Małgorzata Stanik

Team Leader, Multilingual Business Services at devire
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Coaching Szkolenie Rekrutacja w logistyce rekrutacje na stanowiska finansowe Rozwój osobisty Selekcja CV Rekrutacja przez Internet korekta i redakcja tekstów rozmowy rekrutacyjne Rekrutacje specjalistyczne Rekrutacje stałe monitoring rynku pracy rekrutacje SSC/BPO



Doświadczenie zawodowe

SSC/BPO Recruitment Team Leader in Multilingual Business Services Division
• Managing 5 team members (direct reports)
• Responsibility for team financial results (monthly, quarterly and yearly targets)
• Dividing tasks & projects within the team and managing delivery process
• Creating and executing team operational standards
• Conducting recruitment processes for specialist, TL and managerial positions within SSC/BPO sector (finance & accounting, procurement, logistics, HR services, customer service, IT helpdesk, banking, law, e-commerce, master data, analytics)
• Motivating and supporting employees on a daily basis
• Training and mentoring team members (creating and conducting trainings & workshops on soft skills, recruitment competencies and SSC/BPO sector knowledge)
• Responsibility for development of subordinates and progressive team growth
• Conducting comprehensive quarterly individual reviews with team members
• Ensuring proper internal communication based on trust and partnership (daily feedback, resolving conflicts)
• Recruiting new employees and conducting onboarding
• Consulting for clients and new investors (e.g. reports on salaries, locations, competencies; analyses of positions and scope of duties)
• Conducting business meetings with clients; creating offers and presentations for clients
• Effective key account management in daily cooperation with clients (SSC/BPO companies)
• Cooperation with PR & Marketing Department (job fairs coordination, sourcing and testing new recruitment portals and tools)
Antal Sp. z o.o.
SSC/BPO Recruitment Senior Consultant & Internal Trainer
- executing recruitment processes for specialist, TL and managerial positions within SSC/BPO sector (finance & accounting, procurement, logistics, customer service, IT helpdesk, HR services)
- creating and publishing job advertisements
- sourcing candidates via internal database, networking and social media
- résumé screening
- interviewing candidates and liaising relationships with them
- creating candidates' profiles for clients
- conducting business meetings with clients
- a role of KAM in daily cooperation with six SSC/BPO companies from Warsaw and Łódź
- representing company during careers fairs
- writing articles and expert commentaries about labour market
- conducting internal and external trainings
- developing market knowledge of SSC/BPO sector and sharing it with the team
- business development activities
- working on internal improvements within division
- assisting in induction new members to SSC/BPO team
Antal Sp. z o.o.
SSC/BPO Recruitment Consultant
- executing recruitment processes for specialist, senior and TL positions within SSC/BPO sector (finance & accounting, procurement, logistics, customer service, IT helpdesk)
- creating and publishing job advertisements
- sourcing candidates via internal database, networking and social media
- résumé screening
- interviewing candidates and liaising relationships with them
- creating candidates' profiles for clients
- conducting business meetings with clients
- a role of KAM in daily cooperation with SSC/BPO companies
- representing company during careers fairs
- writing expert commentaries about labour market
- conducting internal and external trainings
Antal Sp. z o.o.
SSC/BPO Recruitment Associate Consultant
- executing recruitment processes for specialist and senior positions within SSC/BPO sector (finance & accounting, customer service)
- creating and publishing job advertisements
- sourcing candidates & résumé screening
- building a database of candidates
- interviewing candidates and liaising relationships with them
- creating candidates' profiles for clients
- a role of KAM in daily cooperation with SSC/BPO companies
- participation in business meetings with clients
Antal Sp. z o.o.
SSC/BPO Recruitment Intern Consultant
- executing recruitment processes for junior & specialist positions within SSC/BPO sector (finance & accounting, customer service)
- creating and publishing job advertisements
- sourcing candidates & résumé screening
- building a database of candidates
- interviewing candidates and liaising relationships with them
- creating candidates' profiles for clients
Training & Communication Specialist
KIKO Business Solutions
- preparing reports, presentations and analyses in the area of education, training and coaching
- contact with institutions, trainers and business partners
- coordinating an international educational project co-financed from EU funds (participation in transnational meetings, preparing documents, analyses, reports, texts on English website and fanpage)
Work Service S.A.
Recruitment Intern
- creating and publishing job advertisements
- résumé screening
- conducting phone interviews
- contact with candidates: presenting job offers, scheduling meetings, giving feedback
- administrative support within HR and payroll services

Szkolenia i kursy

Certified Coach MLC, Studium Coachingu MLC, 2014

Competent Communicator, Toastmasters International, 2017

Competency Based Interview, Antal, 2016

Job Offer Sales, Antal, 2016

Fun4BD (Businness Development Tips), Antal, 2016

Market Research Basis, Antal, 2016

Introduction to Employer Branding, Antal, 2016

Assessment Centre - basic training & advanced training, Antal 2017


Psychology, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Polish philology, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Warszawski


Administracja biurowa
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie


Toastmasters International,

Klub Coacha MLC,



Szkoły zawodowe odchodzą do lamusa. Co je zastąpi?, Polskie Radio, 12.07.2017, expert commentary in the radio broadcast,,Szkoly-zawodowe-odchodza-do-lamusa-Co-je-zastapi

Elastyczny czas pracy: Ile godzin powinniśmy pracować?, Puls HR, 27.12.2016, expert commentary in the article,,39800.html

Depresja a życie zawodowe. Jak przełamywać tabu?, Polskie Radio, 6.02.2017, expert commentary in the radio broadcast,,Depresja-w-pracy-Sprawdz-czy-ci-grozi

Edu-recruitment: Nowy trend w rekrutacji także wśród specjalistów i menedżerów, Puls HR, 25.04.2016, expert commentary in the article,,33247.html

Reforma oświaty, likwidacja gimnazjów: Duże zmiany w nowym roku szkolnym 2016/2017 i kolejnych, Puls HR, 1.09.2016, expert commentary in the article,,37051.html

Kariera w branży modowej: 5 porad na start,, 27.01.2017,

Językowa przepustka do lepszej pracy i płacy, Rzeczpospolita, 28.03.2017, expert commentary in the article,


Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, założony w 1816 roku, jest największą polską uczelnią i jednocześnie jedną z najlepszych w kraju.