Malgosia Szyrmer (Oniszk)

Demand Planner/Specjalista d/s Planowania Popytu, Nestle Purina
Londyn, zagranica



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Demand Planning Manager
Nestle Purina UK
I have a wide range Supply Chain experience gained within industry leading companies –Nestle and Mondelez for FMCG but also Delphi for pPurin Automotive and DuPont De Nemours for chemical goods.

Throughout my career I’ve been working on the complete E2E – from supply planning (including material sourcing) through to demand planning and customer service.

My career with Nestle started in 2006 in Customer Service Department. I transferred to Demand Planning team after only 8 months and throughout the period of service within that function I was planning all Grocery and Specialist Channels.

I also took an opportunity to learn MPS and SNP planning during my 4 months secondment in the European Planning Team based in Lausanne when I was responsible for the biggest Wet Cat food factory in Europe (Wisbech).

In the role of Customer Service Lead I’ve gained a valuable experience of managing execution part of the E2E supply chain. In this role I was also responsible for creation and development of the team, enabling them with the right KPIs and tools.

In my current role as a Demand Planning Manager for Purina UK I’m accountable for creation of the forecast both on a customer level and on a category level for a £600m business, 33 separate customers, 600 SKUs. I'm managing a team of 13 people.

I’m also leading SAS (statistical forecasting) acceleration programme in Purina UK with an ambitious agenda which will bring high level of objectivity into the forecast creation process as well as will result in substantial efficiency gains both for Demand Planning as for Generating Demand.
Logistics Specialist
Production Scheduling and Supply Planning for 2 assembly lines.
Very close cooperation with Europe-based (mainly France and Spain) suppliers and customers.
Everyday contacts with Technical Centre in Luxembourg.
Working together with a project team on smooth launch of new products (from the logistics perspective).
European Logistics Coordination Centre Trainee
DuPont de Nemours Intl SA
Project "Introduction of efficient system of express deliveries in DuPont Europe".
Involvement in the project aiming at optimising the express shipments' use within the whole DuPont Europe organization.
Collect ion of data from the all European DuPont sites and premium freight suppliers
Analysis of data in terms of cost, usage, efficiency
End result - systematic European solution optimising costs of express shipments.


Zarzadzania i Marketing, magisterskie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie


Łańcuch dostaw


9 wszystkich wypowiedzi
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Demand Planners
Demand Planners
Forum ma na celu wymianę doświadczeń, pomysłów i dobrych rozwiązań między wszystkimi zajmującymi się prognozowaniem i planowaniem sprzedaży.
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