Zarządzanie Marką
Event Management
Komunikacja Marketingowa
zarządzanie marketingiem
Strategia marketingowa
Relationship Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Event Director
Responsible for:
- planning and budget management of external and internal events,
- establishing sales plans of external events,
- planning and comprehensive supervision of the conducted projects,
- recruitment and management of underlying team coordinators,
- initiating efficiency measures,
- implement a strategy for the development of subordinate events department,
- business negotiations, preparation of contracts with subcontractors and supervising their proper implementation,
- preparation and management of the communication plan with potential customers,
- participation in the acquisition of new projects and the development of cooperation with current clients,
- market monitoring,
- reporting about attracting the results to CEO
- planning and budget management of external and internal events,
- establishing sales plans of external events,
- planning and comprehensive supervision of the conducted projects,
- recruitment and management of underlying team coordinators,
- initiating efficiency measures,
- implement a strategy for the development of subordinate events department,
- business negotiations, preparation of contracts with subcontractors and supervising their proper implementation,
- preparation and management of the communication plan with potential customers,
- participation in the acquisition of new projects and the development of cooperation with current clients,
- market monitoring,
- reporting about attracting the results to CEO
Kampanie marketingowe/Eventy
Organizacja i obsługa imprez
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
Niepubliczna szkoła wyższa o statusie akademii założona w 1993 r. Najbardziej akredytowana
i najwyżej notowana w międzynarodowym rankingu Financial Times szkoła biznesu w Europie
Uniwersytet Gdański
Studia na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim to konkurencyjność na rynku pracy. Pożądane wśród pracodawców kierunki studiów, praktyczne umiejętności dzięki nowoczesnym pracowniom oraz stażom.
Event Managers Club
Grupa zrzeszająca Event Managerów czyli osoby zajmujące się organizacją eventów tj. imprez integracyjnych i motywacyjnych dla pracowników i klientów firmy, imprez promocyj