, Ireland
New Product Planner
Analysis of Dell Platforms to Determine:
Availability of parts for Qual, Pilot and Production builds
Daily interaction with engineering and master scheduling depts.
Liasing with the global procurement teams
Daily metrics statusing part/product availability
Weekly global metrics on product readiness
Sharing information with engineering/production on availability
of parts for full production
Attend daily/weekly meetings
DELL Computers, Ireland
Supply Chain Planning Group
Create ATS documents – Available to Sell
Run weekly ATS docs for sustaining platforms
Calculate DSI – Days Sales Inventory
Work with COC to determine which products are available to sell
DELL Computers, Ireland
Supply Chain Re-Engineering – Packaging Analyst
Support the introduction of new Packaging for all products.
Auditing new packaging so that dimensional & actual weight data entered on Dell systems is accurate.
Packaging Audit process for Fulfillment Centers, Factory
Identify saving s. Cost benefit, engaging with finance

Szkolenia i kursy

Business Process Improvement-Yellow Belt


Optymalizacja procesu produkcji


Rodzina, Przyjaciele, Gry Komputerowe, Sport