Marcin Cichy

Communications Manager
Zurych, zagranica


Komunikacja korporacyjna Komunikacja wewnętrzna Komunikacja Marketingowa



Doświadczenie zawodowe

ALSTOM Switzerland
Internal Communications Manager
A global role in the internal communications department where I am responsible for driving the editorial strategy, bringing in new comms channels as well as driving the culture change. I am also responsible for introducing and rolling out web 2.0 tools.
Cisco Systems Poland Sp. z o.o.
Internal Communication Manager
A role within the EMEAR Strategic Communications team which focuses on managing Internal Communications Framework. I am also involved in driving adoption of the next generation communication and collaboration platform as well as ensuring that the EMEAR stakeholders are well prepared for the upcoming change.

- New global collaborative portal technology integration (IWE) into Internal Communications Framework and existing architecture.
- Developing Internal Communications Framework aimed at equipping internal communicators in EMEAR with the latest information on the new IC developments.
- Developing internal communications metrics.
- Driving the education sessions on internal communications for EMEAR stakeholders.
- Rolling out the digital media suite (DMS) across Europe and ensuring its full integration across EMEAR.

Key Responsibilities:
- Designing Internal Communications plans.
- Managing the internal communication framework, including delivery of corporate news and content.
- Liaising with web developers in order to develop existing internal web pages and introduce the next generation Intranet using semantic web.
- Developing and introducing new communication channels in collaboration with the EMEAR and global stakeholders.
- Monitoring, measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of internal communications.
- Organising virtual events, ensuring that the content is attractive and interactive.
- Preparing a bi-weekly EMEAR communications update.
- Training internal audiences on the use of various communications channels and tools.
- Increasing the use of social media across the company.
- Management of Sales recognition process (Wins of the Week).
- Various team and project management.

Szkolenia i kursy

University of Jyväskylä, ‘Current Issues in Leadership & Management’, Jyväskylä, Finland

‘Current trends and future directions in English language teaching’, Berlin, Germany

“Web Journals in Language Education BLOGS”, Graz, Austria

“Preparing for tomorrow – Initiating and cultivating change in English teaching contexts”, Berlin, Germany

“Setting up a European Project within School Exchanges”, Antwerpen, Belgium

“Gender Equality – Educación para la Igualdad”, Madrid, Spain

Digital Audio & Video in Language Teaching, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

RELSA-Ireland Certificate in ELT, Dublin, Ireland


Lingwistyka Stosowana - Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Iberystyka, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Filologia angielska, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Warszawski


Komunikacja marketingowa


Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, założony w 1816 roku, jest największą polską uczelnią i jednocześnie jedną z najlepszych w kraju.