Marcin Ochmian

Head of Department at Citi, VP(Service Center for Operations and Business processes; UAT/SIT, budget and finance, vendor management)
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Cross-functional Team Leadership ISTQB Certified Offshore Outsourcing Offshoring Project Management Shared Service Center Site Operations Vendor relationship management People Management UAT



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Citibank International plc
Head of Department
- formulating and executing regional core operations strategy towards parameterization of all EMEA retail markets front & back-end systems, UAT and PROD (Sun to Fri 10x6)
- providing leadership to enhance APAC core operations transformation through system parameters standardization, simplification and automation leading to a better customer experience
- executing service and process migrations – since 2016 have completed 5 (from APAC, NAM & EMEA)
- ensure on-site support for customer-live projects (Bahrain, Singapore, US)
- oversight over HR (recruitment, on/off-boarding, capacity planning, salaries annual review process)
- governing finance (budget planning, monitoring & executing; cost recovery, P&L)
- delivering legal and compliance (contracts, KPIs, procedures, audits, senior Citi Service Center committees: i.e. risk, compliance, strategy)
- state service attributes (quality, SLAs, costs, invoicing, periodic scope and customer satisfaction review, constant process improvement and automation, productivity increase)
- formulating strategy with customers and leaders for global services as a Site Head for:
o IVR (UAT and L1 PROD suppose – EMEA, NAM),
o KYC (enhanced Customer Due Diligence, direct customer calls - UK)
o Deposit Products (off-shore US team under CSC Poland)
o other control functions (Customer Experience – EMEA, APAC)
Citibank International plc
VP, Senior Test Manager
Joined to one of key projects and customer for the Department and promoted to VP:
- Creating (recruitment, on-boarding) and managing a team of 17 SMEs in 4 worldwide locations (Poland, India) within Retail area for globally driven program which is responsible for analyzing the scope of change, designing e2e test cases, QA and finally supporting testers during the validation phase for US, Mexico and Brazil at the time,
- Responsible for delivering a service within a budget of 2 teams ($2,5MM+),
- Recognizing the requirement and delivering automated tools for a Customer,
- RM for one of 3rd party vendors.
- Temporary abroad assignments in NYC and Singapore in order to support project delivery prior and during go-live
- closely working with a Department Head on the unit's strategy and capacity planning
Citibank International plc
AVP, Senior Test Lead
Joined retail banking.
Senior Test Lead in core banking area and manager of finance and vendor management team:
- Creating and managing a testing unit of 3 teams (recruitment, on-boarding) with 3 Test Leads and four virtual teams covering five Product Processors of a new front-end platform;
- Vendor manager of three 3rd party vendors (in EMEA and APAC) for BAU and projects financial support, including budgeting;
- supporting negotiations of agreements with 7 CEEMEA customers, Western Europe and 2 in APAC;
- responsible for a process of finalizing and signing agreements and amendments
for Citi customers and external vendors
Citibank International plc
Offshore team lead
Taken over the established and in-sourced service:
- leader of APAC off-shore team of a Business Analyst and a Relationship Manager for CEEMEA Region;
- coordinator of a project plan for the EMEA region new front-end platform;
- coordinator of legal matters during the final stage of Bank Handlowy's Data Centre Migration Program working closely with a Program Manager;
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Project Manager
Joined a team of project managers in a corporate banking as a result of development MA Program graduation:
- project manager in the Cash and Capital Market business unit
- managing project for CRM on the Lotus Domino;
- leading a foundation of an APAC off-shore team (dealing between involved stakeholders in Poland and Singapore, amending the outsourcing agreement to follow local banking regulatory restrictions, recruiting the team);
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Management associate program
Citi's development program for talents in a corporate Operation and Technology sector:
- Optimization process of and office space utilization and planning in matrix associated locations for CRS department;
- UAT test coordinator of an overdraft interface during 1st phase
of implementation on Flexcube platform;
- UAT test coordinator for Treasury back-office on Flexcube during annual SWIFT testing; Business Object reports testing and implementation;
- Coordinator of testing progress during UAT for a new customer web front-end for Bank Handlowy;


Standardization of US retail banking platforms with other regions
Zakres obowiązków
The manager of a 30+ business analists and testers, review and creating description of e2e business processes, supporting UAT with independent QA check, UAT.
EMEA Rainbow Program for retail banking
Implementation of a new front-end platform for end users in retail banking across all EMEA markets as the senior test manager
Zakres obowiązków
Test manager for loans, fund transfers, general ledger, statements, customer data.

Szkolenia i kursy

ISTQB Foundation Certified


Ekonomia, magisterskie
Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie


Bankowość detaliczna
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie IT


- hiking for self-analysis,
- running for results,
- swimming for fit,
- sailing for fun,
- valuable music for relax


Since 2013 - Warszawski Instytyu Bankowosci - volunteer/trainer in schools in Bakcyl Project

1.10.2007 – Przewodniczący Rady Uczelnianej Samorządu Studentów Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie;

23.01.2007 – Sekretarz Rady Uczelnianej Samorządu Studentów Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie;

2007 - współorganizator i koordynator Juwenaliów w Szczecinie ze strony Akademii Rolniczej;

1.10.2006 – Członek Rady Nadzorującej Akademickiego Inkubatora Przedsiębiorczości Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie,

1.10.2006 - Sekretarz Rady Wydziałowej Samorządu Studentów Wydziału Ekonomiki i Organizacji Gospodarki Żywnościowej Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie;

1.10.2004 – Prezes Uczelnianego Klubu Turystycznego „Labolare”,


15 wszystkich wypowiedzi
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NASZYM CELEM JEST POZNANIE JAK NAJWIĘKSZEJ ILOŚCI NOWYCH ZNAJOMYCH ! Zapraszamy osoby tylko ze ZDJĘCIEM i kompletnym profilem. Nie przyjmujemy żadnych reklamacji.
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III sektor
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Tanie latanie
Tanie latanie
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