Magdalena Gawlik

Medical Information and Quality Assurance Manager
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Umiejętności analityczne Badania kliniczne Umiejętności komunikacyjne Komunikacja korporacyjna Dietetyka Dyplomacja Szkolenia pracowników Inżynierowie Technologia Żywności Medycyna Negocjacje Przemysł farmaceutyczny Prezentacje Ustalanie priorytetów marketing produktu Regulacje Public Relations Skills



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Medical Information and Quality Assurance Junior Manager
Pfizer Polska
Regulatory Administrator
* Work with Pfizer electronic regulatory and financial systems (e-palms, e-palmsII ,Docu-Proof; Collate and track information about submissions and approvals )
* Administrative work (updates of all databases, sharepoints with proper data; monitoring of Regulatory budget)
* Support in artworks preparation (Initiates PAR (Pfizer Artwork Request) and artwork preparation- LPDs, PILs, ) Performs QG2
* Labeling Proof-Reading ( SmPC's, PIL's, labels)
* Substitution of the Local Regulatory Affairs Team Members (Deputizes for submission of regulatory documentation to the Local Regulatory Agency);
* FCPA implementation-(Coordinates administrative procedures in accordance with Pfizer policies, Maintains all relevant and required FCPA documents and condition
Pfizer Polska
Marketing Assistant/ Compliance Coordinator
* Training of Field force colleagues (Pharmaceutical Representatives and District Managers) to be up to date with SOPs and compliance (presentations, teleconferences)
* Providing high-level quality of all agreements and necessary attachments, supervising document circulation at office and FDF colleagues’ request
* Coordinates distribution of in-coming and out-going e-mails for Marketing Department
* Supervises circulation of invoices within Marketing Department, budgeting of invoices with regard to designated products
* National Cycle Meetings arrangements (local and goreign)
* Support for PM in co-operation with advertising agencies and other institutions (eg. doctors’ association, patients’ association and others
* Administration of promotional material system (PMAW)
* Writing articles about nutrition published in pharmacy newsletters for Consumer HealthCare Department within the framework of cooperation with other departments within the cross-functional team cooperation
Pfizer Polska
Medical Information specialist- replacement
* Responding to EMEA medical queries. Working within multilingual, international team.
Above country reporting;
* Handling escalated MI inquiries from the European countries;
* Creating and maintaining MI documents by ensuring that responses are medically and scientifically accurate. Ensuring the alignment of response documents to global/region/local labeling and licensing for all the countries we support
Marketing & Sales Assistant
ConvaTec/ Bristol-Myers Squibb Polska
*Creating: questionnaires (regarding to products and specialist periodical), mailings, models;
* Coordination of event projects (organizing of local and foreign congresses , workshops for clients (nurses) and patients ( providing of logistic , preparing agendas, invitations in term of essential and graphic
* Coordination of projects:
a) ConTact- magazine for ostomy patients (graphic and essential editing of articles, graphic work on the cover, PL-ENG-PL translations, coordination of editorial work with England Publishing House,
b)Nutritional guide for ostomy patients (graphic and essential editing of guide content, writing few nutrition articles,
c)New products neutralizing odors(support the negotiation talks with the client in the project, the cooperation of the agreement, assistance with the introduction of products to the portfolio, graphic works and translation of product labels, the preparation of products leaflets, mailings about products
Administration specialist/ Project Manager Support
Synthos SA Chemical Innovations
* Press and websites monitoring (eg. : in the context of energy project (daily)
* Eneregtic reports creating (daily, weekly and monthly)
* Coordination of the work associated with running a 2-person business facility of Synthos SA
Public Relations Director’s Assistant
AM Art-Media Agencja PR
* Daily monitoring press and portals
* Collaboration with PR specialists in creating reports for clients,
* Co-writing press releases,
* Creating databases of journalists and regular contact with the press / clients, organization of press conferences
Instytut Żywności i Żywienia
Deputy Director’s for Scientific Research Assistant / Technologist
* Administrative and office work
* Writing and co-writing articles i the field of nutrition
* Collaboration with the Laboratory of dietary supplements in the issuance of opinion and scientific expertise in the field of health conditions of food and nutrition

Szkolenia i kursy

- Żywienie w sporcie- /Centrum Olimpijskie 2013/
- Nutrigenomika w zywieniu-2013
- Dyplomacja- w ujęciu międzynarodowymm społecznym i w praktyce- Collegium Civitas 2014


Nutritional and Dietetic Counseling, studia podyplomowe
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Human nutrition, magisterskie
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, inżynierskie
Agricultural University in Wroclaw


Badania i rozwój
Zarządzanie badaniami i rozwojem
Zarządzanie marketingiem


Dietetic, medicine, FMCG, media, marketing, dancing: salsa & bachata, sport: self-defence, ballet, running, volleyball, snowboard, fashion, make-up, pets: Akita Inu dogs and Maine Coon cats


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