Testy regresyjne
Testy systemowe
Automatyzacja testów
Planowanie testów
Testowanie Manualne
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Software Developer
- REST API service for shipments – based on Entity-Control-Boundary architectural pattern – ex. adding new rest endpoints (ordering courier for specified address, searching for shipment's pickup point locations, regenerate inter-and-outer labels), generate special identifier for shipments - according to technical specification, writing integration tests,
- time report application, based on PrimeFaces and Model-Viewer-Presenter architectural pattern, ex. implementing missing days of work for emplyers, testing and fixing bugs,
(JavaSE, JavaEE, JPQL, Hibernate, EclipseLink,Docker, PostgreSQL, MySQL, PrimeFaces, JUnit, WildFly)
- time report application, based on PrimeFaces and Model-Viewer-Presenter architectural pattern, ex. implementing missing days of work for emplyers, testing and fixing bugs,
(JavaSE, JavaEE, JPQL, Hibernate, EclipseLink,Docker, PostgreSQL, MySQL, PrimeFaces, JUnit, WildFly)
Software Developer
- working with building tools (gradle, ant) and Continuous Integration tools (QuickBuild, Artifactory),
- enhance integration and Selenium tests, development of test framework (Java),
- front-end (JavaScript) and back-end (Java,mongo) web application developer (AngularJS and Bootstrap),
- scripting for automating config's or data collecting, ex.license update, truncate data files (VBScript, linux shell, jmeter).
- creating extensions for Wordpress functionality and implementing problem patterns (PHP,Java),
- integrating test platform EasyTravel with Wordpress blog for testing DynaTrace software (PHP and Java),
- enhance integration and Selenium tests, development of test framework (Java),
- front-end (JavaScript) and back-end (Java,mongo) web application developer (AngularJS and Bootstrap),
- scripting for automating config's or data collecting, ex.license update, truncate data files (VBScript, linux shell, jmeter).
- creating extensions for Wordpress functionality and implementing problem patterns (PHP,Java),
- integrating test platform EasyTravel with Wordpress blog for testing DynaTrace software (PHP and Java),
IT trainee
- web service implementation (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Ajax) and technical support of workers.
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista JAVA
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
IT – Praca dla osób z charakterem
Grupa zrzesza informatyków oraz konsultantów branży IT. Dyskusje oraz możliwości współpracy to cel tej grupy.
Programiści WWW
Tworzysz strony internetowe? DOŁĄCZ DO NAS !!!
Tematyka grupy to: PHP, ASP.NET, HTML5, grafika, bazy danych, pozycjonowanie, oraz wszelkie tematy związane z tworzeniem serwisów www.