Doświadczenie zawodowe
junior auditor in an Irish accounting company in Dublin
KDA Accountants
Duties: working in different accounting systems- Sage 50 Accounts and Sage Accounts Production (e.g. posting purchase and sales invoices, bank reconciliations into these systems), preparing different types of forms for clients (Form 11, forms connected with tax return, filling in forms on-line, etc), bookkeeping, preparing accounts packs, reviewing financial statements; office stuff (dealing with clients, answering phones, ordering data, setting up files)
Internship: Consultant in the Assurance Department (Audit- CIPS)
Duties: validation of different type of controls in companies, pursuing and documenting inventories, verifying balance sheets, profits and loss accounts, annual and mid-term reports, emission prospects, invoices; preparing minutes, pursuing controls of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment (e.g. counting amortization), cash, accounts receivable and payable, inventories, capital, financial income and expenses and other parts of balance sheet and P&L; agreeing trial balance with balance sheet and P&L; filling in timesheets and expenses, preparing, processing, organizing and documenting data in databases, sending business correspondence, working with clients, participating in trainings, preparing lead schedules, field work,etc.
work based on a contract in security of The Royal Castle in Warsaw
ZAMEK sp. j., Warsaw
In Castle I worked during holidays (each time 3 months) in 2004 and 2005.
Duties: checking the accuracy of an actual inventory in each chamber with a list and reporting any reservations about the conditions of exhibits; keeping order in assigned chambers, taking care of safety of both visitors and exhibits; giving all relevant information for tourists; providing security during concerts, conferences and other events taking place in Castle.
Duties: checking the accuracy of an actual inventory in each chamber with a list and reporting any reservations about the conditions of exhibits; keeping order in assigned chambers, taking care of safety of both visitors and exhibits; giving all relevant information for tourists; providing security during concerts, conferences and other events taking place in Castle.
Szkolenia i kursy
06.2006 – 07.2006
Summer School 2006 at Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Slovenia, courses: international business, management of technologies
(during the foreign scholarship I had an opportunity to work with students from whole Europe, we prepared together presentations and projects)
Summer School 2006 at Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Slovenia, courses: international business, management of technologies
(during the foreign scholarship I had an opportunity to work with students from whole Europe, we prepared together presentations and projects)
Foreign languages, horse riding, literature, dance, music, psychology, travels, far-eastern cultures
2004 – 2005
Member of Academic Institution of Economists (KNE) at home university- Group “INDEX”
(participating in conferences, e.g. at The Polish Stock-Exchange in Warsaw, participating in a competition: “The Stock-Exchange Game”; in KNE I was learning the rules of functioning and investing on a stock- exchange)
Member of Academic Institution of Economists (KNE) at home university- Group “INDEX”
(participating in conferences, e.g. at The Polish Stock-Exchange in Warsaw, participating in a competition: “The Stock-Exchange Game”; in KNE I was learning the rules of functioning and investing on a stock- exchange)
- KPMG- problems solving
- Advisory Experience PricewaterhouseCoopers Case study
- McKinsey Case Day at SGH in Warsaw
- Deloitte Day- Successful convincing; Cirrus Case Study (taxes)
- Academy of Creating Capital (organized by Association of Individual Investors)- level 1 and 2 (a training in the area of stock market investment, fundamental and technical analysis)
- Certificate of Speech Making and Presentation Training
- selling
- Deloitte Student Business Forum in Lozanna 2009- reached final part of recruitment
- Introduction to PRINCE2- methodology of projects management
- Supply chain- Procter & Gamble
- KPMG- problems solving
- Advisory Experience PricewaterhouseCoopers Case study
- McKinsey Case Day at SGH in Warsaw
- Deloitte Day- Successful convincing; Cirrus Case Study (taxes)
- Academy of Creating Capital (organized by Association of Individual Investors)- level 1 and 2 (a training in the area of stock market investment, fundamental and technical analysis)
- Certificate of Speech Making and Presentation Training
- selling
- Deloitte Student Business Forum in Lozanna 2009- reached final part of recruitment
- Introduction to PRINCE2- methodology of projects management
- Supply chain- Procter & Gamble
A ja jestem świetną kobietą.
Tą grupę założyłem dla wszystkich świetnych kobiet na tym portalu. Ma służyć Ci przede wszystkim jako znak, na Twoim profilu - jeśli czujesz, że jesteś taką kobietą - Dołącz teraz!
czy ktoś z was jest może studentem ACCA?
lub chciałby nim być?
a może ktoś ma już te kwalifikacje?
ADVANTAGE Produkcja Logistyka Zakupy Leadership
Rekrutacje, szkolenia, doradztwo i coaching w obszarach Produkcja | Logistyka | Zakupy | Leadership
Audyt wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny, audyt wykorzystania środków UE, egzaminy i certyfikaty w audycie.
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
Emiraty Arabskie
Wymiana doswiadczen zwiazanych z zyciem i praca w Emiratach Arabskich (a szczegolnie w Dubaju i Abu Dhabi). Dla tych, ktorzy odwiedzili ten kraj i chca opowiedziec o swoich przezyciach.
EXCEL w praktyce
Pytania, wskazówki, odpowiedzi, komentarze, usprawnienie pracy w EXCELu. Cel: wzajemna pomoc, wymiana doświadczeń, propozycje usprawnień pracy
zapraszam wszystkie soby zainteresowane temtem INDII kultury ,religii ,wartości ,przemian jakie zachodzą , gospodarki ...oczywiście ludzi
prosze o opinie ,nowe tematy,marzenia,zainteresowa
Indonesia Today
Grupa Indonezja od A do Z jest grupą moderowaną z Indonezji i o Indonezji.Przeznaczoną dla turystów, globtroterów i biznesmenów w kraju nad Wisłą.
KardasBroker. Twój znajomy broker.
KardasBroker - Twój znajomy broker z Goldenline.pl
Nowe samochody w atrakcyjnych cenach - Kredyty samochodowe - Leasing - Kredyty inwestycyjne.
Grupa tylko dla moich znajomych.
Kogo szkolił skills
Grupa tylko tych osób, które szkolił z zarządzania projektami skills. Stworzona w celach wspierania kariery zawodowej absolwentów tych szkoleń.